R 385
Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)RegulationsGrading, Packing and Marking of Canned and Pickled Vegetables intended for sale in the Republic of South AfricaPart V : Sampling and Inspection21. Determination of drained mass |
(1) | The drained mass of canned or pickled vegetables shall be determined as follows: |
(a) | Empty the opened container so as to distribute the contents evenly over the meshes of a sieve which has been previously weighed: Provided that— |
(i) | a 200mm sieve shall be used if the drained mass of the contents of the container is less than 1,4kg; |
(ii) | a 300mm sieve shall be used if the drained mass of the contents of the container is 1,4kg or more; |
(iii) | vegetables to which the sauce adheres shall be rinsed with warm water to remove the sauce from them prior to drainage; and |
(iv) | dried or processed peas shall be spread on a sieve which shall be immersed in cold water for two minutes before it is drained. |
(b) | All draining for two minutes then determine the mass of the sieve and drained vegetables. |
(c) | The mass so obtained, minus the mass of the sieve, shall be considered to be the mass of the drained vegetables. |
(2) | When the declared drained mass is more than the prescribed minimum drained mass, it shall comply with the higher drained mass. |
(3) | Where the dried mass is indicated in these regulations as a percentage of the net mass, the net mass shall be taken as the declared net mass. |
(4) | In an inspection sample, maximum 10% of the containers may deviate with not more than 5% from the prescribed drained mass: Provided that the average drained mass of the inspection sample is equal to or more than the prescribed drained mass. |