R 385
Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)RegulationsRegulations relating to Coffee, Chicory and related products intended for sale in the Republic of South AfricaPart IV : Marking Requirements22. Additional particulars on the container |
(1) | In the case of Mixed coffee (coffee mixture), Coffee and chicory mixture as well as Chicory and coffee mixture, the proportion (ratio) of the coffee and chicory contained in the mixture shall be declared at least in the ingredients list. |
(2) | When coffee is derived from one or more country(ies), location(s) or geographical area(s), the name of that country(ies), location(s) or geographical area(s) may be indicated on the container. |
(3) | Sensory descriptions about the flavour and aroma of a particular coffee, chicory or a related product may be indicated on the container: Provided that it does not form part of the product name. |
(4) | The names or descriptions used to distinguish between the various mixtures or blends of coffee may be indicated on the container (e.g. Mocha Java, Blue Mountain Blend, Wiener Mischung, House Blend and Continental Blend). |
(5) | The word “Espresso” to describe a specific style of coffee or the intended use may be indicated on the container of Roasted coffee beans, Ground coffee or Instant coffee (soluble coffee extract). |
(6) | Every container containing Coffee essence (liquid coffee extract/ concentrate) or Coffee and chicory essence (liquid coffee and chicory extract/ concentrate) shall be labelled with clear directions for use. |