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Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 (Act No. 75 of 1997)Sectoral DeterminationsSectoral Determination 2 : Civil Engineering Sector, South Africa21. Piece work |
(1) | An employer may, after giving at least one week's notice to an employee, introduce a piece-work system and, save as provided in clause 7, such employer shall pay such employee at the rate applicable under such system: Provided that, irrespective of the quantity of work done, the employer shall pay such employee not less than, in respect of each week in which such piece-work is performed, the amount which the employer would have been required to pay such employee for that week had the employee been remunerated on the basis of time worked. |
(2) | An employer shall keep a schedule of the rates referred to in subclause (1) in a conspicuous place in the establishment. |
(3) | An employer who intends to cancel or amend the piece-work system in operation, or the rates applicable there under, shall give the employee employed on such system not less than one week's notice of such intention: Provided that an employer and the employee may agree on a longer period of notice, in which case the employer shall give notice for a period not shorter than that agreed upon. |