R 385
Adjustments Appropriation Act, 2019 (Act No. 29 of 2019)2. Adjustments to appropriations of money for requirement of State |
(1) | Adjustments to appropriations by Parliament of money from the National Revenue Fund for the requirements of the State in the 2019/20 financial year to votes and the main divisions within a vote, and amendments to the purposes that are specified, are set out in Schedules 1 and 2. |
(2) | The spending of appropriations envisaged in subsection (1) is subject to this Act, the Public Finance Management Act and the Division of Revenue Act, 2019 (Act No. 16 of 2019). |
(3) |
(a) | For a national department within a vote each segment of its transfer and subsidy in Schedule 1 to this Act is set out in Schedule 2. |
(b) | Each segment set out in Schedule 2 and referred to in paragraph (a) is regarded as a main division of a vote for the purposes of this Act and the Public Finance Management Act. |
(4) | An amount in Schedule 2 must be spent according to the purpose specified in that Schedule. |
(5) | If a national department referred to in subsection (3)— |
(a) | overspends the total amount of the transfer and subsidy it receives or the total amount for a segment regarded as a main division; or |
(b) | spends an amount not in accordance with its purpose, it constitutes unauthorised expenditure in terms of the Public Finance Management Act. |
(6) | The head of the department that receives the transfer and subsidy is accountable for any unauthorised expenditure referred to in subsection (5). |