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Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)
Notice No. 1621 of 1990
1. Definitions
2. Designation of executive officer and assignees
3. Control over sale of products
3A. Inspection, grading and sampling for quality control
4. Control over export of products
4A. Control over sale of imported products
5. Distinctive marks
6. Prohibition of false or misleading descriptions for products
6A. Prohibition and exemption on use of names
7. Powers of entry, investigation and sampling
8. Seizures
9. Secrecy
10. Appeals
11. Offences and penalties
12. Presumptions and evidence
13. Forfeiture
14. Vicarious liability
15. Regulations
16. Discretionary powers
17. Delegation of powers
18. Defects in form
19. Limitation of liability
20. Repeal and amendment of laws
21. Short title and commencement
Schedule : Laws Repealed or Amended
Control over the Sale of Poultry Meat
Notice No. R. 946 of 1992
1. Definitions
2. Restrictions on the sale of poultry meat
3. Classes and grades of poultry meat
4. Standards for carcasses
5. Standards for portions
6. Requirements for containers
7. Packing requirements
8. Marking of containers
9. Indication of class designation
10. Indication of grade designation
11. Indication of packer
12. Indication of production lot
13. Restriction on use of certain particulars
14. Method and procedures regarding absorbed moisture and carcasses and portions treated with a formulated solution
15. Offences and penalties
Table 1 : Classes and Grades for Poultry Meat [Reg. 3(1)]
Table 2 : Quality Standards for Poultry Carcasses [Reg. 4]
Table 3 : Letter Sizes of Indications [Reg. 8(2)(d)]
Grading, Packing and Marking of Fresh Vegetables intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 364 of 2013
1. Definitions
2. Restrictions on the sale of fresh vegetables
Part I : General Regulations
Quality Standards
3. Classes for fresh vegetables
4. Standards for classes
Containers, Packing and Marking Requirements
5. Requirements for containers
6. Packing requirements
7. Packing material
8. Stacking of containers on pallets
9. Strapping of pallet loads
10. Marking requirements
11. Prohibited particulars
Sampling Procedures
12. Obtaining a sample from the consignment
13. Obtaining an inspection sample
14. Deviating sample
Methods of Inspection
15. Assessment of containers, packaging and presentation
16. Verification of markings
17. Determination of deviations
18. Offences and Penalties
19. Other Legislation
20. Repeal of Regulations
Part II : Specific Regulations for the Different Fresh Vegetables
1. Artichokes
2. Asparagus
3. Aubergines (Eggplant)
4. Beetroot
5. Broccoli
6. Brussels Sprouts
7. Butternuts
8. Cabbages
9. Capsicums (Peppers)
10. Carrots
11. Cauliflower
12. Celery
13. Chillies
14. Chinese Cabbage
15. Courgettes (Baby Marrows)
16. Cucumbers
17. Endives
18. Fennel
19. Gem Squashes
20. Ginger
21. Green Beans
22. Green Onions
23. Green Peas
24. Horse-Radish
25. Leeks
26. Lettuce
27. Mushrooms
28. Okra
29. Parsley
30. Parsnips
31. Pumpkins
32. Radishes
33. Rhubarb
34. Scorzonera
35. Spinach
36. Sweet Corn
37. Sweet Potatoes
38. Turnips
39. Witloof Chicory
40. Unspecified Vegetables
Classification and Marking of Meat intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 55 of 2015
1. Definitions
2. Restriction on the sale of meat
3. Abattoir-identification code and classification equipment
Classification of Calf, Bovine, Sheep and Goat Carcasses
4. Classes of calf, bovine, sheep and goat carcasses
5. Standards for classes
6. Determination of age classification
7. Determination of fatness classification
8. Determination of conformation classification
9. Determination of damage classification
Classification of Pig Carcasses
10. Classes of pig carcasses
11. Standards for classes
12. Determination of percentage meat
13. Determination of conformation classification
14. Determination of damage classification
Marking of Carcasses
15. Stamp marks
16. Ink marks
17. Roller-marking of carcasses
18. Roller-marking of bovine, sheep and goat carcasses
19. Roller-marking of calf carcasses
20. Roller-marking of pig carcasses
Marking of Meat
21. Imported and treated meat
22. Use of expressions "lamb" and "kid"
23. Restricted particulars
24. Offences and Penalties
Table 1 : Fatness Classification of Bovine, Sheep and ...
Table 2 : Conformation Classification of Bovine, Calf, ...
