R 385
Architectural Profession Act, 2000 (Act No. 44 of 2000)RulesContinuing Professional Development and Renewal of Registration3. Exemption from CPD Requirements |
3.1 | Any person whose registration was cancelled, and who no longer carries out any architectural work either in a consulting capacity, lecturing at an educational institution or in a salaried position is exempted from these conditions. |
(a) | In the event that any Registered Professional referred to in clause 3.1 above elects to return to active architectural practice, such a person must apply to the Council for re-registration to the active register and will have to start attending to CPD activities whilst practicing. |
(b) | The CPD Committee may, upon receipt of a fully motivated and substantiated application from any Registered Professional, recommend to Council to grant full or partial exemption from the requirements of these conditions for such period as the Council may deem appropriate and reasonable. Each application will be considered on its own merits. |
3.2 | Any person who is registered as an apprentice or in a candidate category contemplated in Section 18 (1) (b) of the Act is exempted from these CPD requirements. |