R 385
Chapter II : Fidelity Fund |
25. Continued existence of Fidelity Fund
27. Fund to vest in and to be held in trust by board of control
28. Constitution of board of control
29. Period of office of members of board of control
30. Vacation of office by members of board of control
31. Chairman and vice-chairman of board of control
32. Meetings of board of control
34. Decisions and chairman's casting vote
34A. Committees of board of control
35. Validity of resolution signed by all members of board of control
38. Certificate in respect of liabilities of fund and investment of money in fund
40. Insurance contracts for purpose of indemnifying fund
40A. Acquisition, forming and administration of insurance company or scheme
40B. Insurance contracts for purpose of professional indemnity to practitioners
42. Application for and issue of fidelity fund certificate
43. Contributions to fund by practitioners
44. Board of control may refund contributions in certain cases
46. Board of control may make grants from fund for education or research in law
47. Limitation of liability of fund
47A. Transitional provisions relating to
48. Claims against fund: notice, proof and extension of periods for claims
51. Claims may be charged against future revenue of fund
52. Exemption of fund from certain provisions of certain laws
53. Indemnification in respect of certain acts in good faith
54. Preservation and disposal of records and documents in possession of board of control