Table 3 : Classes for Pork Carcasses
Table 4 : Stamp Marks
Table 5 : Classification Deviations Allowed
Table 6 : Requirements for Service Providers
[Repealed] Control of the Export of Animal Products
Notice No. R. 422 of 2015
1. Definitions
2. Prohibition on the export of animal products
3. Application for approval for export
4. Presentation for inspection
5. Consignment note
6. Procedure at inspection
7. Assessments of the competence of testing laboratories involved in the export of animal products
8. Fees for inspection and analysis
9. Appeal
10. Offences and penalties
Grading, Packing and Marking of Soft Wheat intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. 44 of 2016
1. Definitions
2. Restrictions on sale of wheat
Part I : Quality Standards
3. Classes of wheat
4. Standards for classes
5. Grades of wheat
6. Standards for grades of wheat
Part II : Packing and Marking Requirements
7. Packing requirements
8. Marking requirements
Part III : Sampling
9. Taking of sample
10. Sampling if contents differ
11. Working sample
Part IV : Determination of Other Substances
12. Determination of undesirable odours and harmful substances
Part V : Determination of Class, Hectolitre Mass and Moisture Content
13. Determination of class
14. Determination of the hectolitre mass
15. Determination of moisture content
Part VI : Determination of Percentage Deviations
16. Determination of percentage screenings
17. Determination of the percentage heavily frost-damaged wheat
18. Determination of the percentages other grain and unthreshed ears
19. Determination of the percentage foreign matter
20. Determination of the percentage damaged wheat
21. Determination of the percentage heat-damaged wheat
22. Determination of percentage field fungi infected wheat
23. Determination of percentage storage fungi infested wheat
Part VII
24. Offence and penalties
Table 1 : Standards for Grades of Soft Wheat
Grading, Packing and Marking of Bread Wheat intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 64 of 2016
1. Definitions
2. Restrictions on sale of wheat
Part I : Quality Standards
3. Classes of wheat
4. Standards for classes
5. Grades of wheat
6. Standards for grades of wheat
Part II : Packing and Marking Requirements
7. Packing requirements
8. Marking requirements
Part III : Sampling
9. Taking of sample
10. Sampling if contents differ
11. Working sample
Part IV : Determination of Other Substances
12. Determination of undesirable odours and harmful substances
Part V : Determination of Class, Hectolitre Mass, Moisture Content, Protein Content and Falling Number
13. Determination of class
14. Determination of the hectolitre mass
15. Determination of moisture content
16. Determination protein content
17. Determination of falling number in wheat
Part VI : Determination of Percentage Deviation
18. Determination of percentage screenings
19. Determination of the percentage heavily frost-damaged wheat
20. Determination of the percentages other grain and unthreshed ears
21. Determination of the percentage foreign matter
22. Determination of the percentage damaged wheat
23. Determination of the percentage heat-damaged wheat
24. Determination of percentage field fungi infected wheat
25. Determination of percentage storage fungi infected wheat
Part VII
26. Offence and penalties
Table 1 : Standards for Grades of Bread Wheat
[Repealed] Grading, Packing, and Marking of Table Olives intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 589 of 2016
1. Definitions
2. Scope of regulations
3. Restrictions on the sale of table olives
4. General standards for table olives
5. Grades of table olives
6. Quality standards for grades of table olives
7. Types of olives
8. Trade preparations
9. Styles of table olives
10. Packing media (packing brines)
11. Minimum fill of containers
12. Packing requirements
13. Requirements for containers and outer containers
14. Marking of containers and outer containers
15. Restricted particulars on containers and outer containers
16. Identification of production batch (lot)
17. Sampling
18. Working sample size
19. Permissible deviations
20. Methods of analysis
21. Offences and penalties
Sampling Plan 1 [Regulation 17]
Sampling Plan 2 [Regulation 17]
Grading, Packing and Marking of Wheat Products intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 405 of 2017
1. Definitions
2. Restrictions on sale of wheat products
Quality Standards
3. Class for wheat products
4. Standards for white wheat flours, brown wheat flours, whole-wheat flours and composite cereal flours
5. Standards for wheat semolina
6. Standards for wheat non-flour products
7. Standards for stabilised wheat products
8. Standards for wheat bread
Packing and Marking Requirements
9. Requirements for containers
10. Marking requirements for white wheat flour and brown wheat flour
11. Marking requirements for wheat bran
12. Marking requirements for wheat bread
13. Prohibited particulars
14. Obtaining a sample
15. Obtaining of a working sample
Methods of Analysis for Wheat Products
16. General
17. Determination of the dry solids content of bread
18. Determination of the bran content of brown wheat flour
19. Determination of the Ash content
20. Determination of the moisture content
22. Tolerances for the moisture, bran and ash
Offences and Penalties
24. Other Legislations
Table 1 : Minimum Dry Solids Mass for Wheat Bread
Grading, Packing and Marking of Pineapples intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. 538 of 2017
1. Definitions
Part I
2. Restrictions over the sale of pineapples
Quality Standards
3. Classes of pineapples
4. Standards of classes
Part II
Packing Requirements
5. Containers
6. Packing requirements
7. Packing material
8. Stacking of containers on pallets
9. Strapping of pallet loads
Marking Requirements
11. Prohibition of false or misleading description of products
12. Display
Part III
Sampling Procedures
13. Obtaining a sample of the consignment
14. Obtaining an inspection sample
15. Deviating sample
Methods of Inspection
16. Determination of internal deviations
17. Determination of brix
18. Offence and penalties
Table 1 : Permissible Cultivars
Table 2 : Quality Standards
Table 3 : Maximum Permissible Deviations by Number
Grading, Packing and Marking of Bananas intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. 635 of 2017
1. Definitions
Part I
2. Restrictions on the sale of bananas
3. Classes of bananas
4. Standards for classes
Part II : Packing Requirements
5. Requirements for containers
6. Packing requirements
7. Packing material
8. Stacking of containers on pallets
9. Strapping of pallet loads
11. Prohibition of false or misleading description of products
Part III
Sampling Procedures
12. Obtaining a sample from the consignment
13. Obtaining an inspection sample
14. Deviating sample
Methods of Inspection
15. Determination of length
Table 1 : Permissible Cultivars
Table 2 : Quality Standards
