R 385
Attorneys Act, 1979 (Act No. 53 of 1979)Rules for the Attorneys' ProfessionPart IV : General PracticeBranch offices |
23. | No member shall have or retain any branch office unless it is at all times when practice is being conducted there under the effective supervision of a member who, if he or she is not the first-mentioned member himself or herself or a partner or co-director of that member, shall be an employee of that member who is an attorney who has had not less than three years' experience in practice and who has been approved for the purpose by the Council in writing; provided that the opinion of the Council as to whether or not a branch office is at any time under such effective supervision shall be binding and shall, if negative, entitle the Council to order the first mentioned member immediately to rectify his or her default or otherwise to close that office as a branch office. |