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Agricultural Pests Act, 1983 (Act No. 36 of 1983)


Control Measures relating to the Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer


Appendix 1: Procedures to be followed when a new pest/regulated pest of plants has been detected in South Africa


(1) Any user of land and/or landowner including any community members, municipal authorities, traditional authorities, farmers, universities and other affected role players in the Republic of South Africa must immediately notify the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Land Reform (DALRRD) of any suspected occurrence or detection of a new pest/regulated pest/s in their area.


(2) If the detected pest is not a regulated pest, the land/owner shall be notified.


(3) If the detected pest is a quarantine pest, the area concerned shall be declared a quarantine area by the executive officer of the said Act.


(4) The land user/owner of the affected land shall be served with an official order in terms of Section 7 of the Agricultural Pests Act, 1983 (Act No. 36 of 1983).


(5) The land user/owner of the affected land shall be advised accordingly about the phytosanitary control measures or conditions to be complied with in terms of Section 6 of the said Act.


(6) The predicted measures may include specific management practices to control the pest and prohibition or restrictions of movement of hose plants or plant products in and out of the area concerned as per the official order served.


Contact details


To report occurrence or suspected occurrence of the pest please contact:


[email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]


Tel: 012 319 6164/6104/6525


For inspection and removal permit contact:


Directorate: Inspection Services


Tel: 012 319 8735/8795/8763/8773


Email: [email protected]



[Control Measure (Appendix 1) inserted by section 11 of Notice No. R.5908, GG52185, dated 28 February 2025]