Table 3 : Maximum Permissible Deviations
Grading, Packing and Marking of Fresh Fruits intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 631 of 2018
Part I : General Requirements
1. Definitions
2. Restrictions over the sale of fresh fruit
Quality Standards
3. Classes of fresh fruits
4. Standards for classes of fresh fruits
Packing Requirements
5. Requirements for containers
6. Packing requirements
7. Packing material
8. Stacking of containers on pallets
9. Strapping of pallet loads
10. Provisions concerning presentation
Marking Requirements
12. Prohibition of false or misleading description for products
13. Display
Sampling Procedures
14. Obtaining a sample of the consignment
15. Obtaining an inspection sample
16. Deviating sample
Offence and Penalties
Table 1 : General Quality Standards
Table 2 : Maximum Permissible Deviations by Number
Part II : Specific Regulations for Fresh Fruit
(a) Cactus Pear
Method of Inspection
18. Determination of ripeness
(b) Figs
Methods of Inspection
19. Determination of internal breakdown and other internal quality defects
(c) Granadillas
Methods of Inspection
20. Determination of ripeness
(d) Kiwi Fruits
Methods of Inspection
21. Determination of internal breakdown and other internal quality defects
22. Determination of ripeness
(e) Mangoes
23. Testing for maturity
(f) Persimmons
Methods of Inspection
24. Determination of internal breakdown and other internal quality defects
25. Determination of ripeness
(g) Pomegranates
Methods of Inspection
26. Determination of internal breakdown and other internal quality defects
27. Determination of ripeness
(h) Watermelons and Melons
28. Determination of ripeness
Grading, Packing and Marking of Potatoes intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 273 of 2019
1. Definitions
2. Scope of regulations
3. Restrictions on the sale of potatoes
Part I : Quality Standards
4. Classes for potatoes
5. Standards for classes
Part II : Requirements for Containers
6. Requirements for containers
Part III : Packing and Marking Requirements
7. Packing requirements
8. Marking requirements
Part IV : Sampling Procedures
9. Sampling procedures
10. Offence and penalties
Annexure A
Table 1 : Quality specifications
Table 2 : Size groups
Table 3 : Maximum permissible deviations
Annexure B : Cuts
[Repealed] Protection of Geographical Indications used on Agricultural Products intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 447 of 2019
1. Definitions
2. Scope of regulations
3. Prohibition on the use of registered geographical indications
4. Application for registration as a South African geographical indication
5. Application for registration as a foreign geographical indication
6. Registration of foreign geographical indications that form part of international agreements
7. Date of application for registration and priority
8. Processing of applications received and verification of information
9. Notice of registration and invitation for objections
10. Objection to the registration
11. Rejection of application for registration
12. Registration
13. Keeping of a Register
14. Application to amend the product specification
15. Cancellation of registration
16. Use of GI symbols, designations and acronyms
17. Labelling of foodstuffs using registered geographical indications as ingredients
18. Agricultural products which fail to meet the product specification
19. Auditing of groups and trade control of registered geographical indications
20. Updating of related regulations under the Act
21. Offences and penalties
Grading, Packing and Marking of Pulses intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 632 of 2019
1. Definitions
2. Scope of Regulations
3. Restrictions on the sale of pulses
Part I : Quality Standards
4. Type groups for pulses
5. Standards for classes of pulses
6. Grades standards for pulses
Part II : Packing and Marking Requirements
7. Requirements for containers
8. Packing requirements
9. Marking of containers in which pulses in retail quantities are packed
10. Marking of containers in which pulses are packed in bulk quantities
11. Indications of packer
12. Restricted particulars
Part III : Sampling
13. General
14. Sampling by hand
15. Sampling by means of a bag probe
16. Sampling if contents differ
17. Obtaining of a working sample
Part IV : Inspection Methods and Determination of Deviations
18. Determination of undesirable odours and harmful substances, poisonous seeds, mites and insect contents
19. Determination of foreign matter content, other classes, stones and sand content
20. Determination of defective pulses
21. Determination of the percentage damaged pulses
22. Determination of the amount of sprouted pulses
23. Determination of bleached peas
Part V : Moisture Content
24. Determination of moisture content
Part VI
25. Offences and penalties
Annexure A
Table 1 : Maximum percentage (%) permissible deviations for lentils
Table 2 : Maximum percentage (%) permissible deviations for peas
Table 3 : Maximum percentage (%) permissible deviations for chickpeas
Table 4 : Maximum percentage (%) permissible deviations for mung beans and black gram
Regulations regarding Departmental Fees
Notice No. R. 1259 of 2019
1. Definitions
2. Analysis, inspections and audits (local and import)
3. Analysis (export)
4. Colour charts (local, import and export)
5. Appeals (local, import and export)
6. Payment of prescribed fees
Table 1 : Analysis, Inspection and Audit Fees (Local and Import) [Reg. 2]
Table 2 : Analysis Fees (Export) [Reg. 3]
Table 3 : Fees for Colour Charts (Local, Import and Export) [Reg. 4]
Table 4 : Local and Import Appeal Fees [Reg. 5]
Table 5 : Export Appeal Fees [Reg. 5]
Regulations regarding Appeal Procedures
Notice No. R. 1260 of 2019
1. Definitions
2. Lodging of an appeal
3. Payment of appeal fees
4. Appointment of an appeal board
5. Proceedings on appeals
Annexure A : Notice of Appeal in terms of Section 10
Annexure B : Example of a Declaration to be Completed in Case of Appeals
Annexure C : Final Decision of the Appeal Board regarding the Appeal Lodged By
Classification, Packing and Marking of Dairy Products and Imitation Dairy Products intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 1510 of 2019
1. Definitions
2. Restrictions on sale of dairy products and imitation dairy products
Part I : Dairy Products
3. Classes of dairy products
4. General standards for dairy products
5. Standards for milk, flavoured milk and milkshake
6. Standards for cultured milk
7. Standards for buttermilk and cultured buttermilk
8. Standards for sweetened condensed milk
9. Standards for evaporated milk
10. Standards for yoghurt, strained yoghurt and drinking yoghurt
11. Standards for yoghurt, strained yoghurt and drinking yoghurt with added foodstuff and/or fruit
12. Standards for cream, cultured cream and acidified cream
13. Standards for cheese with or without added foodstuff
14. Standards for process cheese and cheese spread with or without foodstuff
