R 385
Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)RegulationsGrading, Packing and Marking of Rice Kernels intended for sale in the Republic of South AfricaPart II : Containers, Packing and Marking Requirements8. Requirements for containers |
The containers in which rice are packed shall—
(a) | be manufactured from a material that— |
(i) | will protect the contents thereof against contamination; and |
(ii) | will not impart any undesirable flavour or odour to the contents thereof. |
(b) | be so strong that they will not tear or break during normal storage, handling and transport practices; |
(c) | be whole, with the exception of grain probe marks: Provided that grain probe marks will not be permissible in the case of rice in retail quantities, notwithstanding the presence of micro-perforations which allow for air release in retail form-fill and seal packaging; |
(d) | be clean; |
(e) | be closed or sealed properly in a manner permitted by the nature thereof; and |
(f) | in the case of rice in retail quantities, be previously unused for any purpose. |