R 385
Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)RegulationsRegulations relating to the Quality, Grading, Packing and Marking of Tomatoes intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa1. Definitions |
In these regulations any word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act shall have that meaning and, unless the context otherwise indicates,—
means an indentation on the surface of the tomato that does not penetrate the skin and is caused by friction or scraping of the fruit during handling or transport;
means any stage in the life of an invertebrate member of the Animal Kingdom that is bilaterally symmetrical with a segmented body, with jointed limbs that are paired and a chitinous external skeleton;
means small dark brown to black lesions on the surface of the tomato caused by bacterial pathogens;
means any mark or skin defects on the surface of the tomato which adversely affects the appearance thereof;
means the partial ripening of the tomato fruit, with green to yellow areas of varying extent;
means a dark brown or black patch which develops a sunken or leathery on the blossom end of the tomato fruit;
means any pressure which shows an indentation or results in discoloration directly under the skin, adversely affect the quality of the tomatoes and is visually noticeable;
means a container in which more than one consumer package of tomatoes is packed;
means a condition involving malformation and scarring of tomato, particularly at the blossom end;
means residues of agricultural remedies which in terms of the Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act, 1947 (Act No. 36 of 1947), are permissible for the treatment of pests and diseases and which do not exceed the prescribed maximum residue limit;
means a physiological disorder caused by exposure to low, non-freezing temperature for a prolonged period of time. The fruit is affected with a dull pink/translucent colour with shrivelling or sunken indentations on shoulders;
means a class referred to in regulation 4(2);
means tomatoes which have been classified according to the classes specified in these regulations and of which the container is marked with a class designation or other designation indicating that the tomato is of a particular class or possesses particular quality properties;
(a) | a quantity of tomatoes of the same class belonging to the same owner which is delivered at any one time under cover of the same consignment note, delivery note or receipt note, or is delivered by the same vehicle, or |
(b) | if such quantity is subdivided into different classes, size groups, cultivars, trademark or, types of packaging, each quantity of each of the different classes, size groups, cultivars, trademarks or types of packaging; |
means the immediate container in which tomatoes are packed directly, the outer container in which prepacked units are packed and bulk containers excluding prepacked units and shipping containers in which pallet loads are shipped;
means tomatoes which show striped, blotchy, or other colour patterns that are not characteristic of normal colouring/ripening;
means the splitting of the epidermis around the calyx or stem scar; there are two types of tomato cracks:
• | Concentric cracking is the splitting of tomato skin in a circular pattern; |
• | Radial cracking is the splitting of the tomato skin from the stem scar towards the blossom end. |
means a state of decomposition, fungal development, or internal insect infestation or excrement or insect damage with signs of tissue collapse which partly or completely affect the quality of the tomato detrimentally, is visually noticeable;
means the greatest transverse measurement of a tomato, measured at right angles to a line running from the stem-end to the apex of the tomato;
means a stage of development at which the flesh of the tomato is hard enough to withstand normal commercial handling;
means the person or persons responsible for ensuring that the prescribed requirements of these regulations are met within the food business as well as the person with overall authority on site or in the specific establishment;
means any material or substance that is visually noticeable, which does not naturally form part of the tomatoes;
means is a physiological disorder of tomatoes that is characterized by discoloured regions under the skin that show through and reduce the quality of the fruit;
means any wound which exposes the flesh of the tomato, excluding a wound which has healed completely or has calloused;
means any damage caused by insects on the surface of the tomato with no signs of tissue collapsing for example not limited to sting and bite marks;
means the Executive Officer or an officer under his/her control, or an Assignee or a suitably qualified employee of an Assignee;
means that the shape of a tomato is not typical of the cultivar concerned;
means abnormal yellow colour pattern on the surface of the fruit caused by Tomato Mosaic Virus;
means a size group referred to in Table 2 and 3 of the Annexures;
mean the smaller snacking and heirloom-type varieties of various sizes, shapes and colours;
means the Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990);
means the unprocessed fruit of the plant Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex. Farwell intended for human consumption and includes all cultivars, varieties, and commercial types;
means tomatoes which have not been classified according to the classes specified in these regulations and the quality specifications in Table 1, and of which the container is marked with a designation to indicate that no definite class or grade has been applied to the container or marked as unclassed or no class;
means that the tomatoes have not been cooked, peeled, dried, or processed in any other way, excluding normal sorting, grading, packing or cleaning practices;
means any defects caused by physiological or non-physiological factors affecting the quality of the tomato detrimentally; and.
means is a physiological disorder of tomatoes that is characterized by discoloured regions under the skin that show through and reduce the quality of the fruit.