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Adult Education and Training Act, 2000 (Act No. 52 of 2000)Preamble |
WHEREAS IT IS DESIRABLE TO ESTABLISH a national co-ordinated adult basic education and training system which promotes co-operative governance and provides for programme-based adult basic education and training;
RESTRUCTURE AND TRANSFORM programmed and centres to respond better to the human resources, economic and development needs of the Republic;
REDRESS past discrimination and ensure representivity and equal access;
ENSURE access to adult basic education and training and the workplace by persons who have been marginalised in the past, such as women, the disabled and the disadvantaged;
PROVIDE optimal opportunities for adult learning and literacy, the creation of knowledge and development of skills in keeping with international standards of academic and technical quality;
PROMOTE the values which underline an open and democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom;
ADVANCE strategic priorities determined by national policy objectives at all levels of governance and management within the adult basic education and training sector;
RESPECT and encourage democracy and foster a culture which promotes fundamental human rights and creates an appropriate environment for adult teaching and learning;
PURSUE excellence and to promote the full realisation of the potential of every learner and member of staff, tolerance of ideas and appreciation of diversity;
RESPOND to the needs of the Republic and the labour market and of the communities served by the centres;
COMPLEMENT the Skills Development Strategy in co-operation with the Department of Labour.
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, as follows:—