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Animal Diseases Act, 1984 (Act No. 35 of 1984)RegulationsTablesTable 2 : Control measures relating to controlled animal diseases |
Controlled veterinary act to be performed in respect of — |
Animal disease |
Nature, causal organism and symptoms |
Susceptible animals |
susceptible animals |
contact animals |
infected animals |
1 |
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African Horse sickness |
Viral disease transmitted by biting insects and characterised by high fever, respiratory distress, subcutaneous oedema and acute death. |
Equines and Zebra |
1. All equines in the Republic except equines in the African horse sickness free zone and the African horse sickness surveillance zone as described in Table 1, shall be immunized with an effective remedy by the responsible person twice before the age of 18 months and then again once every year thereafter; provided that the director in a particular case may determine that such immunization must be carried out by an officer or veterinarian.
2. Equines in the African horse sickness free zone and surveillance zone and protection zone as described in Table 1 shall only be immunized as determined by the director. |
1. Contact animals in controlled area shall be isolated and immunised as determined by the director.
Contact animals outside the controlled area shall not be moved into a controlled area without the permission of the director. |
1. Infected animals in a controlled area shall be isolated for the period determined by the director.
2. Infected animals outside the controlled area shall not be moved into a controlled area. |
African swine fever |
Highly contagious viral disease transmitted by wild pigs, warthogs, bush pigs and the tampan (Ornithoforos moubala), and characterised by high fever, reddish discolouration of the skin of the abdomen and hind quarters, in co-ordination, somnolence, high mortality and haemorrhage in all internal organs, especially in lumph nodes. |
Pigs, wild pigs, bushpigs and warthogs |
1. All pigs in a controlled area excluding wild pigs, warthogs and bush pig that are not tamed, shall be kept in pig proof camps, kraals or pens. 2. All infectious or contaminated things fed to pigs in the Republic, shall be cooked beforehand for at least 60 minutes or sterilised. |
Contact animals shall be isolated and destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Infected animals shall be isolated and destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Anthrax |
Peracute contagious animal disease to which man is also susceptible, caused by the bacterium Becillus anthraxs, and characterised by sudden death with tarry bloodstained discharge from the mouth, nose and anus, skin haemorrhages, and an excessively enlarged spleen. |
Cattle, equines, sheep, goats, pigs, ostriches and game |
All cattle in the Republic shall be immunised once every 12 months with an efficient remedy by the responsible person. |
Contact animals (including tamed game) in a controlled area shall be isolated and be immunised with an efficient remedy under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Infected animals shall be isolated and destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Aujeszky's disease |
Contagious viral disease mainly affecting piglets less then 3 weeks old and characterised by lack of appetite, inco-ordination, low fertility, abortion, depression, vomitting, diarrhoea and convulsions and especially an intense itching in other animal species - a symptom seldom seen in pigs. |
Mainly pigs, but can also affect other animals |
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Contact animals shall be isolated and destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Infected animals shall be isolated and destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Bacterial Kidney Disease |
A bacterial disease of fish caused by a gram positive diplobscillus and characterised by a grayish-white necrotic kidney infection. |
Trout |
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All fish in infected dams shall be destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
All fish in infected dams shall be destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Bovine contagious pleuro-pneumonia (Lungsickness) |
Highly contagious animal disease caused by the bacterium Mycroplasma mycoldes, characterised by respiratory distress, coughing and emaclation. At post mortem examination, the lungs have a typical marbled reddish-grey colour. |
Cattle |
All cattle in a controlled area shall be immunised at least once every 12 months with an efficient remedy under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Contact animals shall be isolated, and tested and immunised with an efficient remedy under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person in the manner determined by the director. |
Infected animals shall be isolated and destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Bovine malignant catharrh |
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Bovine spongiform encephalopathy |
