R 385
Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)RegulationsRegulations regarding the Classification, Packing and Marking of certain Raw Processed Meat Products intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa5. Specific compositional standards for the classes of raw processed meat products |
(1) | Raw minced meat— |
(a) | shall consist of finely chopped or comminuted meat from a single domesticated animal, bird or wild game species; |
(b) | shall comply with the following percent fat content for the fat content claim concerned: |
Fat content claim |
Fat content (%) (as analysed) |
Extra lean, Extra trim, Extra Trimmed of fat, or any similar wording |
≤ 5 |
Lean, Trim or Trimmed of fat, or any similar wording |
> 5 to ≤ 10 |
Regular, or any similar wording |
> 10 to ≤ 30; and |
(c) | shall contain no added colourants, food additives, foodstuffs, water, edible offal or inedible offal. |
(2) | Raw mixed-species minced meat— |
(a) | shall consist of a mixture of finely chopped or comminuted meat from two or more domesticated animal, bird and/or wild game species; |
(b) | shall comply with the following percent fat content for the fat content claim concerned: |
Fat content claim |
Fat content (%) (as analysed) |
Extra lean, Extra trim, Extra Trimmed of fat, or any similar wording |
≤ 5 |
Lean, Trim or Trimmed of fat, or any similar wording |
> 5 to ≤ 10 |
Regular, or any similar wording |
> 10 to ≤ 30; and |
(c) | shall contain no added colourants, food additives, foodstuffs, water, edible offal or inedible offal. |
(3) | Raw flavoured ground meat or Raw flavoured minced mix or Raw flavoured meat mix— |
(a) | shall consist of a mixture of finely chopped or comminuted meat from a single domesticated animal, bird or wild game species and spices and/or other foodstuffs; |
(b) | shall have a minimum total meat content of 75 percent; |
(c) | shall have a fat content (as analysed) of no more than 30 percent; |
(d) | shall contain no edible offal; |
(e) | shall contain no mechanically recovered meat; |
(f) | may contain colourants and/or food additives; and |
(g) | may contain added water. |
(4) | Raw flavoured ground meat and offal or Raw flavoured minced and offal mix or Raw flavoured meat and offal mix— |
(a) | shall consist of a mixture of finely chopped or comminuted meat and edible offal from a single domesticated animal, bird or wild game species and spices and/or other foodstuffs; |
(b) | shall have a minimum total meat content of 55 percent; |
(c) | shall have a fat content (as analysed) of no more than 30 percent; |
(d) | shall contain no mechanically recovered meat; |
(e) | may contain colourants and/or food additives; and |
(f) | may contain added water. |
(5) | Raw flavoured mixed-species ground meat or Raw flavoured mixed-species minced mix or Raw flavoured mixed-species meat mix— |
(a) | shall consist of a mixture of finely chopped or comminuted meat from two or more domesticated animal, bird and/or wild game species and spices and/or other foodstuffs; |
(b) | shall have a minimum total meat content of 75 percent; |
(c) | shall have a fat content (as analysed) of no more than 30 percent; |
(d) | shall contain no edible offal; |
(e) | shall contain no mechanically recovered meat; |
(f) | may contain colourants and/or food additives; and |
(g) | may contain added water |
(6) | Raw flavoured mixed-species ground meat and offal or Raw flavoured mixed-species minced and offal mix or Raw flavoured mixed-species meat and offal mix— |
(a) | shall consist of a mixture of finely chopped or comminuted meat and offal from two or more domesticated animal, bird and/or wild game species and spices and/or other foodstuffs; |
(b) | shall have a minimum total meat content of 55 percent; |
(c) | shall have a fat content (as analysed) of no more than 30 percent; |
(d) | shall contain no mechanically recovered meat; |
(e) | may contain colourants and/or food additive; and |
(f) | may contain added water. |
(7) | Raw boerewors— |
(a) | shall be manufactured from the meat of a domesticated animal of the bovine, ovine, porcine or caprine species, or from a mixture of two or more thereof; |
(b) | shall be contained in an edible casing; |
(c) | shall have a minimum total meat content of 90 percent; |
(d) | shall have a fat content (as analysed) of no more than 30 percent; |
(e) | shall contain no edible or inedible offal, except where such offal is to be used solely as the casing of the raw boerewors; |
(f) | shall contain no mechanically recovered meat; |
(g) | shall contain no colourants; |
(h) | shall contain no added ingredients other than— |
(i) | cereal and/or starch; |
(ii) | vinegar, spices, herbs and/or salt; |
(iii) | food additives; and |
(iv) | water. |
(8) | Raw species sausage or Raw species wors— |
(a) | shall be manufactured totally or predominantly from the meat of a specific domesticated animal, bird or wild game species; |
(b) | shall be contained in an edible casing; |
(c) | shall have a minimum total meat content of 75 percent: Provided that in the case of raw species sausage manufactured predominantly from the meat of a specific domesticated animal, bird or wild game species— |
(i) | a minimum of 75 percent thereof shall consist of the meat of the predominant species, which shall be mentioned in the product name referred to in regulation 7(1)(a); and |
(ii) | a maximum of 25 percent thereof may consist of the meat of any one or more domesticated animal, bird or wild game species other than the predominant species referred to in subparagraph (i); |
(d) | shall have a fat content (as analysed) of no more than 30 percent; |
(e) | shall contain no edible or inedible offal, except where such offal is to be used solely as the casing of the raw species sausage; |
(f) | shall contain no mechanically recovered meat; |
