R 385
Attorneys Act, 1979 (Act No. 53 of 1979)Rules for the Attorneys' ProfessionPart III : The CouncilVacating of office by a member of the Council |
6.1 | A member of the Council shall vacate his or her office: |
6.1.1 | if he or she: | | resigns by notice in writing to the secretary; | | ceases to be a member of the society; | | is suspended from practice by the court; | | is removed from office by the Council in terms of rule 7; | | surrenders his or her estate or if his or her estate is finally sequestrated as insolvent; | | becomes of unsound mind; | | is absent without leave for more than four meetings (other than special meetings) of the Council in any twelve-month period commencing on the date of the annual general meeting, without reasons acceptable to the Council; | | is declared by a court to be incapable of managing his or her own affairs; |
6.1.2 | during any period for which he or she may be suspended from office. |
6.2 | A resolution of the Council declaring such member's office vacated shall be prima facie proof as to the fact and grounds of vacation. |