R 385
Animal Diseases Act, 1984 (Act No. 35 of 1984)RegulationsAnnexuresAnnexure 1 : Things included in Definitions of "Infectious Thing" or "Contaminated Thing" in the Act |
1. | The carcass of an animal which died or suspectedly died of a controlled animal disease or which is infected or suspectedly infected with such disease or any portion of such carcass, including the vicera, organs, glands, hair, wool, feathers, skin, hide, hoofs, horns, teeth, bones, eggs, blood, milk, faeces, semen, ova, urine and any other fluid, secretions or excretions of such animal. |
2. | Milk and dairy product. |
3. | Meat and any meat product. |
4. | The organs, glands and vicera of animals and any product thereof. |
5. | The hides and skins of animals any any product thereof. |
6. | Unprocessed animal hair, feathers and wool. |
7. | Eggs of birds, poultry, fish, reptiles and amphibia. |
8. | Bones, hoofs, horns, ivory, teeth, blood, blood protein, embrios, semen, ova, faeces, and secretion or excretion of an animal. |
9. | Any blood meal, bone meal, hoof meal, horn meal, carcass meal and liver meal. |
10. | Any virus, bacterium, protozoon, fungu, parasite or any other organism which can cause or transmit an animal disease. |
11. | Any vacine, serum, antiserum, toxine, antitoxine, antigen or other product which is manufactured wholly or partially or is derived from any virus, bacterium, protozoon, fungus, parasite, gland, organ serum, fluid or part of an animal and which is intended for animal use. |
12. | Any kitchen refuse of animal or vegetable origin originating from any dwelling, hotel, motel, restaurant, eating-house, airport, harbour or any place where food are being prepared for human use. |
1. | Second hand meat cloths and other material which have been used for the wrapping of animal products. |
2. | Empty second hand grain bags and woolpacks. |
3. | Any bedding which have been used for animals and any grass, hay and straw used for the feeding of animals. |
4. | Any cage, crate or other container, halter, rope, chain or restraining or securing thing, harness, instrument, tool, fodder or other thing which has been used by or in connection with or could have been in contact with any controlled animal or thing. |
5. | Any conveyance in which any infected animal or contact animal or any infected or contaminated thing was transported. |