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Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)
Notice No. 17 of 2004
1. Definitions
2. Objectives of Act
3. Interpretation of Act
4. Establishment of Black Economic Empowerment Advisory Council
5. Functions of Council
6. Composition of Council and appointment of members
7. Constitution and rules of Council
8. Remuneration and reimbursement of expenses
9. Codes of good practice
10. Status of codes of good practice
11. Strategy for broad-based black economic empowerment
12. Transformation charters
13. Support services and funding of Council
13A. Cancellation of contract or authorisation
13B. Establishment and status of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Commission
13C. Appointment of Commissioner and Acting Commissioner
13D. Appointment of Deputy Commissioner and staff of Commission
13E. Finances of Commission
13F. Functions of Commission
13G. Reporting
13H. Delegation
13I. Specialist committees
13J. Investigations by Commission
13K. Summonses
13L. Confidential information
13M. Conflicting interests of employees
13N. Offences in connection with Commission
13O. Other offences and penalties
13P. Prohibition on business with organs of state following conviction under this Act
14. Regulations, guidelines and practice notes
15. Short title and commencement
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Regulations, 2016
Regulating the Administration and Implementation of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act and the Functions of the Commission
Notice No. R. 689 of 2016
Part 1 - General Provisions
Division A - Interpretation
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
Division B - Commission Office Functions
3. Office hours and address of Commission
4. Condonation of time limits
5. Commissioner's functions
6. Delivery of documents
7. Issuing documents
8. Filing documents
9. Fees
10. Form of notices and applications
11. Form of Certificates, Notices and Receipts
Part 2 - Reporting Duties
12. Reporting duties
Part 3 - Access to information
13. Restricted or Confidential information
14. Access to information
Part 4 - Complaint Process
15. Lodging a Complaint
16. Withdrawal of complaints
17. Multiple complaints
Part 5 - Registration of a Transaction
18. Process for registration of a transaction
Part 6 - Permission to Exceed the Qualification Criteria
Division C - Applications to the Minister
19. Procedure to exceed the qualification criteria
Part 7 - Application for Exemption or Deviation
20. Process for the application for exemption or deviation
Annexure 1 - Tables
Table B-BBEE 1 - Methods and times for delivery ...
Table B-BBEE 2 - Notices and Applications
Table B-BBEE 3 - Certificates, Reports and Notices of Referral
Forms to Regulations
B-BBEE 1 : Compliance Report by ...
B-BBEE 2 : Compliance Report by ...
B-BBEE 3 : Notice of Non-Compliance
B-BBEE 4 : Notice for Rejection of Report
B-BBEE 5 : Notice of Compliance
B-BBEE 6 : Restricted Information/Confidential Information
B-BBEE 7 : Complaint Form
B-BBEE 8 : Request for Additional Information
B-BBEE 9 : Demand for Corrected Information
B-BBEE 10 : Notice to Investigate Complaint
B-BBEE 11 : Notice of Non-Investigation of Complaint
B-BBEE 12 : Notice of Referral to Alternative Dispute Resolution
B-BBEE 13 : Notice of Referral of Complaint
B-BBEE 14 : Application to Exceed Qualification Criteria
B-BBEE 15 : Certificate of Approval
B-BBEE 16 : Submission of Deviation or Exemption Report
B-BBEE 17 : Application for Deviation/Exemption
B-BBEE 18 : Major B-BBEE Transaction
B-BBEE 19 : Registration Certificate
B-BBEE 20 : Summons
B-BBEE 21 : Notice of Extension of Time for Further Investigation
BEE Verification Certificates
Notice No. 810 of 2009
Empowering Supplier Status
Notice No. 708 of 2016
Threshold for Major B-BBEE Transactions
Notice No. 551 of 2017
Determination of the Address of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Commission ("B-BBEE Commission")
Notice No. 428 of 2020
[Replaced] Application for Market Access Permits for Agricultural Products in terms of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Marrakesh Agreement for 2021
Notice No. R. 1227 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Application for market access permits
3. Address for applications
4. Conditions for the issuing of import permits
5. Time periods for applications
6. Payment procedures for an import permit
7. Compliance to BEE criteria in terms of AgriBEE Sector Code
8. General
Annexure A : Application form for import permits for the Calendar Year 2021
Table 1 : Import Arrangement
[Replaced] Procedures for the Application, Administration and Allocation of Export Quotas under the Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Southern African Development Community for the Year 2021
Notice No. R. 1228 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Countries for Export
3. Application for EU export permits
4. Address for applications
5. Conditions for the issuing of export permits
6. Payment procedure for an export permit
7. Compliance to BEE criteria in terms of Amended Agri-BEE Sector Code
8. General
Annexure A : Application form for export permits for the Calendar Year 2021 and Affidavit
Table 1 : Export Arrangements set out Per Eu Tariff Code Line
Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) permission to specify qualification criteria for procurement and other economic for its Risk Mitigation Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (RMIPPPP)
Notice No. 91 of 2021
[Withdrawn] Permit the Department of Tourism to specify qualification criteria for the Tourism Equity Fund