No person shall feed any meat and bone meal or greaves of ruminant origin (except milk and milk products) to any animals other than predators and carnivores, except with written approval of the director. Any written approval for the above-mentioned exception may only be granted for the feeding of ruminant blood meal to non-ruminant animals and is subject to the conditions as may be determined by the director. |
Brucellosis |
Highly contagious animal disease to which man is also suspectible, caused by the bacteria Brucella abortus, B. mellitensis, B. canls and B. suls, and characterised in the female animal by abortion in the later stage of pregnancy, retained placenta and reduced fertility, and in the male animal by orchitis. |
Cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and dogs |
1. All heifers between the age of 4 and 8 months in the Republic shall be immunised once with an efficient remedy by the responsible person. 2. No bovine above the age of 8 months shall be immunised against Brucellosis without the written consent of the responsible State Veterinarian. 3. Susceptible animals may be tested by an officer, an authorised person or a veterinarian. 4. Sheep and she-goat lambs may be immunised with an efficient remedy at weaning age by the responsible person. |
Contact animals shall be isolated and tested by an officer or an authorised person, and all bovines reacting negatively, may with the written consent of the responsible State Veterinarian be immunised with an efficient remedy under the supervision of or by an officer or an authorised person. |
1. Infected cattle shall be marked as contemplated in regulation 29, isolated and may only be removed from isolation for slaughter purposes. 2. Infected sheep, goats, pigs and dogs shall be destroyed under supervision of or by an officer or authorised person or otherwise disposed of in the manner determined by the director. |
Contagious equine metritis |
Contagioius venereal disease caused by the bacterium Taylorella equigenitalis, transmitted by coitus, artificial insemination and direct or indirect contact and charactrised in mares by metritis, abortions and low fertility. |
Equines and Zebra |
Serving of infected mares or serving or artificial insemination by infected stallions shall be prevented. |
Contact animals shall be isolated and tested under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Infected animals shall be destroyed or dealt with as determined by the director. |
Contagious haematopoetic necrosis |
A contagious viral disease of fish, characterised by sudden deaths, dark discolouration, anaemia, eye-bulging with distention of the abdomen and hard faeces. |
Trout |
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All fish in infected dams shall be destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
All fish in infected dams shall be destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Contagious pancreatic necrosis |
A contagious viral disease of fish, characterised by a sudden high mortality rate especially under young fish, rotating swimming movements, dark discolouration, distention of the abdomen with milky slime in the stomach and intestine. |
Trout |
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All fish in infected dams shall be destroyed under supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
All fish in infected dams shall be destroyed under supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Corridor or buffalo disease |
Acute communicable animal disease caused by the protozoon Thelleria parva lawrencel, transmitted by the brown ear tick (Rhipkephalus appendkulatus), occuring after contact with African buffaloes, and characterised by respiratory distress, enlarged lymph nodes, occasional blindness in one or both eyes, and marked oedems and sometimes emphysema in the lungs. |
Cattle and African buffaloes |
1. Contact between cattle and African buffaloes shall be prevented. 2. All cattle in a controlled area shall be dipped or sprayed regularly by the responsible person with an efficient remedy. 3. No animal shall be chemothera-peutically treated without the written authorisation of the director. |
Contact animals shall be isolated and dipped or sprayed with an efficient remedy under the supervision of an officer or an authorised person in the manner and at the intervals determined by the responsible State Veterinarian. |
Infected animals shall be isolated and dipped or sprayed with an efficient remedy under the supervision of an officer or an authorised person in the manner and at the intervals determined by the responsible State Veterinarian. |
Dourine |
Chronic contagious venereal disease caused by the protozoon Trypanosome equlperdum, transmitted by coitus and characterised by swelling of the genitals legs and abdomen and sometimes by nervous symptoms. |
Equines and Zebra |
1. Serving of infected mares or by infected stallions shall be prevented. 2. Susceptible animals may be tested by an officer, an authorised person or a veterinarian. |
Contact animals shall be isolated and tested by an officer or authorised person. |
