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Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)RegulationsRegulations relating to the Grading, Packing and Marking of Potatoes intended for sale in the Republic of South AfricaPart III : Packing and Marking Requirements8. Marking requirements |
(1) | The type of container containing potatoes shall be marked in clear legible letters on any conspicuous place or on the label attached thereto, with the following particulars: |
(a) | the name or trade mark and address of the producer, owner or packer; |
(b) | the class designation, namely "Class 1", "Class 2", "Class 3" or "Lowest Class", as the case may be; |
(c) | in the case of Class 1 and Class 2, the size group, namely "Baby", "Small", "Medium", and "Large" as well as optional size grouping of "Extra Small", "Small Medium", "Large Medium" and "Extra Large" as the case may be: Provided that the expressions "B", "S" "M","L", "XS", "SM", "LM" and "XL" as the case may be, may also be used respectively; |
(d) | the net mass of the contents; |
(e) | the word "Potatoes"; |
(f) | the cultivar; |
(g) | the indication of packing date: Provided that if a packing date is expressed in a code, such a code shall be registered with the Executive Officer: Agricultural Product Standards; |
(h) | the country of origin: Provided that no abbreviations or the expression of the word "South Africa" on its own shall be used; and |
(i) | if the potatoes are sold unwashed, the container in which potatoes are packed shall be marked as such. |
(2) | The requirement referred to in subregulation (1) (e) may be omitted in the case of transparent containers. |
(3) | If containers containing potatoes are packed in a carrier container, each carrier container shall be marked with the particulars mentioned in subregulation (1), as well as with the number of containers it contains, on at least one end of every carrier container by means of stamping or stencilling or by pasting a printed label thereon. |
(4) | If at any stage the class designation or size designation is altered, labels, where applicable, shall be replaced or the new class designation or size designation shall be stamped across the old class designation or size designation on the label or the form in clear legible letters larger than the previous marks with a suitable stamp. |
(5) | Particulars shall be printed in English or both in English and any of the other official languages. |
(6) | No wording, illustration or other means of expression that constitutes a misrepresentation or which directly or by implication, may create a misleading impression of the contents or of the quality or the class thereof shall appear on a container containing potatoes. |
(7) | Whenever potatoes are displayed for sale in loose quantities— |
(a) | any quantity of a particular class, a size group or a cultivar shall not be displayed mixed with potatoes of any other class, size group or cultivar; and |
(b) | the class, and in the case of Class 1 and Class 2 also the size group of such quantity of potatoes, shall be indicated in clear, legible letters on a notice board prominently placed at such a quantity of potatoes. |