Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Adult Education and Training Act, 2000 (Act No. 52 of 2000)RegulationsRegulations on the Assessment Process and Procedures for Adult Education and Training (AET) National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Level 1Chapter 33.4 Recording and Reporting of Assessment |
(1) | All assessment by the educator must be done as per learning area and be recorded. Recording of assessment should provide evidence of a learner's conceptual progression within a particular AET level and the state of readiness to progress to the next level. Such a record must be presented in a form of a report card issued by the centre manager as contained in Annexure B. |
(2) | The evidence of the recording of the marks should be contained in the portfolios of the educator. Working mark sheets as contained in Annexure C or computerized mark sheets should be made available for both provincial and national verification and moderation, as well as external verification and moderation, where applicable. |
(3) | Individual learner assessment records must be kept for each learning area. This would also constitute part of the learner records that should be kept by the centre manager. |
(4) | For AET sub-levels 1 and 2, recording of learner's progress must be kept on a standardized provincial education department or assessment body working mark sheet. The PEDs or assessment body must develop standard mark schedules (see annexure D) for centres to ensure that learner performance and records are adequately managed. Centres must provide report cards to learners at the end of the academic year. |
(5) | For AET sub-level 3, recording of learner's progress must be kept in a standardized provincial education department or assessment body working mark sheet. Mark sheets should make provision for the capturing of both internal and external assessment marks. The PEDs or assessment body must develop mark schedules for all registered centres to ensure that learner performance and records are adequately managed. Centres must provide report cards to learners at the end of the academic year. |
(6) | In AET level 4, recording of learner's progress must be kept in a standardized provincial education department or assessment body working mark sheet. Mark sheets should make provision for the capturing of both internal and external assessment marks. The PEDs or assessment body must develop mark schedules for all registered centres to ensure that learner performance and records are adequately managed. Assessment records must be kept for programmes provided by centres in AET level 4 (Fundamental, Core and Elective components). The results of the Site Based Assessment tasks must be clearly recorded as they contribute to the final promotion mark. |
(7) | Educator feedback to learners must be done as per the assessment plans to encourage their involvement and participation. Educators must provide feedback in the learner assessment portfolios. |
(8) | Report cards developed by PEDs or accredited assessment bodies must be structured in a code and percentage format with a brief description or comment on the learner's performance per learning area registered. An example report card format is provided as Annexure B. |
(9) | Centres must avail their AET sub-levels 1-3 annual assessment reports to the district office for quality assurance purposes. |
(10) | Seven levels of competence have been described for each learning area to be offered for NQF 1. The various achievement levels and their corresponding percentage bands are as shown in Table 1 below: |
7 |
Outstanding achievement |
80-100 |
6 |
Meritorious achievement |
70-79 |
5 |
Substantial achievement |
60-69 |
4 |
Adequate achievement |
50-59 |
3 |
Moderate achievement |
40-49 |
2 |
Elementary achievement |
30-39 |
1 |
Not achieved |
0-29 |
(11) | At NQF level 1, an exit level certificate will be issued by Umalusi for successful candidates. Candidates who have not yet qualified for the full qualification will receive an official learning area statement of results from the provincial department and learning area certificate from Umalusi. Such a statement is required for the recognition of results for subsequent combination. |