Notice No. R. 102 of 2021
[Replaced] Procedures for the Application, Administration and Allocation of Export Quotas under the Economic Partnership Agreement between the Southern African Customs Union and Mozambique (SACUM) and the United Kingdom (UK) for the Year 2022
Notice No. 793 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Countries for Export
3. Application for UK export permits
4. Address for applications
5. Conditions for the issuing of export permits
6. Payment procedure for an export permit
7. Compliance to B-BEE criteria in terms of Amended Agri-BEE Sector Code
8. General
Annexure A : Application Form for Export Permits to UK for the Calendar Year 2022 and Affidavit
Annexure B : Table 1 - Export Arrangements set out per UK Tariff Code Line
[Replaced] Application for Market Access Permits for Agricultural Products in terms of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Agreement for 2022
Notice No. 795 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Application for market access permits
3. Address for applications
4. Conditions for the issuing of import permits
5. Time periods for applications
6. Payment procedures for an import permit
7. Compliance to B-BBEE criteria in terms of AgriBEE Sector Code
8. General
Annexure A : Application Form for Import Permits for the Calendar Year 2022
Table 1 : Import Arrangements
[Replaced] Application for Market Access Permits for Agricultural Products in terms of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Agreement for 2023
Notice No. 2512 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Application for market access permits
3. Address for applications
4. Conditions for the issuing of import permits
5. Time periods for applications
6. Payment procedures for an import permit
7. Compliance to B-BBEE criteria in terms of AgriBEE Sector Code
8. General
Annexure A: Application Form for Import Permits for the Calendar Year 2023
Table 1: Import Arrangements
[Replaced] Procedures for the Application, Administration and Allocation of Export Quotas under the Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Southern African Development Community for the Year 2023
Notice No. 2513 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Countries for Export
3. Application for EU export permits
4. Address for applications
5. Conditions for the issuing of export permits
6. Payment procedure for an export permit
7. Compliance to BEE criteria in terms of Amended Agri-BEE Sector Code
8. General
Annexure A: Application Form for Export Permits to EU for the Calendar Year 2023
Table 1: Export Arrangements set out per EU Tariff Code Line
[Replaced] Procedures for the Application, Administration and Allocation of Export Quotas under the Economic Partnership Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the one part, and the Southern African Customs Union Me
Notice No. 2517 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Countries for Export
3. Application for UK export permits
4. Address for applications
5. Conditions for the issuing of export permits
6. Payment procedure for an export permit
7. Compliance to BEE criteria in terms of Amended Agri-BEE Sector Code
8. General
Annexure A: Application Form for Export Permits to UK for the Calendar Year 2023
Table 1: Export Arrangements set out per UK Tariff Code Line
Withdrawal of Notice No. R.102 of 19 February 2021
Notice No. R. 3702 of 2023
Procedures for the Application, Administration and Allocation of Export Quotas under the Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Southern African Development Community for the year 2024
Notice No. 4020 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Countries for Export
3. Application for EU export permits
4. Address for applications
5. Conditions for the issuing of export permits
6. Payment procedure for an export permit
7. Compliance to BEE criteria in terms of Amended Agri-BEE Sector Code
8. General
Annexure A : Application Form for Export Permits to EU for the Calendar Year 2024
Table 1 : Export Arrangements set out per EU Tariff Code Line
Procedures for the Application, Administration and Allocation of Export Quotas under the Economic Partnership Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the one part, and the Southern African Customs Union Member States
Notice No. 4023 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Countries for Export
3. Application for UK export permits
4. Address for applications
5. Conditions for the issuing of export permits
6. Payment procedure for an export permit
7. Compliance to BEE criteria in terms of Amended Agri-Bee Sector Code
8. General
Annexure A: Application Form for Export Permits to UK for the Calendar year 2024
Table 1: Export arrangements set out per UK Tariff Code Line
Application for Market Access Permits for Agricultural Products in terms of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Agreement for 2024
Notice No. 4024 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Application for market access permits
3. Address for applications
4. Conditions for the issuing of import permits
5. Time periods for applications
6. Payment procedures for an import permit
7. Compliance to B-BBEE criteria in terms of AgriBEE Sector Code
8. General
Annexure A: Application form for Import Permits for the Calendar Year 2024
Table 1: Import Arrangements
Payment Procedures for Import and Export Permits under the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and European Union (EU) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), Southern Custom Union and Mozambique (SACUM) and United Kingdom (UK) EPA, World Trade Or