15. Standards for cream cheese with or without foodstuff
16. Standards for cottage cheese with or without added foodstuff
17. Standards for butter and cultured butter with or without added foodstuff
18. Standards for modified butter and cultured modified butter with or without added foodstuff
19. Standards for dairy powder and dairy powder blend
20. Standards for milk fat products
21. Standards for dairy liquid blend and cultured dairy liquid blend
22. Standards for dairy desserts with or without added foodstuff and/or fruit
Part II : Imitation Dairy Products
23. Classes of imitation dairy products
24. Standards for imitation dairy products
Part III : Requirements for Containers and Outer Containers
25. Requirements for containers and outer containers
Part IV : Marking Requirements
26. Marking of containers and outer containers
27. Indication of the class designation
28. Additions to the class designation
29. Additional particulars on the main panel
30. Indicating the date marking or batch code or batch number
31. Additional particulars on containers
32. Restricted particulars on containers and outer containers
33. Sampling and inspection
34. Methods of analysis
35. Offences and penalties
Table 1 : Classes of and standards for milk
Table 2 : Additional standards for milk
Table 3 : Classes of and standards for cultured milk
Table 4 : Classes of and standards for buttermilk and cultured buttermilk
Table 5 : Classes of and standards for sweetened condensed milk
Table 6 : Classes of and standards for evaporated milk
Table 7 : Classes of and standards for yoghurt, strained yoghurt and drinking yoghurt
Table 8 : Classes of and standards for yoghurt, strained yoghurt and drinking yoghurt with added foodstuff and/or fruit
Table 9 : Classes of and standards for cream, cultured cream and acidified cream
Table 10 : Classes of and standards for unspecified cheese with or without added foodstuff
Table 11 : Classes of and standards for certain named variety cheese with or without added foodstuff
Table 12 : Classes of and standards for imported GI cheese with or without added foodstuff protected under the EU SADC EPA
Table 13 : Classes of and standards for process cheese and cheese spread with or without added foodstuff
Table 14 : Classes of and standards for cream cheese with or without added foodstuff
Table 15 : Classes of and standards for cottage cheese with or without added foodstuff
Table 16 : Classes of and standards for butter and cultured butter with or without added foodstuff
Table 17 : Classes of and standards for modified butter and cultured modified butter with or without added foodstuff
Table 18 : Classes of and standards for dairy powder and dairy powder blend
Table 19 : Standards for milk fat products
Table 20 : Classes of and standards for dairy liquid blend and cultured dairy liquid blend
Table 21 : Classes of and standards for unspecified dairy dessert products with or without added foodstuff and/or fruit
Table 22 : Classes of and standards for imitation dairy products with or without added foodstuff and/or fruit
Table 23 : Methods of Analysis
Grading, Packing and Marking of Peaches and Nectarines intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 1512 of 2019
1. Definitions
2. Restrictions over the sale of peaches and nectarines
Quality Standards
3. Classes of peaches and nectarines
4. Standards for classes
Packing Requirements
5. Containers
6. Package requirements
7. Packing material
8. Stacking of containers on pallets
9. Strapping of pallet loads
Marking Requirements
10. Marking Requirements
11. Prohibition of false or misleading descriptions for products
Sampling Procedures
12. Obtaining a sample from the consignment
13. Obtaining an inspection sample
14. Deviating sample
Methods of Inspection
15. Determination of ripeness
16. Determination of the declared minimum and maximum size
17. Determination of broken stones and other internal quality defects, excluding split stones
18. Offence and penalties
Table 1 : Quality Standards
Table 2 : Maximum Permissible Deviations by Number
Table 3 : Maturity Indices (Class 1 and 2)
Table 3A
Table 3B
Grading, Packing and Marking of Rice Kernels intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 44 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Scope of the Regulations
3. Restriction on the sale of rice
Part I : Quality Standards
4. General requirements
5. Classes of rice
6. Grades of rice
7. Standard for grades of rice
Part II : Containers, Packing and Marking Requirements
8. Requirements for containers
9. Packing requirements
10. Marking requirements
11. Prohibited particulars
Part III : Methods of Inspection
12. General Sampling
13. Sampling by hand
14. Sampling by means of a bag probe
15. Working sample
Part IV : Determination of other substances and grain composition
16. Determination of undersirable odours and harmful substances
17. Determination of poisonous seeds and insects
18. Determination of foreign matter, stones and sand
19. Determination of the kernel length/width
20. Determination of head rice and whole kernel
21. Determination of large broken and small broken rice kernels
22. Determination of percentage heat damaged kernels, damaged kernels, immature, chalky kernels, red kernels, red-streaked kernels and waxy rice in all rice types
23. Determination of percentage of pecks in milled (white) parboiled rice
24. Determination of percentage of waxy rice in parboiled rice
Part V : Moisture Content
25. Determination of moisture content
26. Offence and Penalties
Maximum and Minimum Percentages (%) Permissible Deviations for Brown Rice
Maximum and Minimum Percentages (%) Permissible Deviations for White Rice
Grading, Packing and Marking of Eggs intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 345 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Restrictions on the sale of eggs
Part l : Sizing and Grading of Eggs
3. Sizing of eggs
4. Grades of eggs
5. Standards for grades
Part ll : Containers and Outer Containers
6. Requirements for containers and outer containers
7. Packing requirements
Part lll : Marking Requirements
8. Marking of containers and outer containers
9. Additional particulars on containers
10. Indication of the size and grade designations
11. Indication of the packer
12. Indications when eggs are presented for sale in loose quantities
13. Restricted particulars on containers and outer containers
Part IV : Sampling and Examination
14. Sampling
15. Methods of examination
16. Determination of Haugh Value
Part V : Validity Period for Production Method Requirements
17. Validity Period for Production Method Requirements
Part VI : Offences and Penalties
18. Offences and Penalties
Table 1 : Letter Sizes of Indications
Table 2 : Sizes and Standards for Sizes
Table 3 : Standards for Grades of Eggs
Table 4 : Extent to which certain defects may occur in eggs
