R 385
Air Traffic and Navigation Services Company Act, 1993 (Act No. 45 of 1993)NoticesPublication of Air Traffic Service Charges10. General rules, exemptions and exceptions |
(10.1) | The tariffs set out in these Rules, including the Appendix, are exclusive of Value-Added Tax and are therefore subject to the appropriate rate applicable to any specific tariff. |
(10.2) | Air traffic service charges are payable by the operator of an aircraft to the Company. |
(10.3) | Air traffic service charges are payable in respect of South African and foreign state aircraft, unless other provision has been made by means of an agreement with the Company. |
(10.4) | Air traffic service charges are payable in respect of helicopters, except at FAJS where no TMA Access Charge is levied. |
(10.5) | No air traffic service charge is payable in respect of an aircraft engaged in any flight for the calibration of any air navigation infrastructure. |
(10.6) | Air traffic service charges are payable in respect of an aircraft engaged in emergency medical service operations, unless exempted on a case-by-case basis by means of an agreement with the Company. |
(10.7) | Subject to rule 10.9 below, no air traffic service charge is payable in respect of an aircraft requisitioned for and engaged in search and rescue operations in terms of the South African Maritime and Aeronautical Search and Rescue Act. |
(10.8) | Air traffic service charges are payable in respect of an aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations, which aircraft has not been requisitioned in terms of the South African Maritime and Aeronautical Search and Rescue Act, unless exempted on a case-by-case basis by means of an agreement with the Company. |
(10.9) | Search mission co-ordination services are payable by the relevant authority or any operator at a rate of R 1 200,00 per hour or part thereof, where these services fall outside of the normal scope of alerting services and assistance to agencies involved in search and rescue operations, in particular where services are activated due to negligence in canceling service requests. |
(a) | Aerodrome Charges and TMA Access Charges are payable in respect of Aerodrome and TMA Access movements solely for the purpose of air crew training at a discount of 70% of the applicable standard Aerodrome Charge or standard TMA Access Charge. |
(b) | Training movements attract charges as follows: |
(i) | An Aerodrome Charge is levied for each training movement upon take-off and upon landing from or at an ACSA airport, discounted as described in rule 10.10(a) above; |
(ii) | for a training movement that does not exit the aerodrome airspace, one Aerodrome Charge is levied for each circuit flown, discounted as described in rule 10.10(a) above; and |
(iii) | for a training movement that exits the aerodrome airspace into TMA airspace, rule 10.10(b)(i) above applies for each take-off and each landing, and a TMA Access Charge is levied for each circuit flown within the TMA airspace. |
(c) | For the purposes of this rule, the words "take-off" and "landing" are construed to include the use of ATM services required for take-off and landing. |
(10.11) | For oceanic flights over the Indian Ocean or the Atlantic Ocean within the South African flight information region, including those to and from Antarctica, the PC component of the Area Charge is 50% of the standard Area Charge. |
(10.12) | Extended air traffic service charges at a rate of R2 400,00 per hour or part thereof, are payable by an operator for the extension of existing air traffic services beyond the normal negotiated and planned service amendments as documented in the Integrated Aeronautical lnformation Package (IAIP). |
(10.13) | No Area Charge is payable in respect of any aircraft engaged in a flight that takes off and lands at the same airport. |
(10.14) | Subject to a directive or approval to the contrary by the Regulating Committee, the origin destination differentiation described in rule 7 above, will be phased out as follows: |
Financial year |
Domestic flight tariff |
Regional flight tariff |
International flight tariff |
2011/12 |
91% |
100% |
109% |
2012/13 |
94% |
100% |
106% |
2013/14 |
97% |
100% |
103% |
2014/15 |
100% |
100% |
100% |
(10.15) | The Company reserves the right to exempt the operator of an aircraft from payment of, or discount, any of the air traffic service charges if the Company is satisfied that the application of these Rules would amount to an unfair repetition of the same charge. |