R 385
Banks Act, 1990 (Act No. 94 of 1990)RegulationsRegulations relating to BanksChapter VI : Information required by the Registrar and the Economic Research and Statistics Department of the Reserve Bank62. Institutional and maturity breakdown of liabilities and assetsDirectives and interpretations for completion of monthly return concerning institutional and maturity breakdown of liabilities and assets (Form BA 900)Subregulation (7)Line items relating to assets, tables 6 to 14 |
Line items relating to assets, tables 6 to 14
Line item |
Description |
105 |
Gold coin and bullion |
This item shall include any amount relating to gold coin and bullion held by the reporting bank. |
107 |
Cash reserve deposits, interest bearing |
This item shall include any credit balance held in an interest bearing account maintained with the Reserve Bank in terms of section 10A of the South African Reserve Bank Act, 1989. |
108 |
Cash reserve deposits, non-interest bearing |
This item shall include any credit balance held in a non-interest bearing account maintained with the Reserve Bank in terms of section 10A of the South African Reserve Bank Act, 1989. |
109 |
Other deposits |
This item shall include any credit balance held in a clearing account or any other account maintained with the Reserve Bank, other than a credit balance held in an interest bearing account or non-interest bearing account maintained with the Reserve Bank in terms of section 10A of the South African Reserve Bank Act, 1989. |
112 |
NCDs and PNs issued by banks |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of negotiable certificates of deposit or negotiable promissory notes held by the reporting bank, which instruments have been issued by any other bank, including a bank within the same group as the reporting bank. |
113 |
Up to 1 month (unexpired maturity) |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of negotiable certificates of deposit or promissory notes with a remaining period to maturity of up to 1 month, held by the reporting bank, which instruments have been issued by any other bank, including a bank within the same group as the reporting bank. |
114 |
More than 1 month up to 6 months (unexpired maturity) |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of negotiable certificates of deposit or promissory notes with a remaining period to maturity of more than one month but not exceeding six months, held by the reporting bank, which instruments have been issued by any other bank, including a bank within the same group as the reporting bank. |
115 |
More than 6 months (unexpired maturity) |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of negotiable certificates of deposit or promissory notes with a remaining period to maturity of more than six months, held by the reporting bank, which instruments have been issued by any other bank, including a bank within the same group as the reporting bank. |
116 |
Other deposits with and loans and advances to SA banks |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of deposits, excluding negotiable certificates of deposit or promissory notes already reported in item 112, placed with or loans and advances granted to any other bank in the Republic, including a bank within the same group as the reporting bank. |
117 |
Deposits with and loans and advances to foreign banks, denominated in rand |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of deposits placed with or loans and advances granted to the foreign sector or any foreign bank, which deposits, loans or advances are denominated in rand. |
118 |
Loans granted under resale agreements |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of loans granted by the reporting bank in terms of any resale agreement or transaction. |
126 |
Foreign currency loans and advances |
This item shall include the aggregate amount of loans or advances granted by the reporting bank to or deposits made with any other bank or non-bank institution, which loans, advances or deposits are denominated in foreign currency. |
135 |
Redeemable preference shares |
This item shall include the aggregate amount relating to preference shares held by the reporting bank and in respect of which the issuer has the right to redeem the said shares, irrespective whether or not the said shares have a specified redemption date. |
140 |
Instalment sales |
This item shall include any relevant amount due to the reporting bank in respect of an instalment sale transaction, excluding any amount in respect of unearned finance charges. |
145 |
Leasing transactions |
This item shall include any relevant instalment or rental amount due and payable to the reporting bank in respect of a leasing transaction, excluding any amount in respect of unearned finance charges. |
150 |
Mortgage advances |
This item shall include the aggregate amount in respect of loans, advances or re-advances secured by mortgage, reported in items 151, 155 and 159. |
151 |
Farm mortgages |
This item shall include the aggregate amount in respect of farm mortgaged loans, advances or re-advances. |
152 |
Farm mortgages: corporate sector |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of loans, advances or re-advances fully secured by farm mortgage extended to the private or public financial corporate sector, or non-financial corporate sector. |
153 |
Farm mortgages: household sector |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of loans, advances or re-advances fully secured by farm mortgage extended to the household sector. |
154 |
Farm mortgages: other |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of loans, advances or re-advances fully secured by farm mortgage extended to sectors other than the corporate sector or household sector, such as the general government sector. |
155 |
Residential mortgage loans (home loans/ housing advances) |
This item shall include the aggregate amount in respect of loans or advances fully secured by mortgage on residential property or individual sectional title dwellings that is or will be occupied by the borrower or is rented with the consent of the borrower. |
156 |
Residential mortgages: corporate sector |
This item shall include the aggregate amount in respect of home loans or housing advances to the public or private financial corporate sector, or non-financial corporate sector. |
157 |
Residential mortgages: household sector |
This item shall include the aggregate amount in respect of home loans or housing advances to the household sector. |
158 |
Residential mortgages: other |
This item shall include the aggregate amount in respect of home loans or housing advances to sectors other than the corporate sector or household sector, such as the general government sector. |
159 |
