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Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)RegulationsRegulations regarding the Classification and Marking of Meat intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa3. Abattoir-identification code and classification equipment |
(1) | An abattoir-identification code for use in the roller-marking of a carcass is registered by the executive officer for the responsible person of an abattoir upon written application: Provided that — |
(a) | the abattoir has in its possession a valid registration certificate issued in terms of the Meat Safety Act or official temporary written proof of compliance to the Meat Safety Act; and |
(b) | the abattoir has at its disposal the services of an independent qualified person provided by a service provider. |
(2) | The code referred to in subparagraph (1) shall only be used in the abattoir to which it has been registered. |
(3) |
(a) | If an abattoir-identification code has been registered for an abattoir, all carcasses of a species originating from that abattoir shall be classified and roller-marked if 40 and more of that specific species are slaughtered per month. |
(b) | A period of grace not exceeding three months after the registration of an abattoir identification code shall be allowed with regard to the implementation of the meat classification and roller-marking for each species of which 40 and more of that specific species are slaughtered per month at the abattoir. |
(4) | The executive officer may withdraw an abattoir-identification code if — |
(a) | the roller-marking of carcasses is not implemented within the time limit as specified in subregulation (3)(b); |
(b) | the abattoir concerned does not classify or roller-mark any carcasses during any 30 day period, excluding the grace period stated in subregulation (3)(b); |
(c) | the abattoir does not have at its disposal the services of an independent qualified person provided by a service provider; |
(d) | the marking and classification of carcasses, to the judgement of the executive officer or assignee, are not done in accordance with these Regulations; |
(e) | the registration certificate issued in terms of the Meat Safety Act or official temporary written proof of compliance has been withdrawn; or |
(f) | the abattoir does not pay the fees as set out in section 3(1A) of the Act, to the assignee within 30 days from the start of each calendar month. |
(5) | When an abattoir-identification code is withdrawn in terms of subregulation (4), all classification equipment shall, within 24 hours after such withdrawal, be handed over to the nearest police station for collection by the assignee, or be handed over directly to the assignee, for safekeeping until — |
(a) | the abattoir re-applies and is reregistered with the same or a new abattoiridentification code, as the case may be, in terms of subregulation (1); or |
(b) | the responsible person decides to transfer the roller-mark equipment to another abattoir that has been authorized to classify carcasses. |
(6) | An abattoir only has to re-apply for a new abattoir-identification code in terms of subregulation (1) in cases where such withdrawal has taken place in terms of subregulation (4)(d). |
(7) | The service provider shall inform the executive officer or assignee within 24 hours when there is any change of the independent qualified person at an abattoir. |
(8) | In case an abattoir loses the services of the independent qualified person or discontinues meat classification permanently, the responsible person shall inform the executive officer as well as the assignee within 24 hours and all classification equipment shall be handed over within 24 hours to the nearest police station for collection by the assignee, or be handed over directly to the assignee, for safekeeping. |
(9) | Classification equipment that is used to classify and roller-mark meat may only be supplied by the assignee. |
(10) | In case any loss of classification equipment is observed, the responsible person of the abattoir shall within 24 hours— |
(a) | inform the executive officer or assignee in writing of such losses via documentation or a statement; |
(b) | report the case to the police; and |
(c) | apply to the executive officer for a new abattoir-identification code if roller-mark equipment were lost or stolen. |
(11) | All carcasses, of which 40 or more of a specific species are slaughtered per month, originating from an abattoir for which an abattoir-identification code has been registered, shall be classified and, excluding pig carcasses, also be roller-marked in the abattoir. |
(12) | The responsible person of an abattoir for which has been registered an abattoir- identification code shall have at all times, a complete, updated inventory of all classification equipment available for inspection and is also responsible for the safekeeping of all such classification equipment; |