R 385
Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)RegulationsRegulations relating to the Grading, Packing and Marking of Fresh Vegetables intended for sale in the Republic of South AfricaPart I : General RegulationsContainers, Packing and Marking Requirements6. Packing requirements |
(1) | Only fresh vegetables of the same quality, cultivar and size, if sizes are prescribed in Part II, shall be packed together in the same container: Provided that different types of fresh vegetables may be packed together in the case of consumer packages. |
(2) | Class 1 in the same container shall be uniform with regard to colour and ripeness unless determined otherwise in Part II. |
(3) | Class 2 and Class 3 in the same container shall be uniform with regard to colour unless determined otherwise in Part II. |
(4) | The visible part of the contents of the container shall be representative of the entire contents. |
(5) | Each container shall be packed firmly and to capacity. |
(6) | Notwithstanding the requirements of subregulations 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and regulations 7, 8 and 9 fresh vegetables shall comply with the packing and sorting requirements set out in Part II for individual fresh vegetable types. |