R 385
Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)RegulationsGrading, Packing and Marking of Dried Fruit intended for sale in the Republic of South AfricaPart VIII : Specific Quality Standards for Dried Subtropical Fruit29. Definitions |
(1) | Where used specifically with regard to dried subtropical fruit— |
(a) | "deviations in cut" |
means pieces of fruit that differ more than 25% from the mean form or size or mass of the majority of the fruit pieces in a single packet;
(b) | "subtropical fruit" |
means banana, mango, paw-paw (papaya) and pineapple.
Quality standards
(2) | All dried subtropical fruit shall not contain more than 24% moisture. |
(3) | All dried subtropical fruit shall in addition also comply with the general quality standards set out in regulation 5. |
(4) | The following quality factors shall be used to determine the grade for each dried subtropical fruit product concerned: |
(a) | Blemishes. |
(b) | Foreign matter. |
(c) | Grey and black discolouration. |
(d) | Deviation in cut. |
(e) | Extraneous vegetable matter. |
(f) | Retained core. |