R 385
Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)RegulationsGrading, Packing and Marking of Dried Fruit intended for sale in the Republic of South AfricaPart IX : Specific Quality Standards for Dried Grapes (Raisins)34. Definitions |
(1) | Where used specifically with regard to dried grapes (raisins)— |
(a) | "berry stems (cap stems)" |
means small woody stems, whether attached to a berryor not provided that the nodule shall not be deemed as berry stem: Provided further that—
(i) | in the case of currants it is small stems attached to the berry or loose amongst the fruit, longer than 3 mm in length. |
(ii) | in the case of other vine fruit it is small stems attached to the berries or loose amongst the fruit of 1 mm or less in thickness and 10 mm or less in length. |
(b) | "bold raisins" |
means raisins obtained from a seedless grape cultivar that has not been treated with a plant growth regulator(s);
(c) | "bunch" |
means two or more raisins attached to the same stalk;
(d) | "crystallised or sugared" |
means berries with external or internal sugar crystals which are readily apparent and seriously affect the appearance of the raisin;
(e) | "currants" |
means a seedless currant cultivar (e.g. "Black Corinth", "Corinthian" or "Korinthiaki") that has been dried in direct sunlight on concrete slabs, drying nets or drying racks;
(f) | "damaged" |
means fruit that has been damaged, broken or crushed by handling practices and transport to such an extent that the inner flesh is exposed: Provided that the damage from the removal of seeds and cap stems shall not be considered "damaged";
(g) | "flame" |
means a seedless table grape cultivar that has been dried on concrete slabs or drying nets, in direct sunlight. It can also be treated with cold lye solution and then dried on concrete slabs or drying nets, in direct sunlight;
(h) | "floaters" |
means dry, immature, hardish berries, underdeveloped berries, extremely light in mass and shrivelled with practically no flesh;
(i) | "golden jumbo" |
means a seedless table grape cultivar that has been treated with a plant growth regulator(s) and a cold lye solution (sultana oil, potash and water), stacked on wooden scaffolding and treated with sulphur dioxide in fumigation rooms and dried on wooden scaffolding in shade;
(j) | "golden sultanas" |
means a seedless grape cultivar that has been sulphur dioxide treated;
(k) | "jumbo raisins" |
means a seedless table grape cultivar that has been treated with a plant growth regulator(s) and dried in direct sunlight on concrete slabs or drying nets;
(l) | "major deviations in colour" |
means a drastic colour deviation from the normal colour range of the vine fruits as defined in the colour chart;
(m) | "minor deviations in colour" |
means a slight colour deviation from the normal colour range of the vine fruits as defined in the colour chart;
(n) | "Orange River (OR) sultanas" |
means a seedless grape cultivar, treated with cold lye solution (sultana oil, potash and water) and dried in the shade on drying shelves;
(o) | "plant growth regulator" |
means a natural or synthetic chemical compound used to stimulate both cell division and elongation that affects leaves and stems, or used to promote fruit ripening, abscission, flower induction, and other responses;
(p) | "seedless" |
means fruit naturally without pips or seeds;
(q) | "South African (SA) sultanas" |
means a seedless grape cultivar that has been treated with cold lye solution (sultana oil, potash and water) and dried in direct sunlight on concrete slabs or drying nets;
(r) | "stalks" |
means the wooden branches of the bunch on which the berries are attached by means of berry stems and will only be deemed as stalks when thicker than 1 mm or else longer than 10 mm;
(s) | "swartbekkie" |
means a brown to black discolouration of up to 3 mm in diameter which develops from the cap-stem: Provided that if the discolouration exceeds 3 mm it shall be considered a blemish; and
(t) | "vine fruit" |
means any suitable dried-grape variety.
Additional marking requirements
(2) | Subject to the provisions of regulation 10, the product name "dried grapes" or "raisins"— |
(a) | shall be replaced by the expression "currants" in the case of currants described in regulation 35; |
(b) | shall be replaced by the expression "golden sultanas", "bleached sultanas", "golden bleached sultanas" or "sultanas" in the case of golden sultanas described in regulation 36; |
(c) | shall be replaced by the expression "Orange River sultanas", "O.R. sultanas" or "sultanas" in the case of Orange River (OR) sultanas described in regulation 37; |
(d) | shall be replaced by the expression "seedless raisins", "'X' raisins"/ or "'X' seedless"/ " 'X' seedless raisins" (where 'X' indicates the name of the variety) in the case of seedless raisins described in regulation 38; or |
(e) | shall be replaced by the expression "South African sultanas", "S.A. sultanas" or "sultanas" in the case of South African (SA) sultanas described in regulation 39. |