(g) | shall contain no colourants; |
(h) | shall contain no added ingredients other than— |
(i) | cereal and/or starch; |
(ii) | vinegar, spices, herbs and/or salt; |
(iii) | food additives; |
(iv) | water; and |
(i) | may contain other foodstuffs. |
(9) | Raw mixed-species sausage or Raw mixed-species wors— |
(a) | shall be manufactured from any mixture of the meat of two or more domesticated animal, bird and/or wild game species; |
(b) | shall be contained in an edible casing; |
(c) | shall have a minimum total meat content of 75 percent; |
(d) | shall have a fat content (as analysed) of no more than 30 percent; |
(e) | shall contain no edible or inedible offal, except where such offal is to be used solely as the casing of the raw mixed-species sausage; |
(f) | shall contain no mechanically recovered meat; |
(g) | shall contain no colourants; |
(h) | shall contain no added ingredients other than— |
(i) | cereal and/or starch; |
(ii) | vinegar, spices, herbs and/or salt; |
(iii) | food additives; |
(iv) | water; and |
(i) | may contain other foodstuffs. |
(10) | Raw burger, raw patty and raw hamburger patty— |
(a) | shall be manufactured from chopped or comminuted meat of a domesticated animal, bird or wild game species, or from a mixture of two or more thereof, and formed into a round, square or any other shaped patty; and |
(b) | shall comply with the following compositional specifications for the category/name concerned: |
Category/Product Name |
Permissible ingredients |
Fat content claim |
Fat content (%) (as analysed) |
Total meat content (%) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Extra Lean, Extra Trim, Extra trimmed of fat or any similar wording |
≤ 5 |
≥ 99.6 |
Lean, Trim, Trimmed of fat or any similar wording |
> 5 to ≤ 10 |
Regular |
> 10 to ≤ 30 |
Extra Lean, Extra Trim, Extra trimmed of fat or any similar wording |
≤ 5 |
≥ 70 |
Lean, Trimmed of fat or any similar wording |
> 5 to ≤ 10 |
Regular |
> 10 to ≤ 30 |
* |
≤ 30 |
≥ 55 |
* |
≤ 30 |
≥ 35 |
* No specification
(c) | If the category of product referred to as Burger or Patty or Hamburger Patty in the Table in paragraph (b) above is manufactured predominantly from the meat of a specific domesticated animal, bird or wild game species, it shall have a minimum total meat content of 70 percent, of which— |
(i) | a minimum of 75 percent thereof shall consist of the meat of the predominant species, which shall be mentioned in the product name referred to in regulation 7(1)(a); and |
(ii) | a maximum of 25 percent thereof may consist of the meat of any one or more animal, bird or wild game species other than the predominant species referred to in subparagraph (i). |
(11) | Raw banger or raw griller— |
(a) | shall be manufactured from single or any mixture of the meat of two or more domesticated animal, bird or wild game species; |
(b) | shall be contained in an edible casing; |
(c) | shall have a minimum total meat equivalent of 60 percent; |
(d) | shall have a minimum total meat content of 40 percent: Provided that if manufactured from a single domesticated animal, bird or wild game species— |
(i) | a minimum of 75 percent thereof shall consist of the meat of the predominant species, which shall be mentioned in the product name referred to in regulation 7(1)(a); and |
(ii) | a maximum of 25 percent thereof may consist of the meat of any one or more domesticated animal, bird or wild game species other than the predominant species referred to in subparagraph (i); |
(e) | shall have a fat content (as analysed) of no more than 30 percent; |
(f) | shall contain no edible or inedible offal, except where such the offal is to be used solely as the casing of the raw banger sausage; |
(g) | shall contain no mechanically recovered meat; |
(h) | shall contain no added ingredients other than— |
(i) | cereal or starch and/or vegetable protein; |
(ii) | vinegar, spices, herbs and/or salt; |
(iii) | food additives; |
(iv) | water; |
(i) | may contain colourants; and |
(j) | may contain other foodstuffs. |
(12) | Raw braaiwors or Raw sizzler |
(a) | shall be manufactured either from the meat of a single domesticated animal, bird or wild game species, or from a mixture of two or more of such species; |
(b) | shall be contained in an edible casing; |
(c) | shall have a minimum total meat equivalent of 60 percent; |
(d) | shall have a minimum total meat content of 40 percent; |
(e) | shall have a fat content (as analysed) of no more than 30 percent; |
(f) | shall contain no inedible offal; |
(g) | shall contain no added ingredients other than— |
(i) | cereal or starch and/or vegetable protein; |
(ii) | vinegar, spices, herbs and/or salt; |
(iii) | food additives; |
(v) | water; |
(h) | may contain mechanically recovered meat; |
(i) | may contain edible offal; |
(j) | may contain colourants; and |
(k) | may contain other foodstuffs. |
(13) | Geographical Indication (GI) raw processed meat products shall consist of— |
(a) | the imported raw processed meat products listed in Annexure A which enjoy protection under the EU SADC EPA and which comply with the compositional standards registered for the GI named raw processed meat product concerned in the country of origin within European Union; |
(b) | any imported GI named raw processed meat products other than those enjoying protection under the EU SADC EPA which originate from a World Trade Organisation (WTO) member country and which comply with the compositional standards registered for the GI named raw processed meat product concerned in the country of origin; and |
(c) | any locally manufactured raw processed meat products enjoying protection as registered GIs in the Republic of South Africa which comply with the compositional standards registered for the named raw processed meat product concerned. |