Table 5 : Number of eggs in accordance with the maximum percentage permissible deviation
Regulations relating to Tea and related products intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 1153 of 2020
Part I : Definitions, Scope and Restrictions
1. Definitions
2. Scope of regulations
3. Restrictions on the sale of tea and related products
Part II : Categories of and Standards for Tea and Related Products
4. Categories of tea and related products
5. Standards for categories of tea and related products : Named tea and Unspecified tea
6. Instant tea (soluble tea extract)
7. Decaffeinated tea and Decaffeinated instant tea
8. Tea essence (liquid tea extract/concentrate)
Part III : Containers and Outer Containers
9. Requirements for containers and outer containers
Part IV : Marking Requirements
10. Marking of containers and outer containers
11. Indicating the product name
12. Additions to the product name
13. Additional particulars on the container
14. Indicating the name and address
15. Indicating the country of origin
16. Indicating the date marking or batch code or batch number
17. Restricted particulars on containers and outer containers
Part V : Sampling and Analysis
18. Sampling
19. Analysis
Part VI : Offences and Penalties
20. Offences and penalties
Regulations relating to Coffee, Chicory and related products intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 1154 of 2020
Part l : Definitions, Scope and Restrictions
1. Definitions
2. Scope of regulations
3. Restrictions on the sale of coffee, chicory and related products
Part II : Categories of and Standards for Coffee, Chicory and Related Products
4. Categories of coffee, chicory and related products
5. Standards for categories of coffee, chicory and related products : Roasted coffee beans
6. Ground coffee
7. Instant coffee (soluble coffee extract)
8. Decaffeinated coffee and Decaffeinated instant coffee
9. Coffee essence (liquid coffee extract/concentrate)
10. Mixed coffee (coffee mixture)
11. Chicory and chicory extracts
12. Coffee and chicory mixture
13. Coffee and chicory essence (liquid coffee and chicory extract/concentrate)
14. Instant coffee and chicory extract
15. Chicory and coffee mixture
16. Instant chicory and coffee extract
Part III : Containers and Outer Containers
17. Requirements for containers and outer containers
Part IV : Marking Requirements
18. Marking of containers and outer containers
19. Indicating the product name
20. Additions to the product name
21. Additional particulars on the main panel
22. Additional particulars on the container
23. Indicating the name and address
24. Indicating the country of origin
25. Indicating the date marking or batch code or batch number
26. Restricted particulars on containers and outer containers
Part V : Sampling and Analysis
27. Sampling
28. Analysis
29. Offences and penalties
Grading, Packing and Marking of Table Olives intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 956 of 2021
Part I : Definitions, Scope and Restrictions
1. Definitions
2. Scope of regulations
3. Restrictions on the sale of table olives
Part II : Grades of and Standards for Table Olives
4. Grades of table olives
5. General standards for table olives
6. Standards for grades of table olives
7. Types of table olives
8. Styles of table olives
9. Packing media
10. Minimum fill of containers
Part III : Packing and Containers
11. Packing requirements
12. Requirements for containers and outer containers
Part IV : Marking Requirements
13. Marking of containers and outer containers
14. Indicating the product name
15. Additions to the product name
16. Indicating the appropriate grade declaration
17. Indicating the name and address
18. Indicating the country of origin
19. Indicating the date marking or batch code or batch number
20. Restricted particulars on containers and outer containers
Part V : Sampling and Inspection
21. Sampling
22. Working sample size
23. Permissible deviations
24. Determination of drained mass
Part VI : Offences and Penalties
25. Offences and penalties
Annexure A : List of Imported GI Table Olives Protected under the EU SADC EPA
Regulations regarding the Classification, Packing and Marking of certain Raw Processed Meat Products intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 2410 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Scope of regulations
3. Restrictions on the sale of raw processed meat products
4. Classes of raw processed meat products
5. Specific compositional standards for the classes of raw processed meat products
6. Requirements for containers and outer containers
7. Marking of containers and outer containers
8. Indicating the appropriate product name
9. Additions to the appropriate product name
10. Batch identification
11. Country of origin
12. Raw Processed Meat Products Presented for Sale in a Display Fridge
13. Restricted particulars on containers and outer containers
14. Obtaining a Primary Sample
15. Methods of analysis
16. Offences and penalties
Annexure A : List of Imported GI Raw Processed Meat Products protected under the EU SADC EPA
Grading, Packing and Marking of Canned and Pickled Vegetables intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa : Commencement date 2 December 2023
Notice No. R. 2826 of 2022
Part I : Definitions, Scope and Restrictions
1. Definitions
2. Scope of regulations
3. Restrictions on the sale of canned and pickled vegetables
Part II : General Quality Standards for Canned and Pickled Vegetables
4. General
5. Grades of canned and pickled vegetables
6. All grades of canned vegetables and pickled vegetable
7. Quality standards for grades of canned and pickled vegetables
8. Styles of canned and pickled vegetables
Part III : Packing and Containers
9. Packing requirements
10. Requirements for containers and outer containers
Part IV : Marking Requirements
11. Marking of containers and outer containers
12. Indicating the name of the product
13. Additions to the product name
14. Indicating the name address
15. Indicating the country of origin
16. Indicating the factory, product and date codes
17. Restricted particulars on containers and outer containers
Part V : Sampling and Inspection
18. Sampling
19. Working sample size
20. Determination of microbiological spoilage
21. Determination of drained mass
22. Determination of total percentage soluble solids
Part VI : Offences and Penalties
23. Offences and penalties
Part VII : Specific Quality Standards for Canned Vegetables
24. Asparagus
1. Definitions
2. Styles and standards for styles
3. Colour types and standards for colour types
4. Size groups and standards for size groups
5. Types of pack
6. Quality standards
7. Permissible deviations
8. Additional marking requirements
25. Beans, Dried
1. Definitions
2. Types of pack
3. Quality standards
4. Permissible deviations
5. Additional marking requirements
26. Beans, Green
1. Definitions
2. Varietal groups and standards for varietal groups
