R 385
Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)RegulationsRegulations regarding Control over the Sale of Poultry MeatAnnexure |
1. | METHOD A |
(a) | In the case of water chilling of carcasses, carcasses treated with a formulated solution and portions treated with a formulated solution: Identify and determine the mass to the nearest one gram of each unit of the inspection lot which have been taken from the production time immediately prior to the water chilling or treatment process. This represents the initial mass (I). |
(b) | Place the identified carcasses or units of portions back onto the production line at the same point. |
(i) | In the case of water chilling of carcasses: After the carcasses have been chilled and drained, at the furthest point away from the chiller just before the next processing step, whether it is treatment or packaging, etc., the mass of each of the recovered carcasses is again determined to the nearest one gram. This represents the final mass (F). |
(ii) | In the case of carcasses treated with a formulated solution: After the carcasses have been treated, at the furthest point away from the treatment equipment just before packaging and freezing, the mass of each of the recovered carcasses is again determined to the nearest one gram. This represents the final mass (F). |
(iii) | In the case of portions treated with a formulated solution: After the portions have been treated, at the furthest point away from the treatment equipment just after freezing and before packaging, the mass of each of the recovered units of portions is again determined to the nearest one gram. This represents the final mass (F). |
(d) | Carcasses and units with obvious water/formulated solution pockets may be ignored: Provided that the inspection lot requirements shall be adhered to. |
(e) | Determine the % absorbed moisture/formulated solution uptake of each carcass or unit of portions by means of the following formula: |
(F - l) x 100
F = % absorbed moisture/formulated solution (QUID)
(f) | Calculate the average % absorbed moisture/formulated solution uptake of the inspection lot. |
2. | METHOD B |
[Reg. 14(8)]
(a) | Objective and scope |
This method shall be used to determine the amount of moisture loss from recently frozen and deep frozen poultry carcasses during thawing. If this drip loss, expressed as a percentage by weight of the carcass (including all the edible offal contained in the pack), exceeds the limit value laid down in paragraph (g), it is an indication that excess moisture has been absorbed during cooling.
The technique shall not be applicable to poultry which has been treated with a formulated solution or similar substances in order to increase moisture retention.
(b) | Definition |
Drip loss determined by this method shall be expressed as a percentage of the total mass of the frozen or deep frozen carcass, including edible offal.
(c) | Principle |
The frozen or deep frozen carcass, including edible offal present, shall be allowed to thaw under controlled conditions which allow the mass loss resulting from water loss to be calculated.
(d | Apparatus |
(i) | A scale with a weighing capacity of up to 5 kg and with an accuracy of one gram. |
(ii) | Plastic bags large enough to hold a carcass and with a proper means of closing, but shall not be unduly large. |
(iii) | A thermostatically controlled waterbath that— |
(aa) | can contain a volume of water not less than eight times the volume of the poultry carcass to be tested; and |
(bb) | can maintain water at a temperature at 42°C. |
(iv) | Filter paper or other absorbent paper towels. |
(e) | Method |
(i) | Seven carcasses shall be removed at random from the quantity of poultry to be tested. The carcasses shall be kept at a temperature not higher than -12°C, until each carcass can be tested as described in subparagraphs (ii) to (xii) below. |
(ii) | The outside of the pack shall be wiped to remove superficial water and ice. The mass of the pack and the contents thereof shall be determined to the nearest gram. This mass shall be expressed as M0. |
(iii) | The carcass, as well as any edible offal sold with it, shall be removed from the outer wrap. The wrap shall be dried and the mass shall be determined to the nearest gram. This mass shall be expressed as M1. |
(iv) | The mass of the frozen carcass plus offal shall be calculated by subtracting M1 from M0. |
(v) | The carcass, including the offal, shall be placed in a strong waterproof plastic bag with the abdominal cavity facing towards the closed end of the bag. When the carcass and the offal are placed in the bag, as much air as possible shall be removed from the bag by compression and it must then be fastened properly. |
(vi) | The bag containing the carcass and edible offal shall be immersed in a bath of water at 42°C up to the closed end of the bag and shall be positioned in such a way that the water in the bath cannot flow into the bag. It may be held in position by means of weights if necessary. |
(vii) | The bag shall be left in the bath of water until the thermal centre of the poultry carcass reaches ±4°C. As an indication in the case of poultry at -12°C, the period of immersion during which the temperature of the water shall be maintained at 42°C, would be as follows: |
Mass of carcass and offal |
Time in minutes |
Less than 800 g |
65 |
801 - 900 g |
72 |
901 - 1 000 g |
78 |
1 001 - 1 100 g |
85 |
1 101 - 1 200 g |
91 |
1 201 - 1300 g |
98 |
1 301 - 1 400 g |
105 |
(viii) | The period of immersion referred to in subparagraph (vii) shall be increased by seven minutes for each additional 100 g or part thereof. |
(ix) | The bag and the contents thereof shall be removed from the bath of water. The bottom of the bag shall be pierced in order to allow water inside the bag to drain. The bag and the contents thereof shall be allowed to drip for one hour at an ambient temperature of between 18°C and 25°C. |
(x) | The thawed carcass shall be removed from the bag and the pack that contains offal (if present) shall be removed from the abdominal cavity. The inside and outside of the carcass shall be dried with filter paper or paper towels. The pack that contains the offal shall be pierced and, once any liquid has drained away, the bag and thawed offal shall be dried as carefully as possible. |
(xi) | The total mass of the thawed carcass, offal and pack s hall be determined to the nearest gram and shall be expressed as M2. |
(xii) | The mass of the pack which contained the offal shall be determined to the nearest gram and shall be expressed as M3. |
(f) | Calculation of result |
The amount of water lost through thawing expressed as a percentage by weight of the frozen or deep frozen carcass (including offal) shall be determined by means of the following formula:
M0 - M1 - M2
___________ x 100
M0 - M1 - M2
(g) | Evaluation of result |
If the average moisture loss on thawing for the inspection lot exceeds 7.0% of the average mass of the frozen or deep frozen poultry carcasses, it is an indication that the amount of moisture absorbed during processing exceeds the limit.
