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Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 (Act No. 75 of 1997)Ministerial DeterminationsMinisterial Determination 3 : Expanded Public works ProgrammesNotice No. R. 347 of 2012 |
Notice No. R. 347
4 May 2012
GG 35310
Department of Labour
Ministerial Determination 4 : Expanded Public works Programmes
I, Nelisiwe Mildred Oliphant, Minister of Labour, hereby in terms of section 50 of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997, make a Ministerial Determination establishing conditions of employment for employees in Expanded Public Works Programmes, South Africa, in the Schedule hereto and determine the second Monday after the date of publication of this notice as the date from which the provisions of the said Ministerial Determination shall become binding.
All the provisions of the Ministerial Determination: Expanded Public Works Programmes published under Government Notice R949 in Government Gazette 33665 of 22 October 2010 will be superseded by this ministerial determination with effect from the date of implementation.
N M Oliphant, MP
Minister of Labour