R 385
Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)RegulationsRegulations regarding Control over the Sale of Poultry Meat14. Method and procedures regarding absorbed moisture and carcasses and portions treated with a formulated solution |
[Regulation 14 heading substituted by regulation 7 of Notice No. R. 471, GG 39944, dated 22 April 2016]
(1) | The amount of absorbed moisture of an inspection lot of water chilled carcasses as well as carcasses and portions treated with a formulated solution, shall be determined in accordance with Method A in the Annexure. |
(2) | For carcasses chilled with water as well as carcasses and portions treated with a formulated solution, the tests for absorbed moisture and formulated solution uptake shall be carried out with commencement of a work shift in a poultry abattoir and thereafter be repeated at least once every hour. |
(3) | The % average absorbed moisture of an inspection lot for water chilled carcasses shall not exceed the limit referred to in subregulation 4(2). |
(4) | If the limit referred to in subregulation 4(2) are exceeded, all carcasses in the "water spin chiller" shall be cut up into portions until such time as a further test produces results that are within the limit. |
(5) | The % average absorbed moisture and % formulated solution uptake of an inspection lot shall not exceed the limits referred to in subregulations 4(9)(a) and 5(4)(b): Provided that the following maximum permissible deviations shall be applicable— |
(a) | carcasses - 1% (QUID); and |
(b) | portions - 2.5% (QUID). |
(6) | If the maximum permissible deviations referred to in subregulation 14(5) are exceeded the necessary adjustments shall be made immediately and a further test shall be carried out forthwith, and the records shall reflect this adjustment. |
(7) | The results of all tests shall be recorded and kept for at least one year. |
(8) | An indication of the % of absorbed moisture of an inspection lot of frozen or deep frozen water chilled poultry carcasses can be obtained in accordance with Method B in the Annexure. |
(9) | Method C in the Annexure may be used to get an indication of the % of absorbed moisture and formulated solution uptake of an inspection lot of frozen or deep frozen poultry cuts. |
[Regulation 14 substituted by regulation 7 of Notice No. R. 471, GG 39944, dated 22 April 2016]