R 385
General duties of the holder |
37. When presentment for acceptance is necessary, and delay in such presentment
38. Time for presenting for acceptance bill payable after sight
39. Rules as to presentment for acceptance, and excuses for non-presentment
40. Failure to accept within customary time
41. When bill is dishonoured by non-acceptance, and consequences thereof
42. Duties as to and consequences of qualified acceptance
43. Rules as to presentment for payment
43A. Presentment for payment by bank
44. When presentment for payment by bank
45. When bill is dishonoured by non-payment, and consequences thereof
46. Notice of dishonour and effect of failure to give such notice
47. Rules as to notice of dishonour
48. When notice of dishonour may be delayed or dispensed with
49. Protest of bill, and consequences of failure to protest