R 385
Agricultural Pests Act, 1983 (Act No. 36 of 1983)RegulationsControl Measures relating to Honey-Bees1. Definitions |
In these Regulations any word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act shall have that meaning has been assigned in the Act shall have that meaning and, unless the context otherwise indicates—
means a site where a colony or colonies are kept in a beehive or beehives by a beekeeper;
"area official"
means an official designated by the executive officer for an area mentioned in Annexure B;
means a man-made structure built for the purpose of housing a colony of honey-bees utilising movable frames;
means a natural person who keeps, owns or is in charge of honeybees in beehives for commercial or recreational purposes, and includes a person who removes, eradicates or relocates colonies;
means the keeping of honey-bees in a managed beehive for the production and harvesting of any bee products, for queen rearing purposes or for commercial pollination services, or the removal, eradication or relocation of honey-bee colonies.
[Definition inserted by Section 2 of Notice No. R.1511, GG 42850, dated 22 November 2019]
"Capensis-infected colony"
means a colony of African bees that has Cape bees present, characterised by queen loss and the reproduction of female offspring by the worker bees;
means a honey-bee community, with or without combs with brood and honey stores which may be housed in a beehive or in a natural state;
means a bee of the species Apis mellifera with two southern African subspecies, Apis mellifera scutellata (African honey-bee) and Apis mellifera caensis (Cape honey-bee);
means the line starting at the point where the northern boundary of the Magisterial District of Vredendal and the western coastline of the Atlantic Ocean intersect and which runs from there in a generally easterly direction along the northern boundaries of the Magisterial Districts of Vredendal, Van Rynsdorp, Calvinia, Williston, Fraserburg, Beaufort West, Murraysburg, Graaff-Reinet, Cradock, Tarkastad, Sterkstroom, Glen Gray, Indwe, the northern boundary of Barkley East and south-easterly along the boundaries of the Magisterial Districts of Elliot, Engcobo, Idutywa and Willowvale where it meets with the coastline of the Indian Ocean;
"management measures"
means the management measures which are technically justified to reduce the infection level of any disease, whether notifiable or otherwise, in such a way that clinical symptoms are no longer physically observed or detected as a result of a verifiable laboratory test;
"notifiable disease"
means those diseases or pathogens as designated in Annexure A;
"the Act"
means the Agricultural Pests Act, 1983 (Act No. 36 of 1983).