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Agricultural Produce Agents Act, 1992 (Act No. 12 of 1992)17. Security by agents |
(1) | Every fresh produce agent who is responsible to open and keep a trust account in terms of section 19(1), shall before a fidelity fund certificate is issued to him or her furnish the council with security in such amount and in such form as is acceptable to the council, for use by the council to meet any claim arising in terms of section 12(5) or to defray the costs or part of the costs of an inspection and investigation held in terms of section 24 where such fresh produce agent has been disciplined in terms of section 26(1). |
(2) | The security referred to in subsection (1) shall be returned to the fresh produce agent within six months after the lapse of the fidelity fund certificate of that fresh produce agent, unless an inspection and investigation under section 24 of an act or omission or alleged act or omission of the fresh produce agent is being held before such expiration, and may until it has been so returned from time to time be altered, increased or decreased by the council. |
[Section 17 substituted by section 16 of Act No. 47 of 2003]