R 385
Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)NoticesProduct Control for Agriculture (PROKON) - Inspection FeesMethodology applied to determine the Inspection Fees to be charged on regulated fruits and vegetables intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa1.13 Categories and Inspection Fees |
The assignee, Prokon, designated in terms of section 2(3) of the Agricultural Product Standards Act, No. 119 of 1990, shall impose inspection fees in terms of section 3(1A) (a)(ii). The said inspection fees which are categorised into (1) shared (general) regulations and (2) own (individual) regulations, shall be applicable to fresh fruits and vegetables, excluding potatoes, destined for sale in the Republic of South Africa.
The categories and inspection fees, excluding VAT, are set out in Annexure C.
The table above represents the proposed fees for two inspection categories as indicated in Item 1.9: Categories of products to be inspected above, i.e., (1) shared (general) regulations and (2) own (individual) regulations . The proposed inspections fees for (1) shared (general) regulations amounts to 1c per kilogram and that for (2) own (individual) regulations 1,5c per kilogram. These fees are calculated on a cost recovery basis as pointed out in the methodology document. (See Annexure D.)