Infected animals shall be isolated and, in the case of— (a) mares, sterilised, slaughtered or destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person; and (b) stallions, castrated, slaughtered or destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
East Coast Fever |
Fatal communicable animal disease caused by the protozoon Thelleria parva parva, transmitted by the brown ear tick (Rhipkephalus appendkulatus), and characterised by high fever, respiratory distress, enlarged lymph nodes blood-stained diarrhoea anaemia, jaundice and white circumscribed spots on the kidneys. |
Cattle and African buffaloes |
1. All cattle and tamed buffaloes and water-buffaloes in a controlled area shall be dipped or sprayed regularly by the responsible person with an efficient remedy. 2. No animal shall be chemothera-peutically treated without the written authorisation of the director. |
Contact animals shall be isolated and dipped or sprayed with an efficient remedy under the supervision of an officer or authorised person. |
Infected animals shall be isolated and destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Equine infectious anaemia |
Viral disease transmitted by biting insects and characterised by a prolonged course after an initial acute attack with intermittent fever, weakness, anaemia, jaundice and emaciation. |
Equines and Zebra |
Equine in a controlled area shall be treated against which an efficient remedy by the responsible person. |
Contact animals shall be isolated and tested by an officer or authorised person. |
Infected animals and the progeny or products thereof shall be isolated and destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Equine Influenza |
Highly contagious viral disease that is characterized by a mild fever, coughing and a nasal discharge |
Equines and Zebras |
All equines in the Republic may be immunized by the responsible person with an efficient remedy in accordance with the directions for use thereof. Records of the vaccination shall be entered into the passport of the horse or kept by the owner in cases of horses without a passport. |
Contact animals shall be immunized with an efficient remedy by the responsible person as prescribed by the director. |
Infected animals shall be isolated by the responsible person for a period of 21 days after the temperature of the last animal on the land that became infected returned to normal. |
European swine fever |
Highly contagious viral disease characterised by high fever, skin haemorrhages inco-ordination, nervous symptoms, diarrhoea and high mortality |
Pigs, wild pigs, warthogs and bush pigs |
All pigs in a controlled area, including tamed wild pigs and bush pigs, shall be kept in pig proof camps, kraals or pens. |
Contact animals shall be isolated and destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Infected animals shall be isolated and destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Foot and mouth disease |
Highly contagious viral disease characterised by the formation of vesicles on the mucous membranes of the buccal cavity and tongue and on the coronary bands. |
All cloven hooved animals |
1. Susceptible cattle, sheep and goats in controlled area shall be vaccinated by an officer or an authorised person at intervals determined by the director.
2. Contact between cattle and African buffaloes shall be prevented. |
Contact animals shall be isolated and dealt with as determined by the director |
Infected animals shall be isolated and immunized or disposed of as determined by the director |
Glanders |
Contagious animal disease to which man is also susceptible, caused by the bacterium Actinobacllus mallel and characterised by the formation of military abscesses in the lungs and ulceration in the respiratory tract and on the skin, especially of the legs. |
Equines and Zebra |
Horse, mules and donkeys may be tested. |
All contact animals shall be isolated and be tested by an officer or authorised person. |
Infected animals shall be isolated and be destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Haemorhagic septicemia |
A contagious viral disease of fish characterised by rapid progression and high mortality, darkish-brown to black discolouration, eye-bulging, anaemia, dropsy and nervous symptoms in the last stage of the disease. |
Trout |
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All fish in infected dams shall be destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
All fish in infected dams shall be destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Johne's disease |
Chronic animal disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium paratuberculosis and characterised by chronic diarrhoea, progressive emaciation and characteristic corrugated thickening of the mucous membrane of the colon and rectum. |
Cattle, sheep and goats |
1. Susceptible animals may be tested by an officer or veterinarian. |
Contact animals shall be isolated and tested by an officer or veterinarian. |
Infected animals shall be isolated and slaughtered at an abattoir and destroyed under the supervision of an officer. |
