R 385
Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)RegulationsGrading, Packing and Marking of Eggs intended for sale in the Republic of South AfricaPart lll : Marking Requirements13. Restricted particulars on containers and outer containers |
(a) | No name, mark or any other method of expression using the following words or wording shall be indicated on a container or outer container containing eggs: |
(i) | The words "super" and "extra" (including any translation thereof), except when used as an indication of the size designation of the eggs. |
(ii) | A message of veterinary medicine-free or which indicates the more humane treatment or rearing of poultry or which creates an impression that the eggs are safer or that poultry was fed a special diet such as, but not limited to, "antibiotic free", "fed a diet free of hormones", "cage free", "furnished cage", "safe", "pure", "grass fed", "pasture fed", "forage fed", "canola fed", "grain fed", "mixed grain", "organic", etc. |
(iii) | Any other wording not addressed in sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) above that constitutes a misrepresentation or either directly or by implication creates or may create a misleading impression regarding the contents, quality, origin, grade, size group, production method or diet. |
(b) | No illustration, depiction, logo or other method of visual expression that constitutes a misrepresentation, or either directly or by implication creates or may create a misleading impression regarding the contents, quality, origin, grade, size group, production method or diet shall be indicated on a container or outer container containing eggs. |
(c) | Only production methods addressed and defined in these regulations shall be permitted on any container or outer container containing eggs. |