3. | METHOD C |
(a) | Objective and scope |
This method is used to determine the total added water content of certain poultry cuts (breasts, thighs and drumsticks). The method shall involve determination of the water and protein contents of samples from the homogenised poultry cuts. The water-protein ratio is then calculated as per paragraph (f)(i) and (ii) for the specific portions, to determine whether or not excess water has been taken up during processing (water chilling and other methods of water uptake such as injection, marinating, etc.).
The technique shall be applicable to poultry which has been subjected to processes that may have lead to water uptake during processing such as water used for chilling the carcasses and/or treatment of the carcasses and cuts with any solution that contains water (such as but not limited to injection, tumbling, marinating, etc.).
(b) | Definition |
Moisture content shall be expressed as a percentage of the total mass of the frozen or deep frozen portions (breasts, thighs or drumsticks).
(c) | Principle |
Water and protein contents are determined in accordance with the latest AOAC or other internationally accepted methods of analysis, the water-protein ratio is calculated and the value obtained is compared with the values in paragraph (g), indicating 15% moisture uptake for the poultry cuts concerned.
(d) | Apparatus |
(i) | A scale with a weighing capacity of up to 5 kg and with an accuracy of one gram. |
(ii) | Heavy-duty bowl cutter with sufficient power to chop and blend frozen or deep-frozen meat and bones to produce a homogeneous mixture. |
(iii) | Apparatus as specified in the latest AOAC or other internationally accepted method for the determination of water content. |
(iv) | Apparatus as specified in the latest AOAC or other internationally accepted method for the determination of protein content. |
(e) | Method and sampling |
(i) | Breasts, thighs or drumsticks are taken at random from the quantity of poultry cuts to be checked and kept frozen. In the case of frozen or deep-frozen bulk products (cuts not individually packed) the large packs from which samples are to be taken may be kept at 0°C until individual cuts can be removed. The analysis may concern the cuts separately or a composite sample of the cuts, depending on the capacity of the bowl cutter to produce a homogenous mixture. |
(ii) | The preparation must commence immediately after the removal of the cuts from the freezer. |
(iii) | The cuts are removed from all wrapping material and the weight of the poultry cut is determined to the nearest gram. In the case of a composite sample analysis the total weight of the cuts is determined. |
(iv) | The whole cuts are chopped in a bowl cutter to obtain a homogeneous mixture from which a sample representative of each cut may then be taken. In the case of a composite sample analysis, all cuts are chopped in a bowl cutter to obtain a homogeneous mixture from which two samples representative of the cuts may then be taken. |
(v) | A sample of the homogenised mixture is taken and used immediately to determine the water content in accordance with the latest AOAC or other internationally accepted method. |
(vi) | A sample of the homogenised mixture is taken and used immediately to determine the nitrogen content in accordance with the latest AOAC or other internationally accepted method. This nitrogen content is converted to crude protein content by multiplying it by the factor 6.25. |
(f) | Calculation of result |
(i) | Ensure that the weight of water and weight of protein are expressed in grams for the same amount of sample of homogenised mixture. |
(ii) | The water-protein ratio is determined by taking the weight of the water and dividing it by the weight of the protein. |
(g) | Evaluation of result |
Highest permissible W/P ratios (15% level) |
Cut |
Highest permissible ratio |
Breast |
4.36 |
Thigh |
4.82 |
Drumstick |
4.66 |
[Annexure substituted by regulation 8 of Notice No. R. 471, GG 39944, dated 22 April 2016]