R 385
Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)NoticesProduct Control for Agriculture (PROKON) - Inspection FeesMethodology applied to determine the Inspection Fees to be charged on regulated fruits and vegetables intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa1.9 Categories of products to be inspected |
Current legislation makes provision for two specified categories of products to be inspected. As the said categories represent an extensive spectrum of fresh produce sold on the fresh produce markets it is, after consultation with role players, recommended that the matter be simplified by dividing the products in two categories, i.e., (1) shared (general) regulations and (2) own (individual) regulations. The two categories, what the inspections entail and the products it will apply to, are set out in Tables 1 and 2 of the Notice.
The regulated fruits and vegetables subject to inspection, as set out in Table 4, were published under Government Notice 1 of 2017 in Government Gazette 40537 dated 6 January 2017 and in Government Gazette 43613 dated 14 August 2020