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Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)


Regulations regarding the Classification, Packing and Marking of certain Raw Processed Meat Products intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa

10. Batch identification


(1) each container containing raw processed meat products shall be clearly marked with a batch code in such a way that the specific batch is easily identifiable and traceable and shall not be removed or altered by any person.



(a) If a date marking appears on a container such as "best before", "best before quality", "use by" or "expiration day" or any other suitable indications may serve as the batch code referred to in subregulation (1).
(b) if raw processed meat products are packed in an outer container which will during normal usage be discarded by the consumer, the batch code shall appear on each individual container that will be retained by the consumer until consumption


[Regulation 10 substituted by section 6 of Notice No. R.5420, GG51372, dated 11 October 2024]