3. Styles and standards for styles
4. Types of pack
5. Quality standards
6. Permissible deviations
27. Carrots
1. Styles and standards for styles
2. Types of pack
3. Quality standards
4. Permissible deviations
28. Carrots and Peas
1. Types of pack
2. Quality standards
3. Permissible deviations
4. Additional marking requirements
29. Cauliflower
1. Styles and standards for styles
2. Types of pack
3. Quality standards
4. Permissible deviations
30. Chakalaka
1. Type of pack
2. Quality standards
3. Permissible deviations
31. Corn, Baby (Young Corn)
1. Definitions
2. Styles and standards for styles
3. Size groups and standards for size groups
4. Types of pack
5. Quality standards
6. Permissible deviations
7. Canned cut baby corn
32. Courgettes (Baby Marrow)
1. Styles and standards for styles
2. Types of pack
3. Quality standards
4. Permissible deviations
33. Lentils, Dried
1. Definitions
2. Types of pack
3. Quality standards
4. Permissible deviations
34. Okra
1 - 2. Styles and standards for styles
3. Types of pack
4. Quality standards
5. Permissible deviations
35. Peas, Green
1. Definitions
2. Size groups and standards for size groups
3. Types of pack
4. Quality standards
5. Permissible deviations
6. Additional marking requirements
36. Peas, Dried or Processed
1. Definitions
2. Types of pack
3. Quality standards
4. Permissible deviations
5. Additional marking requirements
37. Potatoes, White
1. Definitions
2. Styles and standards for styles
3. Types of pack
4. Quality standards
5. Permissible deviations
38. Sweet Corn
1. Definitions
2. Styles and standards for styles
3. Types of pack
4. Quality standards
5. Permissible deviations
6. Additional marking requirements
39. Tomatoes (whole, diced, pieces, sliced and wedges)
1. Definitions
2. Varietal groups and standards for varietal groups
3. Styles and standards for styles
4. Types of pack
5. Packing media
6. Quality standards
7. Permissible deviations
8. Additional marking requirements
40. Tomatoes, Crushed and Sieved
1. Definitions
2. Types of pack
3. Quality standards
4. Permissible deviations
5. Additional marking requirements
41. Tomatoes, Crushed or Mashed
1. Definitions
2. Types of pack
3. Quality standards
4. Permissible deviations
5. Additional marking requirements
42. Tomatoes, Flavoured, Stewed or Seasoned
1. Definitions
2. Types of pack
3. Quality standards
4. Pemissible deviations
5. Additional marking requirements
43. Tomato Concentrate, Paste and Puree
1. Definitions
2. Quality Standards
3. Additional marking requirements
44. Vegetable Salad (Mixed Vegetables)
1. Types of pack
2. Quality standards
3. Additional marking requirements
45. Unspecified Canned Vegetables
1. Quality standards
2. Permissible deviations
46. Unspecified Canned Vegetable Concentrate, Paste and Puree
Part VIII : Specified Quality Standards for Pickled Vegetables
47. Beetroot
1. Definitions
2. Styles and standards for styles
3. Types of pack
4. Quality standards
5. Permissible deviations
6. Additional marking requirements
48. Cucumbers
1. Definitions
2. Styles and standards for styles
3. Types and sub-types of pack
4. Working sample size
5. Quality standards
6. Permissible deviations
7. Additional marking requirements
49. Sauerkraut
1. Definitions
2. Types of pack
3. Styles and standards for styles
4. Quality standards
5. Permissible deviations
50. Unspecified Pickled Vegetables
1. Definitions
2. Styles
3. Types of pack
4. Packing media
5. Quality standards
6. Pemissible deviations
Part IX : Commencement and Repeal
Protection of Geographical Indications and Designations of Origin used on Agricultural Products intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 3023 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Scope of regulations
3. Prohibition on the use of registered geographical indications and designations of origin
4. Application for registration as a South African geographical indication or a South African designation of origin
5. Notification to use a registered South African geographical indication or South African designation of origin by individual producers and groups of producers originating from the same defined geographical area
6. Application for registration as a foreign geographical indication or foreign designation of origin
7. Registration of foreign geographical indications and foreign designations of origin that form part of international agreements
8. Date of application for registration and priority
9. Processing of applications received and verification of information
10. Notice of registration and invitation for objections
11. Objection to the registration
12. Rejection of application for registration
13. Registration
14. Keeping of a Register
15. Application to amend the product specifications
16. Cancellation of registration
17. Cancellation of use of a registered South African geographical indication or South African designation of origin by individual producers and groups of producers originating from the same defined geographical area
18. Use of logos, designations and acronyms
19. Labelling of foodstuffs using agricultural products as ingredients that enjoy protection as registered geographical indications or designations of origin
20. Agricultural products which fail to meet the product specifications
21. Inspection of producers and groups of producers and trade control of registered geographical indications and designations of origin
22. Offences and penalties
23. Commencement
24. Repeal
Regulations regarding Control of the Export of Fresh Cut Flowers and Fresh Ornamental Foliage
Notice No. R. 3448 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Prohibition on the export of fresh cut flowers and fresh ornamental foliage
3. Application for approval for export
4. Presentation for Inspection
5. Consignment note
6. Procedure at Inspection
7. Assessment of the competence of testing laboratories involved in the export of fresh cut flowers and fresh ornamental foliage
8. Fees for inspection and analysis
9. Appeal
10. Offences and penalties
11. Commencement
12. Repeal
Grading, Packing and Marking of Dried Fruit intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa - Effective 1 June 2024
Notice No. R. 3449 of 2023
Part I : Definitions, Scope and Restrictions
1. Definitions
2. Scope of regulations
3. Restrictions on the sale of dried fruit
Part II : General Quality Standards for Dried Fruit
4. Grades of dried fruit
5. General quality standards for dried fruit
6. Styles of dried fruit
Part III : Packing, Display and Containers
7. Packing requirements
8. Displaying loose quantities
9. Requirements for containers and outer containers
Part IV : Marking Requirements
10. Marking of containers and outer containers
11. Indicating the name of the product
12. Additions to the name of the product
13. Additional particulars on the main panel
14. Indicating the name and address
15. Indicating the country of origin
