(3) |
The conduct of the business of a bank entails the ongoing management of risks, which may arise from the bank's on-balance sheet or off-balance sheet activities and which may include, among others, the following types of risk: |
(e) |
country risk and transfer risk; |
(f) |
credit risk, and in particular risks arising from impaired or problem assets and the bank's related impairments, provisions or reserves; |
(h) |
detection and prevention of criminal activities; |
(i) |
equity risk arising from positions held in the bank's banking book; |
(j) |
interest-rate risk in the banking book; |
(I) |
market risk (position risk) in respect of positions held in the bank's trading book; |
(o) |
risk arising from exposure to a related person; |
(p) |
risk arising from the outsourcing of material tasks or functions; |
(q) |
risk arising from all relevant payment and settlement services, processes or systems; |
(r) |
risk relating to procyclicality; |
(s) |
risks arising from or related to inappropriate compensation practices for directors and executive officers; |
(t) |
risks related to securitisation or resecuritisation structures; |
(u) |
risks related to stress testing; |
(v) |
risks related to the inappropriate valuation of instruments, assets or liabilities; |
(aa) |
any other risk regarded as material by the bank. |
[Regulation 39(3)(j) substituted by section 10(a) of Notice No. 1427, GG44048, dated 31 December 2020 - effective 1 January 2021]