Commercial and other mortgage advances |
This item shall include the aggregate amount in respect of loans or advances fully secured by mortgage in respect of commercial property, including any relevant amount related to— |
(a) |
properties used for industrial, commercial, retail, office, medical or educational purposes; |
(b) |
residential property used for commercial purposes, such as offices and other business purposes; |
(c) |
mortgage advances granted for purposes of residential development. |
160 |
Commercial and other mortgage advances: public financial corporate sector |
This item shall include the aggregate amount in respect of loans or advances fully secured by mortgage in respect of commercial property to the public financial corporate sector, such as the IDC, the DBSA, etc. |
161 |
Commercial and other mortgage advances: public non-financial corporate sector |
This item shall include the aggregate amount in respect of loans or advances fully secured by mortgage in respect of commercial property to the public non-financial corporate sector, such as Transnet, Eskom, Telkom, etc. |
162 |
Commercial and other mortgage advances: private financial corporate sector |
This item shall include the aggregate amount in respect of loans or advances fully secured by mortgage in respect of commercial property to the private financial corporate sector, such as private insurers and pension funds, stock brokers, etc. |
163 |
Commercial and other mortgage advances: private non-financial corporate sector |
This item shall include the aggregate amount in respect of loans or advances fully secured by mortgage in respect of commercial property to the private non-financial corporate sector, such as private non-financial companies and close corporations. |
164 |
Commercial and other mortgage advances: household sector |
This item shall include the aggregate amount in respect of loans or advances fully secured by mortgage in respect of commercial property to households, unincorporated business enterprises of households and non-profit organisations serving households. |
165 |
Commercial and other mortgage advances: other |
This item shall include the aggregate amount in respect of loans or advances fully secured by mortgage in respect of commercial property to sectors other than the household sector or corporate sector, such as the general government sector. |
166 |
Credit-card debtors |
This item shall include the aggregate outstanding amount in respect of credit card debtors. |
187 |
Factoring debtors |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of the purchasing of receivables from unrelated third party sellers. |
188 |
Other loans and advances |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of a personal loan, a term loan, a structured agreement in terms of which an obligor borrowed money from the reporting bank and is obliged to repay such borrowed funds with interest over a specified period, or any other loan or advance not reported elsewhere in this return. |
194 |
Credit impairments in respect of loans and advances |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of any specific or portfolio impairment related to any reported loan or advance. |
196 |
Interest-bearing central/ provincial government securities |
This item shall include the aggregate amount relating to investments by the reporting bank in interest bearing debt instruments issued by the central or provincial government. |
197 |
Non-marketable government stock |
This item shall include any relevant amount relating to an investment by the reporting bank in government stock that is not marketable, the proceeds of which is payable only to the reporting bank at redemption. |
198 |
Marketable government stock |
This item shall include the aggregate amount relating to investments by the reporting bank in government stock that may be traded in the secondary market. |
199 |
Marketable government stock with unexpired maturity of up to 3 years |
This item shall include the aggregate amount relating to investments by the reporting bank in government stock that may be traded in the secondary market, which government stock has an unexpired maturity of up to 3 years. |
201 |
Marketable government stock with unexpired maturity of more than 3 years |
This item shall include the aggregate amount relating to investments by the reporting bank in government stock that may be traded in the secondary market, which government stock has an unexpired maturity of more than 3 years. |
200 and 202 |
Nominal value of stock |
These items shall include the aggregate nominal value relating to investments by the reporting bank in government stock respectively reported in items 199 and 201. |
207 |
Other public-sector interest-bearing securities |
This item shall include the aggregate amount relating to investments by the reporting bank in interest bearing debt instruments issued by other public-sector institutions. |
213 |
Debentures and other interest bearing security investments of the private corporate sector |
This item shall include the aggregate amount relating to investments by the reporting bank in interest bearing debt instruments issued by any private corporate sector institution. |
217 |
Equity holdings in subsidiaries |
This item shall include the aggregate amount relating to investments by the reporting bank in shares issued by banks and other companies that are subsidiaries of the reporting bank. |
221 |
Equity holdings in associates, including joint ventures |
This item shall include the aggregate amount relating to investments by the reporting bank in shares issued by banks and other companies that are associates of the reporting bank, and shares held in joint ventures. |
225 |
Listed equities |
This item shall include the aggregate amount relating to investments by the reporting bank in listed shares issued by banks or other companies, other than amounts reported elsewhere in this return. |
229 |
Unlisted equities |
This item shall include the aggregate amount relating to investments by the reporting bank in unlisted shares issued by banks or other companies, other than amounts reported elsewhere in this return. |
233 |
Securitisation or asset-backed securities |
This item shall include the aggregate amount relating to investments by the reporting bank in instruments issued in respect of a securitisation scheme, such as investments in asset-backed securities or mortgage backed securities. |
237 |
Derivative instruments |
This item shall include the aggregate asset position of the reporting bank arising from positions in derivative instruments, which asset position shall be reported at market value. |
241 |
Other investments |
This item shall include the aggregate amount in respect of investments not reported elsewhere in this return. |
