R 385
Attorneys Act, 1979 (Act No. 53 of 1979)Rules for the Attorneys' ProfessionPart VIII : MiscellaneousCircles |
51.1 | The area of jurisdiction of the Council may be divided into circles which are declared as such by the Council in respect of geographical areas within its area of jurisdiction. |
51.2 | If the Council has established circles in terms of rule 51.1 it shall have the power from time to time to increase, reduce or in any other manner alter the areas of the several circles. |
51.3 | Where circles have been established all members practising or otherwise employed within the area of a circle shall be members of that circle. |
51.4 | The affairs of a circle shall be conducted by a circle committee, which shall consist of such number of members practising in that circle as the Council may determine. |
51.5 | The functions of a circle committee shall be: |
51.5.1 | to consider and deal with such matters as specifically affect the members practising or otherwise employed within its area and are not matters which in the opinion of the Council should properly be dealt with by the Council; |
51.5.2 | to discuss and report on matters referred to it by the Council and generally deal with such matters when so required by the Council; |
51.5.3 | to consider and make representations to the Council upon any matter affecting the profession either in its area or as a whole or affecting the society; |
51.5.4 | to assist where possible in the friendly settlement of disputes between its members; |
51.5.5 | such other functions as the Council may from time to time decide. |
51.6 | Where the whole area of a circle is served by an attorneys association whose constitution has been approved by the Council: |
51.6.1 | the committee of such attorneys association shall, if the Council so decides, constitute the circle committee for such circle; or alternatively |
51.6.2 | the Council may suspend the operation of the whole or any part of this rule for as long as it shall think fit in relation to that circle. |
51.7 | Members of circle committees shall be nominated and elected annually in such manner as shall be required by the constitution of the circle. |
51.8 | Members of circle committees shall remain in office for such period as shall be determined by the Council. |
51.9 | Circle committees shall have such powers in relation to the management and conduct of circle affairs as shall be determined by the Council. |
51.10 | Where a circle has been established the circle committee shall furnish an annual report to the Council. |
51.11 | The Council may contribute towards the reasonable expenses of a circle such amounts as it may from time to time determine, and the circle concerned shall, whenever called upon to do so by the Council, furnish the Council with such particulars as it may require to enable such determination to be made. |