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Adult Education and Training Act, 2000 (Act No. 52 of 2000)NoticesNational Policy on the conduct of Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) Level 4 ExaminationsAnnexure H : Minimum requirements for a computer system |
1. | Browse Information on File : Enable the user to browse through information available on all data files, e.g. look through candidates registered at a specific centre to find a candidate's ID numbers. |
2. | Entries: Candidate entries are registered per examination by means of electronic/magnetic media or directly within the on-line environment. Full candidate validation takes place according to the rules and regulations set out by National Education. |
3. | Mark Sheets: Generation of mark sheets, capturing and controlling of mark sheets. The mark sheets are also printed with bar codes for controlling the flow of mark sheets at strategic points. |
4. | Examination Results: All results are processed programmatically in accordance with the rules and regulations set out by the national Department of Education. |
5. | Mark Adjustment: Also known as "ogiving", compares the subject written marks to a five-year norm and recommends adjustment to give candidates a fair pass rate. |
6. | Learning Area information: All subject and paper information is carried forward from the previous examination and, where required, changes are made. Learning area information has a direct influence on validation of candidate entries, candidate promotion, examination packing procedures, timetable, admission letters, etc. |
7. | Irregularities: Irregular candidates are suspended individually or per examination centre. Thus subsystem controls the correspondence and investigations into these irregularities. |
8. | Region, Area, Circuit or Examination Centres: All examination are registered and allocated to a circuit, area and region as, well as their respective provinces. |
9. | Candidates and Document History: Candidates who enter on an ongoing bask and apply for certification, are processed along with their historical information for possible certification. |
10. | Document issuing and issues: Control and enquiries concerning all documents issued by the department via the computer system since 1907 |
11. | Preliminary number of candidate entries: Is an optional system that can be used by management to gauge the number of candidate entries per centre so that up front planning, budgeting and stationery requirements can be made. |
12. | Recovery of Funds: Control of funds received from examination centres for examination fees paid. |
13. | Re-marking and Checking: When a candidate applies for re-marking or re-checking his certificate is suspended and re-marking or re-checking takes place. |
14. | Supplementary Examinations: Automatic registration of learners that qualify for supplementary examinations. |
15. | Stationery and Examination Aids: Controlling of codes and descriptions used by candidates during examinations. |
16. | Question Paper Stock Maintenance: Used to monitor the reproduction of examination papers and to highlight shortages. |
17. | Packing of stationery/question papers: Reports are generated to assist with the packing and distribution of question papers and examination stationery supplied by the department. |
18. | Statistics: All statistics pertaining to pass and fail rates, entry irregularities, etc. can be extracted per province, region or at a national level, and made available for press releases, subject advisors, planners and management. |
19. | Timetable: Dates, times and duration of each question paper are maintained for candidate admission letters, payment of examiners, etc. |
20. | System Parameter and System Index Maintenance Indexes: Standard names used etc. are maintained by the systems administrator. |
21. | Word Processor: Editing of letters for irregularities, examination results, candidate entries, etc. |
22. | Examination Marking; Claims: Control and payment of examiners for bulk marking sessions by means of cheque or direct payment. |
23. | Hand Claims: Indirect payment of examiners' claims and expenses incurred by means of cheque or direct payment. |
24. | SANMED Functions: Updating of sectors and magisterial codes per examination centre for statistical purposes for the national Department of Education. |
25. | Invigilators' Claims: Payment of invigilators' claims and expenses incurred by means of cheque or direct payment. |
26. | Question Papers (setting; of papers): Control of the setting of examination papers and correspondence between the department, examiners and moderators. |
27. | Examination Officials: Appointment and control of all examination officials' personal information |
28. | Job Control and General Functions: Control of batch processes, bulk printing, task scheduling, etc. |