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Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)NoticesStandards and Requirements regarding Control of the Export of Apples : AmendmentNotice No. 6 of 2020 |
Notice No. 6
10 January 2020
GG 42946
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
I, Billy Malose Makhafola, appointed as Executive Officer in terms of section 2(1) of the Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990), hereby give notice under section 4(3) (c) of the said Act, that—
(a) | the standards and requirements regarding control of the export of Apples as stipulated in Government Notice No. R. 1983 of 23 August 1991 and promulgated in Government Notice No. 2633 of 30 October 1998, amended by Government Notices No. 2480 of 19 November 1999, No. 4698 of 22 December 2000, No. 2371 of 14 December 2001, No. 3004 of 22 November 2002, No. 3350 of 28 November 2003, No. 2986 of 31 December 2004, No. 323 of 3 March 2006, No. 1485 of 20 October 2006; No. 1102 of 7 September 2007, No. 1185 of 19 September 2008, No. 1009 of 30 October 2009, No. 816 of 27 August 2010, No. 591 of 2 September 2011, No. 752 of 21 September 2012, No. 1011 of 11 October 2013, No. 27 of 15 January 2016 and No. 250 of 01 March 2019 are hereby further amended; and |
(b) | the standards and requirements mentioned in paragraph (a)— |
(i) | shall be available for inspection at the office of the Executive Officer: Agricultural Product Standards, Harvest house, 30 Hamilton Street, Arcadia, Pretoria; |
(ii) | may be obtained from the Executive Officer: Agriculture Product Standards, Department of Agriculture, Private Bag x343, Pretoria, 0001, Tel. (012) 319 - 6121 or Fax (012) 319 - 6055 or email: [email protected] on payment of the prescribed fees or from https://www.daff.gov.za/daffweb/Branches/Agricultural-Production-Health-Food-Safety/Food-Safety-Quality-Assurance/Export-Standards/Deciduous-Fruit, and |
(iii) | shall come into operation seven days after publication of this notice. |
Executive Officer: Agricultural Product Standards