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Animal Improvement Act, 1998 (Act No. 62 of 1998)
Notice No. 1215 of 1998
1. Definitions
2. Application of Act
3. Designation of registrar
4. Discretionary powers of registrar
5. Register
6. Register to be evidence
7. Requirements for registration or approval
8. Registration or approval
9. Renewal of registration or approval
10. Termination of registration or approval
11. Animal breeders' society
12. Amendment of constitution
13. Restriction of certain actions in respect of animals and genetic material
14. Restriction on sale or importation of genetic material
15. Restriction on certain actions with reference to stud book animals
16. Importation of animals and genetic material
17. Exportation of animals and genetic material of landrace
18. Prohibition of false or misleading advertisements
19. Confidentiality
20. Establishment of schemes
21. Inspection
22. Complaints against animal breeders' societies and registering authorities
23. Appeals
24. State not exempted from fees
25. Offences and penalties
26. Presumptions and evidence
27. Delegation of powers and assignment of duties
28. Regulations
29. Repeal of laws and savings
30. Short title and commencement
Notice No. R. 1682 of 2003
1. Definitions
2. Registration of certain persons
3. Requirements for registration
4. Registration of premises as centres
5. Approval of animals as donors of genetic material and applicability of Act
6. Registration of import agents
7. Registration of animal breeders' societies
8. Registration of registering authorities
9. Renewal of registrations and approvals
10. Return of certificates of registration and approval
11. Sale of genetic material
12. Artificial insemination and embryo transfer
13. Importation of animals and genetic material
14. Exportation of landraces
15. Keeping and care of animals at centres
16. Techical activities at centres
17. Records to be kept at centres
18. Register of particulars
19. Appeals
20. Payment of fees
21. Offences and penalties
22. Address for the submission of documents
Table 1 : Fees Payable
Table 2 : Approved Training Facilities for Artificial Insemination, Semen Collection, Embryo Transfer and Embryo Collection
Table 3 : Prohibited Hereditary Defects
Table 3(b) : Prohibited Chromosomal Abnormalities
Table 4 : Required Performance Parameters of Animals for the Collection of Semen
Table 5 : Live Spermatozoa in a Dose of Semen
Table 6 : Minimum Standards for Structural Abnormalities
Table 7(a) : Breeds of Animals
Table 7(b) : Landrace Breeds
Animal Improvement Schemes
Notice No. R. 4 of 2007
1. Definitions
2. Names of Schemes
3. Categories of Schemes
4. Objectives of the Schemes
5. Scope of the Schemes
6. Kaonafatso ya Dikgomo (KyD)
7. Scope of the Scheme
8. Participants of the Scheme
9. Requirements for participating in the Scheme
10. Register of responsible persons and herds
11. National Beef Recording and Improvement Scheme (NBRIS)
12. Scope of the Scheme
13. Participants of the Scheme
14. Requirements for participating in the Scheme
15. Register of responsible persons and herds
16. National Milk Recording and Improvement Scheme (NMRIS)
17. Scope of the Scheme
18. Participants of the Scheme
19. Requirements for participating in the scheme
20. Register of responsible persons and herds
21. National Small Stock Recording and Improvement Scheme (NSSRIS)
22. Scope of the Scheme
23. Participants of the Scheme
24. Requirements for participating in the Scheme
25. Register of responsible persons and herds
26. National Pig Improvement Scheme (NPIRIS)
27. Scope of the Scheme
28. Participants of the Scheme
29. Requirements for participating in the Scheme
30. Register of responsible persons and herds
31. National Poultry Recording and improvement Scheme (NPORIS)
32. Objectives of the Scheme
33. Application and Scope of the Scheme
34. Participants of the Scheme
35. Requirements for joining the scheme
36. Register of responsible persons and herds
37. Admission to a Scheme
38. Measures relating to a participating herd
39. Renewal of participation certificates
40. Lapsing of certificates
41. Exemption from payment of fees
42. Return of certificates
43. Restrictions on the use of certificates and declarations
44. Management of the Schemes
Commencement of Scheme
Animal Improvement Act, 1998 (Act No. 62 of 1998)
Animal Improvement Schemes
2. Names of Schemes
These Schemes shall be known as the Animal Improvement Schemes.
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