R 385
Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)RegulationsRegulations relating to Coffee, Chicory and related products intended for sale in the Republic of South AfricaPart IV : Marking Requirements20. Additions to the product name |
(1) | When a flavouring has been added to a category of coffee, chicory or related products in order to render a distinctive specific flavour thereto, the product name concerned shall be preceded by the descriptive name for the distinctive flavour concerned and the expression “X Flavoured”, or followed by the expression “with X Flavour” or “with X Flavouring”, where “X” indicates the name(s) of the flavouring(s) used. |
(2) | The following information may be indicated as part of the product name and/or be indicated on its own: |
(a) | The indication “granules” or “powder”, as the case may be, to describe the appearance of the Instant coffee (soluble coffee extract), Instant coffee and chicory extract or Instant chicory and coffee extract. |
(b) | The specific species of Coffea (e.g. Arabica, Robusta, etc.) from which the beans originate. |
(c) | The roast intensity and/or the particular name used to describe the degree of roast applied to the coffee beans to achieve a certain flavour profile, in the case of Roasted coffee beans, Ground coffee, Instant coffee (soluble coffee extract), Decaffeinated coffee and Decaffeinated instant coffee (e.g. medium roast, dark roast, French roast, Brazilian roast, Cinnamon roast, Continental roast, etc.). |
(d) | The method used to obtain Instant coffee (soluble coffee extract), Instant coffee and chicory extract or Instant chicory and coffee extract, i.e. spray dried or freeze dried. |
(e) | The claims “100%”, “100% pure” “100% coffee”, “100% pure coffee”, “pure coffee” or “pure”, or any other word or words having a similar meaning, in the case of Roasted coffee beans, Ground coffee, Instant coffee (soluble coffee extract), Decaffeinated coffee, Decaffeinated instant coffee and Coffee essence (liquid coffee extract/concentrate) only: Provided that if a foodstuff and/or a food additive has been added to the afore-mentioned categories, these claims shall not be marked on the container of such products. |