16. Date marking or batch code or batch number
17. Restricted particulars on containers and outer containers
Part V : Sampling and Analysis
18. Sampling
19. Determination of size
20. Determination of moisture content
Part VI : Offences and Penalties
21. Offence and Penalties
Part VII : Specific Quality Standards for Dried Deciduous Fruit
22. Definitions
23. Apples - Segments and Rings (Peeled or Unpeeled)
24. Apricots - Wholes, Halves and Flats
25. Peaches - Slices, Halves and Wholes (with Stone (Pit))
26. Pears - Halves (with or without Core) and Segments
27. Plums - Halves
28. Prunes - Wholes (with and without Stone (Pit))
Part VIII : Specific Quality Standards for Dried Subtropical Fruit
29. Definitions
30. Bananas - Strips and Rings
31. Mangoes - Strips
32. PawPaws (Papayas) - Pieces and Strips
33. Pineapples - Whole Slices, Half Slices and Segments
Part IX : Specific Quality Standards for Dried Grapes (Raisins)
34. Definitions
35. Currants
36. Golden Sultanas and Golden Jumbo Sultanas
37. Orange River (OR) Sultanas
38. Seedless Raisins - Thompson and other Seedless Varieties
39. South African (SA) Sultanas
Part X : Specific Quality Standards for other Dried Fruit
40. Dates - Wholes and Blocks
41. Figs - Wholes and Blocks
42. Tomatoes - Halves, Wedges, Rings (Wheels) and Flats
43. Cranberries
44. Goji Berries
45. Blueberries
46. Persimmons - Wholes
47. Unspecified Dried Fruit
Part XI : Specified Quality Standards for Mixed Dried Fruit and Dried Fruit Mixes
48. Mixed Dried Fruit
49. Dried Fruit Mixed with other Foodstuffs (Dried Fruit Mixes)
Part XII : Commencement and Repeal
50 - 51. Commencement and Repeal
Annexure A : List of Imported Dried Fruit GIs Protected under the EU SADC EPA
Annexure B : Determination of Moisture Content
Annexure C : Illustration for Measurement of Stem Length in the case of Whole Figs
Regulations regarding Control of the Export of Fresh Vegetables
Notice No. R. 3478 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Prohibition on the export of fresh vegetables
3. Application for approval for export
4. Presentation for inspection
5. Consignment note
6. Procedure at inspection
7. Assessment of the competence of testing laboratories involved in the export of fresh vegetables
8. Fees for inspection and analysis
9. Approvals and rejections
10. Appeal
11. Offences and penalties
12. Commencement
13. Repeal
Regulations regarding Control of the Export of Grains
Notice No. R. 3479 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Prohibition on the export of grains
3. Application for approval for export
4. Presentation for inspection
5. Consignment note
6. Procedure at inspection
7. Assessment of the competence of testing laboratories involved in the export of grains
8. Fees for inspection and analysis
9. Approvals and rejections
10. Appeal
11. Offences and penalties
12. Commencement
13. Repeal
Regulations regarding Control of the Export of Animal Products
Notice No. R. 3481 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Prohibition on the export of animal products
3. Application for approval for export
4. Presentation for inspection
5. Consignment note
6. Procedure at inspection
7. Assessment of the competence of testing laboratories involved in the export of animal products
8. Fees for inspection and analyses
9. Appeal
10. Offences and penalties
11. Commencement
12. Repeal
Regulations regarding Control of the Export of Fresh Fruits
Notice No. R. 3482 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Prohibition on the export of fresh fruits
3. Application for approval for export
4. Presentation for inspection
5. Consignment note
6. Procedure at inspection
7. Assessment of the competence of testing laboratories involved in the export of fresh fruits
8. Fees for inspection and analysis
9. Appeal
10. Offences and penalties
11. Commencement
12. Repeal
Regulations regarding Control of the Export of Processed Products
Notice No. R. 3483 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Prohibition on the export of processed products
3. Application for approval for export
4. Presentation for inspection
5. Consignment note
6. Procedure at inspection
7. Assessment of the competence of testing laboratories involved in the export of processed products
8. Fees for inspection and analyses
9. Appeal
10. Offences and penalties
11. Commencement
12. Repeal
Regulations regarding Control of the Export of Tree Nuts
Notice No. R. 3484 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Prohibition on the export of Tree Nuts
3. Application for approval for export
4. Presentation for inspection
5. Consignment Note
6. Procedure at inspection
7. Assessment of the competence of testing Laboratories involved in the export of tree nuts
8. Fees for inspection and analysis
9. Approvals and rejections
10. Appeal
11. Offences and penalties
12. Commencement
13. Repeal
Regulations regarding Control of the Export of Feed Products
Notice No. R. 3506 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Prohibition on the export of Feed products
3. Application for approval for export
4. Presentation for inspection
5. Consignment note
6. Procedure at inspection
7. Assessment of the competence of testing laboratories involved in the export of feed products
8. Fees for inspection and analysis
9. Approvals and rejections
10. Appeal
11. Offences and penalties
12. Commencement
13. Repeal
Regulations relating to the Quality, Grading, Packing and Marking of Tomatoes intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 3616 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Restrictions on the sale of tomatoes
Quality Standards
3. Types of tomatoes
4. Classes for tomatoes
5. Standards for classes
6. Sizing
Containers, Packing and Marking Requirements
7. Requirements for containers
8. Packing requirements
9. Stacking of containers on pallets
10. Marking requirements
11. Prohibited particulars
Sampling Procedures
12. Obtaining a sample
13. Deviating sample
Methods of Inspection
14. Determination of percentage in too green tomatoes
15. Determination of size variations
16. Determination of percentage of quality factors other than too green tomatoes and size variations
17. Offences and Penalties
18. Commencement
19. Repeal
Table 1: Quality Standards for Tomatoes
Table 2: Size Groups and Mass Ranges for Round Tomatoes
Table 3: Size Groups and Mass Ranges for Elongated Tomatoes (Roma)
Table 3: Permissible Deviations in respect of Quality Factors by Number
Regulations regarding the Classification, Packing and Marking of Edible Ices intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa - effective 1 July 2024
Notice No. R. 3617 of 2023
Part I: Definitions, Scope and Restrictions
1. Definitions
2. Scope of regulations
3. Restrictions on the sale of Edible Ices
Part II: Classes of and Standards for Edible Ices
4. Classes of Edible Ices
Standards of classes of Edible Ices
