R 385
Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)NoticesProduct Control for Agriculture (PROKON) - Inspection FeesMethodology applied to determine the Inspection Fees to be charged on regulated fruits and vegetables intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa1.1 Purpose of Methodology Document |
The purpose of the methodology document is to outline the specific actions to be performed in respect of each regulated product, the frequency of such inspections as well as the inspection fees to be charged. This is to ensure that there is proper understanding of Product Control for Agriculture’s (hereinafter referred as Prokon) role, the associated costs and the alignment of its role with the respective client’s business processes with due cognisance of the parameters of Prokon’s mandate in terms of its appointment as assignee of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD).
Prokon’s infrastructure and footprint, established since 1994, was a decisive factor in the company’s appointment as the Ministerial assignee to conduct inspections on locally and imported regulated fresh fruits and vegetables, hence Prokon had an established infrastructure in place which it did not have to be re-establish for the purpose of market inspections and consequently the capital cost for the purpose of inspections is minimal. The aforementioned factor also made it possible for it to propose cost effective inspections fees that are fair and reasonable.