245 |
Allowance for impairments i.r.o. investments |
This item shall include the aggregate amount in respect of any impairment relating to a diminution in value of or impairment to the carrying value of an investment, bill or trading security not carried at fair value and any other relevant trade provisions. [Line item number 245, regulation 62(7), substituted by regulation 29(q) of Notice No. 297, GG 40002, dated 20 May 2016] |
246 |
Acceptances, commercial paper, bills, promissory notes and similar acknowledgements of debt discounted or purchased |
This item shall include the aggregate amount in respect of bills, promissory notes, acceptances or similar acknowledgement of debt discounted or purchased by the reporting bank in order to provide credit, or for trading or investment purposes. |
247 |
[Line item number 247, regulation 62(7), deleted by regulation 29(r) of Notice No. 297, GG 40002, dated 20 May 2016] |
248 |
[Line item number 248, regulation 62(7), deleted by regulation 29(r) of Notice No. 297, GG 40002, dated 20 May 2016] |
249 |
[Line item number 249, regulation 62(7), deleted by regulation 29(r) of Notice No. 297, GG 40002, dated 20 May 2016] |
250 |
Treasury bills |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of Treasury bills, that is, any amount relating to a short-term government debt obligation, which debt obligation typically has an original maturity of 91-days, 182-days or 273-days. |
251 |
Reserve Bank bills |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of bills issued by the Reserve Bank but not an amount relating to a debenture issued by the Reserve Bank, which amount shall be included in item 208. |
252 |
Promissory notes |
This item shall include any relevant amounts in respect of promissory notes purchased by the reporting bank, other than promissory notes issued by other banks and already included in item 112. |
253 |
Commercial paper |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of commercial paper purchased by the reporting bank, other than an amount included in item 252, which commercial paper instrument was issued to acquire capital. |
255 |
Land Bank bills, liquid |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of bills issued by the Land Bank of South Africa, which bills qualify as liquid assets. |
256 |
Land Bank bills, non-liquid |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of bills issued by the Land Bank of South Africa, other than bills qualifying as liquid assets. |
257 |
Other |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of other debt instruments discounted or purchased by the reporting bank, and not reported elsewhere in this return. |
260 |
Premises of the bank |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of land or buildings owned by the reporting bank and used or intended to be used mainly for the purpose of conducting its business as a bank, including any relevant amount in respect of an official residence or capital cost of a leasehold premise. |
261 |
Other fixed property |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of an investment by the reporting bank in fixed property not used or intended to be used mainly for the purpose of conducting its business as a bank, including any relevant amount in respect of shares acquired in companies of which the main objective is the acquisition and holding or development of immovable property other than business premises of the reporting bank, and amounts owing to the reporting bank in respect of immovable property sold by the bank under deed of sale. |
262 |
Computer equipment, including peripherals |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of computer hardware, radio, television or communication equipment but not an amount in respect of computer software, which amount shall be report ed in item 265. |
263 |
Other tangible assets |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of other tangible assets, including amounts relating to vehicles, equipment, furniture or fittings. |
265 |
Computer software |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of computer software, including amounts in respect of programmes or associated data capable of generating a display on a computer monitor, television screen, liquid crystal display or similar medium that makes provision for interactive use. |
266 |
Other intangible assets |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of other intangible assets, such as purchased goodwill or patents. |
268 |
Clients' liabilities per contra |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of liabilities of clients relating to any outstanding instrument specified in items 280 to 283, which instruments have not been included under item 246 as having been discounted by the reporting bank, but which have been discounted or rediscounted by any other bank or have been sold, which aggregate amount shall be the contra item to item 79. |
269 |
Remittances in transit |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of— |
(a) |
cheques or other orders to pay, drawn on one of the branches of a bank in the Republic or another bank in the Republic or the Reserve Bank, and with which another such branch or bank in the Republic has credited a client or which it has paid out but with which the first-mentioned branch or bank or the Reserve Bank has not yet debited a client; or |
(b) |
a warrant voucher that the reporting bank has paid out but for which it has not yet received repayment from the Secretary to the Treasury |
270 |
Current income tax receivables and deferred income tax assets |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of a debit item relating to a current or deferred tax account. |
271 |
Retirement benefit assets
In respect of defined benefit plans, this line item shall reflect the relevant net value between the fair value of the plan asset, including the relevant qualifying insurance policy, and the present actuarial value of the retirement benefit obligation, determined in accordance with the relevant requirements specified in IAS 19. [Line item number 271, regulation 62(7), inserted by regulation 29(s) of Notice No. 297, GG 40002, dated 20 May 2016] |
272 |
Assets acquired or bought in |
This item shall include the aggregate amount in respect of assets bought in to protect an advance or investment and not yet disposed of, such as movable assets, immovable property, companies or investments in shares of companies, which assets shall be valued at the lower of cost or estimated net realisable value. |
276 |
Other |
This item shall include any relevant amount in respect of postal or money orders, stamps or assets not specifically required to be reported elsewhere in this return. |