5. Dairy Ice-cream mix and Dairy ice-cream
6. Ice-cream mix and ice-cream
7. Frozen dairy dessert mix, Frozen dessert mix, Frozen dairy dessert and Frozen dessert
8. Frozen yoghurt, Frozen yoghurt and Dairy ice-cream blend, and Frozen yoghurt and Ice-cream blend
9. Soft serve mix and Soft serve
10. Frozen fruit sorbet
11. Frozen fruit ice
12. Flavoured ice
Part III: Containers and Outer Containers
13. Requirements for containers and outer containers
Part IV: Marking Requirements
14. Marking of containers and outer containers
15. Indicating the class designation
16. Additions to the class designation
17 - 18. Additional particulars on the main panel
19. Additional particulars on the container
20. Indicating the name and address
21. Indicating the country of origin
22. Indicating the data marking or batch code or batch number
23. Restricted particulars on containers and outer containers
Part V: Sampling and Analysis
24. Sampling
25. Analysis
26. Determination of overrun
Part VI: Offences and Penalties
27. Offences and penalties
Part VII: Commencement and Repeal
28. Commencement
29. Repeal
Annexure A - Summary of the Compositional Standards for Edible Ices, excluding the classes Frozen Fruit Sorbet, Frozen Fruit Ice and Flavoured Ice
Annexure B - Summary of the Compositional Standards for the classes of Frozen Fruit Sorbet, Frozen Fruit Ice and Flavoured Ice
Regulations relating to the Grading, Packing and Marking of Maize intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
Notice No. R. 4368 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Scope of regulations
3. Restrictions on sale of maize
Part I : Quality Standards
4. Classes of maize
5. Standards for classes of maize
6. Grades of maize
7. Standards for grades and class of Maize
Part II : Packing and Marking Requirements
8. Packing requirements
9. Marking requirements
Part III : Sampling
10. Obtaining sample
11. Sampling if contents differ
12. Working sample
Part IV : Determination of other substances
13. Determination of undesirable odours and harmful substances
14. Determination of animal filth, coal, glass, insect, metal, plastic, poisonous seed, and stone content
15. Determination of percentage of foreign matter
Part V : Maize Kernels
16. Determination of percentage of other colour maize kernels
17. Determination of percentage of defective maize kernels
Part VI : Moisture Content
18. Determination of moisture content
19. Offence and Penalties
20. Commencement
21. Repeal
Annexure A: Table-Standards for Grades of Class White Maize and Class Yellow Maize
Prohibition regarding the Removal of Imported Regulated Agricultural Products intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa from the Prescribed Ports of Entry
Notice No. 570 of 2016
1. Definitions
2. Application for inspection and/or removal
3. Presentation for inspection
4. Procedure at inspection
5. Approvals and Rejections
6. Fees payable for inspection and analysis
7. Appeal
Table : Specified Ports of Entry
Standards and Requirements regarding Control of the Export of Avocados : Amendment
Notice No. 186 of 2018
Standards and Requirements regarding Control of the Export of Kiwifruit
Notice No. 843 of 2018
South African Meat Industry Company (SAMIC)
Notice No. 76 of 2019
Notice No. 617 of 2020
Notice No. 683 of 2021
Notice No. 2876 of 2024
Standards and Requirements regarding Control of the Export of Pears : Amendment
Notice No. 249 of 2019
Standards and Requirements regarding Control of the Export of Apricots : Amendment
Notice No. 252 of 2019
Prohibition regarding the Removal of Imported Regulated Agricultural Products intended for Sale in the Republic of South Africa from the Specified Ports of Entry of any Other Place as Determined by the Executive Officer
Notice No. 1269 of 2019
1. Definitions
2. Application for inspection and/or removal
3. Presentation for inspection
4. Procedure at inspection
5. Approvals and Rejections
6. Fees payable for inspection and analysis
Table : Specified Ports of Entry
Standards and Requirements regarding Control of the Export of Apples : Amendment
Notice No. 6 of 2020
Standards and Requirements regarding Control of the Export of Pears : Amendment
Notice No. 7 of 2020
Inspection Fees for Poultry Meat, Eggs and Processed Meat Products
Notice No. 348 of 2020
Product Control for Agriculture (Prokon)
Notice No. 1087 of 2020
Import Inspection Fees
Standards and Requirements regarding Control of the Export of Citrus Fruit: Amendment
Notice No. 416 of 2021
Inspection Fees for Processed Meat Products
Notice No. 399 of 2021
Standards and Requirements regarding Control of the Export of Fruit excluding Citrus and Certain Deciduous Fruits : Amendment
Notice No. 743 of 2021
Standards and Requirements regarding Control of the Export of Strawberries : Amendment
Notice No. 671 of 2021
Product Control for Agriculture (PROKON) - Inspection Fees
Notice No. 877 of 2022
Methodology applied to determine the Inspection Fees to be charged on regulated fruits and vegetables intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa
1.1 Purpose of Methodology Document
1.2 Processes to be implemented to ensure Stakeholder participation
1.3 Inspection Process
1.4 The necessity for Quality Assurance Inspections
1.5 Examples of the possible impact on Producers and Consumers
1.5.1 Producers
1.5.2 Consumers
1.6 PROKON'S appointment as assignee
1.7 Broad based experience in Quality Assurance Inspections
1.8 Inspection Fees
1.9 Categories of products to be inspected
1.10 Frequency of Inspections
1.11 Human Resources to render Inspection services
1.12 Expenses
1.13 Categories and Inspection Fees
Annexure A - Product Control for Agriculture - Expenses Summary
Annexure B - Explanatory notes in respect of total expenditure (reference to Annexure A)
Annexure C - Products sold on fresh produce markets
Annexure D - Proposed Inspection Fees to be Gazetted per Category
Standards and Requirements regarding Control of the Export of Leguminous Seeds : Amendment
Notice No. 1920 of 2022
Inspection Fees Increase for 2022/2023 for Processed Meat Products
Notice No. 1220 of 2022
Inspection Fees for 2022/23 for Inspections and Sampling on Poultry Meat, Processed Meat Products and Certain Raw Processed Meat Products
Notice No. 1499 of 2022
Inspection Fees for 2022/2023 for Inspections and Sampling on Poultry Meat, Processed Meat Products and certain Raw Processed Meat Products
Notice No. 1643 of 2023
Registration of Karoo Lamb/Karoo Lam as a South African Geographical Indication (GI)
Notice No. 3992 of 2023
Annexure A : The Applicable Minimum Product Specifications for 'Karoo Lamb'/'Karoo Lam'
Inspection Fees for 2025 for Inspections and Sampling on Poultry Meat, Processed Meat Products and Certain Raw Processed Meat Products - effective 1 February 2025
Notice No. 2996 of 2025
Part I
2. Restrictions over the sale of pineapples
Quality Standards
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