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Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)NoticesProhibition regarding the Removal of Imported Regulated Agricultural Products intended for Sale in the Republic of South Africa from the Specified Ports of Entry of any Other Place as Determined by the Executive Officer1. Definitions |
In this Annex any word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act, shall have that meaning, and—
means a person, undertaking body, institution, association or board designated as such under section 2(3) of the Act;
means products regulated in terms of sections 15 and 3(1) of the Act;
means a quantity of regulated agricultural products of the same grade, class, kind, cultivar, type or type group, size group or colour group belonging to the same owner and which is delivered at any one time under cover of the same consignment note, delivery note or receipt note, or is delivered by the same conveyance, or if such a quantity is subdivided into different batches, production groups or lots, packing sizes, portions or cuts, grades, classes, kinds, cultivars, types or type groups, sizes or size groups, colour groups, counts or count groups each quantity of each of the different batches, grades, production groups or lots, packing sizes, portions or cuts, grades, classes, kinds, cultivars, types or type groups, sizes or size groups, colour groups, counts or count groups;
"executive officer"
means the officer designated under section 2(1) of the Act;
"extended detention"
means a consignment is moved for inspection to an identified establishment or location within the border of law enforcement area or any other identified final inland destination where the imported consignment is destined;
means the Executive Officer or an officer under his control, or an assignee or an employee of an assignee; and
"the Act"
means the Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990).