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Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)


Regulations relating to the Grading, Packing and Marking of Potatoes intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa


Annexure A

Table 1 : Quality specifications


Annexure A


Table 1 : Quality specifications

Quality factors

Colour plate Number

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Lowest Class

(a) Specified defects:


(i) Decay






(ii) Insect infestation or damage (tuber moth)

A. 15W

Tuber shall be free from moth

Tuber shall be free from moth

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 1 is permissible: Provided that not more than 20% of the tuber needs to be cut away with level cuts to remove the infested portions


(iii) Insect damage

A. 9

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 2 is permissible: Provided that damage is not deeper than 4mm

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 5 is permissible: Provided that the damage is not deeper than 6 mm and that not more than 10% of the tuber needs to be cut away with grove cuts to remove the damaged portions

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 7 is permissible: Provided that not more than 20% of the tuber needs to be cut away with groove cuts to remove the damaged portions


(iv) Cold damage






(v) Heat damage






(vi) Damage by watergrass and other plants

A. 15 Y

Tuber shall be free from damage by watergrass and other plants

Tuber shall be free from damage by watergrass and other plants

To the maximum extent depicted in photos 1, 2 and 3 is permissible: Provided that two watergrass per tuber or a watergrass that has grown through the tuber shall be regarded as lowest class


(vii) Hollow heart

A. 15 Z

Tuber shall be free from hollow heart

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 3 is permissible

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 2 is permissible


(viii) Dry stem-end rot and other types of dry rot (#)

A. 13

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 1 is permissible: Provided that

the lesion is not deeper than 3 mm

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 2 is permissible: Provided that the lesion is not deeper than 3 mm

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 5 is permissible: Provided that not more than 20% of the tuber needs to be cut away with straight cuts to remove the decayed portions


(ix) Brown fleck

A. 14

Tuber shall be free from brown fleck

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 5 is permissible

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 6 is permissible


(x) Watery






(xi) Wilt



Minor wrinkling of the skin is permissible

Only wilt that does not seriously affect the tuber detrimentally is permissible


(xii) Sprouts (#)


To the maximum extent depicted in photo 3 is permissible: Provided that the length of the sprouts are not in excess of 2 mm

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 5 is permissible: Provided that

the length of the sprouts are not in excess of 4 mm

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 10 is permissible: Provided that the length of the sprouts are not in excess of 10 mm


(xiii) Greening (#)


No greening of the tuber

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 3 is permissible: Provided that the greening does not cover more than 10% of the surface of the tuber and that the intrusion is not deeper than 2 mm

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 4 is permissible: Provided that the greening does not cover more than 20% of the surface of the tuber and that the intrusion is not deeper than 4 mm


(xiv) Malformed. Light malformation due to cultivar characteristic shall not be penalised


To the maximum extent depicted in photo 5 is permissible

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 7 is permissible

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 8 is permissible


(xv) Foreign matter


Free from foreign matter

Free from foreign matter

Free from foreign matter


(xvi) Mechanical damage (#)

A. 5

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 5 is permissible: Provided that the lesion is not deeper than 4 mm

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 6 is permissible: Provided that the lesion is not deeper than 6 mm and that not more than 10% of the tuber needs to be cut away with groove cuts to remove the lesion

To a greater extent damaged than depicted in photo 6 is permissible: Provided that not more than 20% of the tuber needs to be cut away with groove cuts to remove the lesion


(xvii) Soiled (washed)

A. 8.1

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 4 is permissible

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 6 is permissible

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 8 is permissible


Soiled (unwashed)

A. 8.2

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 4 is permissible

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 6 is permissible

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 8 is permissible


(xviii) Vascular browning

A. 15 X

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 3 is


To the maximum extent depicted in photo 2 is permissible

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 1 is permissible


(xix) Common scab and similar defects (#)

A. 12

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 4 is permissible: Provided that the lesion is not deeper than 3 mm

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 7 is permissible: Provided that the lesions are not deeper than 5 mm and  not more than 10% need to be cut to remove the damaged parts

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 9 is permissible: Provided that not more than 20% of the tuber needs to be cut away with a level cut to remove the damaged parts


(xx) Growth cracks (#)

A. 4

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 3 is permissible: Provided that the growth crack is not deeper than 4 mm

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 5 is permissible: Provided that the growth crack is not deeper than 6 mm and not more than 10% of the tuber needs to be cut away with groove cuts

To the maximum extent depicted in photos 8 is permissible provided that not more than 20 % of the tuber needs to be cut away with groove cuts


(xxi) Abraded (@)

A. 6

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 3 is permissible: Provided that maximum 25% of the tuber is abraded and that no browning is present

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 5 is permissible: Provided that maximum 50% of the tuber is abraded and that no browning is present

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 8 is permissible


(xxii) Browning

A. 6

No browning of the tuber

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 4 is permissible: Provided that not more than 25% of the area of the tuber is abraded and browned

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 8 is permissible: Provided that the browned areas are not shiny


(xxiii) Broken and cut tubers: Provided that if the damaged parts are wet, it shall be considered as decay (#)


To the maximum extent depicted in photo 3 is permissible

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 6 is permissible

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 8 is permissible


(xxiv) Eelworm (@)

A. 10

Free from eelworm

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 3 is permissible: Provided that maximum 10% of the tuber is infested and that the penetration is not in excess of 3 mm

To the maximum extent depicted in photo 6 is permissible: Provided that maximum 20% of the tuber is infested, that the penetration is not in  excess of 3 mm and that the peeled tuber does not appear slimy


(xxv) Skin eelworm

A. 11

Skin eelworm to the maximum extent depicted in the lower photo 3 is permissible

Skin eelworm to the maximum extent  depicted in the lower photo 4 is permissible



(xxvi) Rhizoctonia (@)

A. 11

Rhizoctonia to the maximum extent depicted in the top photo 3 is permissible

Rhizoctonia to the maximum extent depicted in the top photo 4 is permissible



(xxvii) Tomato spotted wilt virus


Tuber shall be free from tomato spotted wilt virus

Tuber shall be free from tomato spotted wilt virus

Tuber shall be free from tomato spotted wilt virus


(b) Unspecified defects







- No colour plate
* No specifications
(@) The opposite side of the tuber must not be more infected or abraded than the side depicted
(#) The opposite side of the tuber must be free from the defect