Koi herpesvirus disease |
Infection with the viral species koi herpesvirus which can cause mortalities up to 70 - 100% |
Common carp, ghost carp, koi carp, varieties of these carp species and gold fish |
Contact animals shall be isolated and dealt with as determined by the director. |
Infected animals shall be isolated and dealt with as determined by the director. |
Nagana |
Acute or chronic communicable animal disease caused by the protozoon Trypanosoma transmitted by the tsetse fly (Glossina spp.), and characterised by anaemia, intermittent fever, enlarged lymph nodes, emaciation and occasionally swelling of the legs, chest and abdomen. |
Cattle, equines, game, dogs and pigs |
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Contact animals may be treated by the responsible person with an efficient remedy. |
Infected animals may be treated by the responsible person with an efficient remedy. |
Newcastle disease |
Highly contagious viral disease caused by avian paramyxovirus 1 (velogenic or mesogenic) strains that cause or have the potential to cause severe disease characterized by respiratory distress, greenish diarrhea, occasionally nervous symptoms and high mortality. |
Poultry and birds |
1. Poultry and tamed birds may be immunised by the responsible person with an efficient remedy. 2. All poultry and tamed birds in a controlled area shall be immunised by the responsible person with an efficient remedy. |
Contact animals shall be isolated and immunised by the responsible person with an efficient remedy. |
Infected animals shall be isolated and be destroyed or dealt with as determined by the director. |
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome |
Contagious viral disease of pigs characterized by late abortions, mummified piglets, premature furrowing, stillbirths, agalactia, mastitis, lowered fertility, piglets born weak, poor growth rates, general morbidity and respiratory signs in all ages or pigs. Cyanosis (blueing) of the skin on the extremities (especially ears and vulva) is a variable sign. |
Pigs |
Susceptible animals may be tested by an officer or veterinarian. |
Contact animals shall be Isolated and tested by an officer or veterinarian. |
Infected animals shall be isolated and slaughtered at an abattoir or destroyed under the supervision of an officer. |
Psittacosis |
Highly contagious animal disease to which man is also susceptible, caused by the organism Chlamydia psittaci, and characterised by general listlessness, diarrhoea, nassal discharge, emaciation and thickened air sac walls with a fibrinous exudate. |
All birds but especially the parrot family |
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Contact birds shall be isolated and treated with an efficient remedy by the responsible person. |
Infected birds shall be isolated, or destroyed or treated under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Rabies |
Contagious viral disease to which man is also susceptible, mainly transmitted by the bite of an infected animal and characterised by salivation, behavourial deviation, agressiveness, progressive paralysis, high mortality and continious bellowing in cattle. |
All mammals |
All dogs in the controlled area shall between the ages of 3 and 7 months, then 12 months later and then again once every 3 years thereafter, be immunised with an efficient remedy by an officer, veterinarian or authorised person. |
Infected birds shall be isolated and be destroyed by the responsible person or an officer, veterinarian or authorised person: Provided that a responsible person who kills such animal shall retain the carcass for the attention of an officer, authorised person or veterinarian. |
Rinderpest |
Highly contagious viral disease characterised by affection of all mucous membranes and subsequent serious eye and nasal discharge, salivation which may be blood-stained, severe diarrhoea containing blood and portions of intestinal mucosa, ulcerations of buccal and integinal mucous membranes and high mortality. |
All cloven hoofed animals, especially cattle |
Susceptible animals in a controlled area shall be immunised with an efficient remedy under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Contact animals shall be isolated and be immunised with an efficient remedy under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person . |
Infected birds shall be isolated and be destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Salmonella enteritidis |
Contagious animal disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella enteritidis and characterised by septicemia in young poultry and a carrier state in older poultry. |
Poultry and birds |
Poultry and birds may be immunised by the responsible person with an efficient remedy. |
Contact animals may be immunised by the responsible person with an efficient remedy. |
Infected animals must be disposed of as determined by the director. |
Salmonella Gallinarum (Fowl typhoid) |
An infectious egg-transmitted bacterial disease caused by Salmonella Gallinarum, characterized by difficult breathing, diarrhoea, and high mortalities |
