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Animal Diseases Act, 1984 (Act No. 35 of 1984)Regulations17. Records in relation to controlled animals |
(1) | Each responsible person in a controlled area shall enter on a regular basis in a register kept by him for this purpose full particulars of— |
(a) | the kinds of animals on his land and the number of each such kind; |
(b) | the number of and reason for each increase or decrease in the number of animals recorded in terms of paragraph (a) and, where such increase or decrease is the result of the removal, introduction or slaughtering of animals on authority of a permit, the serial number and date of issue of that permit; and |
(c) | each controlled veterinary act that he applied or caused to be applied in terms of regulation 11 in respect of such animals, with an indication of— |
(i) | the date on which each such act was thus applied; |
(ii) | the number and kind of animals in respect of which each such act was thus applied on each of those dates; and |
(iii) | a description of each such act and, where applicable, of the remedy used in the application of that act. |
(2) | A register referred to in subregulation (1) shall in respect of each contact animal or infected animal or progeny or product thereof that is kept in isolation in terms of regulation 13, contain separate entries of— |
(a) | the date of commencement of such isolation; |
(b) | the nature and date of the controlled veterinary act applied in respect therewith; or |
(c) | the date on which such animal has died, was slaughtered or such animal or progeny or product has otherwise been disposed of, and the manner in which it was disposed of. |
(3) |
(a) | Whenever animals are dipped, sprayed or treated in terms of a control measure the responsible person shall in a register kept by him for this purpose enter full particulars of— |
(i) | the dates on which animals were dipped, sprayed or treated; |
(ii) | the number and kinds of animals dipped, sprayed or treated on each of those dates; |
(iii) | the volume of the dipping mixture in the dipping tank concerned or in the reservoir of the spray race concerned before as well as after each separate number of animals have been or sprayed in that dipping tank or spray race; and |
(iv) | the volume of water and remedy used each time when the dipping mixture in such dipping tank or reservoir is replenished. |
(6) | If animals are thus dipped or sprayed in a dipping tank or spray race referred to in regulation 25 (2), the name and address of each owner of the animals that were dipped or sprayed in that dipping tank or spray race on each of the dates, referred to in paragraph (a) shall also be recorded in the register concerned. |