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Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)


Regulations regarding the Classification, Packing and Marking of certain Raw Processed Meat Products intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa

2. Scope of regulations


(1) These regulations shall apply only to the classes of raw processed meat products set out in regulation 4 and intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa to which and under circumstances in which a prohibition in terms of section 3 of the Act regarding the sale of raw processed meat products apply.


(2) These regulations shall not apply to the following foodstuffs:
(a) Canned meat products as defined in the compulsory specification for the manufacture, production, processing and treatment of canned meat products published under the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act, 2008 (Act No. 5 of 2008).
(b) Processed meat products as defined in the regulations regarding the classification, packing and marking of processed meat products intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa published under the Act.
(c) [Regulation 2(2)(c) deleted by section 3 of Notice No. R.5420, GG51372, dated 11 October 2024]