Poultry |
1. Susceptible poultry may be tested by an officer or veterinarian.
2. Grandparent and pedigree poultry flocks may not be immunized. |
Contact poultry flocks shall be isolated by the responsible person and tested under supervision of an officer. |
Infected poultry shall be isolated by the responsible person and destroyed under the supervision of an officer. |
Salmonella Pullorum (Bacillary White Diarrhoea) |
An infectious egg-transmitted bacterial disease caused by Salmonella Pullorum, characterized by difficult breathing, diarrhoea, septicaemia and high mortalities |
Poultry |
1. Susceptible poultry may be tested by an officer or veterinarian.
2. Grandparent and pedigree poultry flocks may not be immunized. |
Contact poultry flocks shall be isolated by the responsible person and tested under supervision of an officer. |
Infected poultry shall be isolated by the responsible person and destroyed under the supervision of an officer. |
Scraple |
Fatal animal disease suspectedly caused by a virus affecting the nervous system and characterised by a very long incubation period, nervous symptoms, intense itching, inco-ordination, emaciation and paralysis. |
Sheep and goats |
No person shall feed any protein of ruminant origin (except milk and milk products) to any animals other than predators and carnivores, except with written approval of the director. Any written approval for the above-mentioned exception may only be granted for the feeding of ruminant blood meal to non-ruminant animals and is subject to the conditions as may be determined by the director. |
Contact animals shall be isolated and be examined by an officer or authorised person. |
Infected animals and the progeny or products thereof shall be isolated and destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Sheep scab |
Highly contagious animal disease caused by the mite Psoroptes ovis, and characterised in sheep by intense itching, derranged, stringy and matted wool, moist yellowish papules and subsequent coagulated exudation on the skin, eventually leading to denuded scabby patches on the skin and emaciation. |
Sheep and goats |
All sheep in the Republic shall at least once each year, be dipped or treated with an efficient remedy by the responsible person: Provided that where goats are kept on the same land as sheep, such goats shall also be dipped or treated. |
Contact animals shall be isolated and dipped or treated with an efficient remedy at least twice with an interval of not less than seven days and not more than 10 days by the responsible person. |
Infected animals shall be isolated and be dipped or treated with an efficient remedy at least twice with an interval of not less than seven days and not more than 10 days by the responsible person. |
Swine crysipelas |
Contagious animal disease caused by the bacterium Eryslpelotrix rhusiopathiac, and characterised by lameness and typical raised pink lesions on the skin. |
Pigs |
Susceptible animals may be immunised by the responsible person with an efficient remedy. |
Contact animals shall be isolated and be immunised with an efficient remedy under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person . |
Infected animals shall be isolated and treated with an efficient remedy or be destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person |
Swine erysipelas |
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Swine vesicular disease |
Highly contagious viral disease characterised by high fever, lameness and the formation of vesicles on the mucous membranes of the tongue and on the coronary bands. |
Pigs |
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Contact animals shall be isolated and be destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Infected animals shall be isolated and be destroyed under the supervision of or by an officer or authorised person. |
Tuberculosis |
Chronic contagious animal disease to which man is also susceptible, caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium bovis, M. avium and M. tuberculosis, and is an advanced stage in some animals characterised by emaciation, coughing and enlarged lymph nodes. |
All animals, except fish, reptiles and amphibians |
Susceptible animals may be tested by an officer, authorised person or veterinarian. |
Contact animals shall be isolated and be tested by an officer, authorised person or veterinarian. |
Infected animals shall be marked as contemplated in regulation 29 isolated and be slaughtered in the manner determined by the responsible State Veterinarian: Provided that the director may in a particular case approve that specific contaminated animals may be treated with an efficient remedy. |
[Table 2 substituted by section 4(a) and (b) of Notice No. 2318, GG47133, dated 29 July 2022]