R 385
Architectural Profession Act, 2000 (Act No. 44 of 2000)Board NoticesGuideline Professional Fees issued in terms of Section 34(2)Final Framework for guidelines professional fees in respect of architectural services rendered by the registered architectural professionals6. Interpretation |
The hourly rates shall be deemed to include establishment charges and charges for time expended by clerical staff;
The words "advise", "appoint', "approve", "authorise", "certify", "consent', "decide", "delegate", "designate", "instruct', "issue", "notify", "object, "reply", "request', and "specify" shall indicate an act required to be carried out in writing;
All monetary amounts exclude VAT which shall be added to any amounts which become due and payable, provided the service provider is registered for VAT;
Notice in terms of service agreements shall be deemed to have been duly received when delivered by hand on the day of the delivery; sent by registered post 7 (seven) days after posting; and sent by e-mail on delivery/read receipt confirmation or 3 (three) days after transmission.