Notice No. 4828 of 2024
Codes of Good Practice
Notice No. 112 of 2007
Index for the Codes
Code Series 000 : Framework for Measuring B-BBEE
Statement 000 : General Principles and the Generic Scorecard
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Key principles
3. Application of the Codes
4. Eligibility as an Exempted Micro-Enterprise
5. Eligibility as a Qualifying Small Enterprise
6. Start-up enterprises
7. The Elements of B-BBEE in terms of the Generic Scorecard
8. The Generic Scorecard
9. Enhanced recognition for certain categories of black people
10. Framework for the Accreditation of BEE Verification Agencies
11. Transitional period
12. Adjustment of Thresholds
13. Duration of the Codes
Statement 003 : Guidelines for Developing and Gazetting of Transformation Charters
1. Objective of this statement
2. Procedure for developing and gazetting of Transformation Charters
3. Procedure for developing and gazetting of Sector Codes
4. Status of Transformation Charters and Sector Codes
5. Recommended Model for Developing Transformation Charters
6. Variation of Indicators in Codes 200 and 300
Statement 004 : Scorecards for SPECIALISED Enterprises
1. Objective of this statement
2. General principles
3. The ADJUSTED Generic Scorecard
4. The ADJUSTED Qualifying Small Enterprises Scorecard
5. Important Clarification
Code Series 100 : Measurement of the Ownership Element
Statement 100 : The General Principles for Measuring Ownership
1. Objectives of this Statement
2. The Ownership Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. Broad-based Ownership and Employee Ownership Schemes
5. Private Equity Funds
6. Section 21 Companies and Companies Limited by Guarantee
7. Trusts
8. Options and share warrants
9. Equity Instruments Carrying Preferent Rights
10. Net Value
11. The Bonus Points
Annexe 100(A) : Examples of Mandated Investments
Annexe 100(B) : Rules on certain types of Enterprises
Annexe 100 (C)
Statement 102 : Recognition in the sale of assets
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Application
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. Measurement Principles
5. Recognition of Sale of Asset, Equity Instruments and Businesses
Annexe 102(A)
Statement 103 : Recognition of Equity Equivalents for Multinationals
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Key Measurement Principles
3. Recognition of Equity Equivalent Programmes
4. Measurement of Equity Equivalent Contributions on the Ownership
5. Examples of Equity Equivalent Programmes
6. Specific Rules on Multinationals
Annexe 103A
Code Series 200 : Measurement of the Management Control Element of B-BBEE
Statement 200 : The General Principles for Measuring Management Control
1. Objectives of this Statement
2. Management Control Scorecard
3. Common Examples of top Management
4. Key Measurement Principles
5. Calculating the Adjusted Recognition for Gender
6. Calculating Compliance
Annexe 200(A)
Code Series 300 : Measurement of the Employment Equity Element of B-BBEE
Statement 300 : General Principles for Measuring Employment Equity
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Employment Equity Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. Calculating the Adjusted Recognition for Gender
5. Measurement of the Employment Equity Criteria
Annexe 300 (A)
Code Series 400 : Measurement of the Skills Development Element of B-BBEE
Statement 400 : The General Principles for Measuring Skills Development
1. Objectives of this statement
2. The Skills Development Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. Calculating the Adjusted Recognition for Gender
5. Measurement of Skills Development Indicators
6. The Learning Programme Matrix
Annexe 400(A) - Learning Programme Matrix
Annexe 400(B)
Code Series 500 : Measurement of the Preferential Procurement Element of B-BBEE
Statement 500 : General Principles for Measuring Preferential Procurement
1. Objectives of this Statement
2. Preferential Procurement Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. Black Owned Professional Service Providers
5. Total Measured Procurement Spend
6. Exclusions from Total Measured Procurement Spend
7. Measurement of B-BBEE Procurement Spend
8. The Calculation of Preferential Procurement Contributions
Annexe 500(A)
Code Series 600 : Measurement of Enterprise Development Element of B-BBEE
Statement 600 : General Principles for Measuring Enterprise Development Element
1. Objectives of this statement
2. The Enterprise Development Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. Measurement of Qualifying Contributions
5. The Benefit Factor Matrix
Annexe 600(A) - Benefit Factor Matrix
Annexe 600(B)
Code Series 700 : Measurement of the Socio-Economic Development Elements of B-BBEE
Statement 700 : General Principles for Measuring the Socio-Economic Development Element
1. Objectives of this Statement
2. The SED Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. Measurement of Socio-Economic Development Contributions
5. The Benefit Factor Matrix
Annexe 700(A)
Annexe 700(B)
Code Series 800 : Codes of Good Practice for Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE's)
1. Statement 800 : Framework for the QSE Scorecard and Exempted Micro-Enterprises
1.1 Objectives of this statement
1.2 Eligibility as a QSE
1.3 The QSE Scorecard
1.4 Transitional period
2. Statement 801 : Ownership for QSE's
2.1 The QSE ownership scorecard
2.2 Key measurement principles
2.3 Realisation Points
2.4 The bonus points
3. Statement 802 : Management control for QSE's
3.1 The QSE Management control scorecard
3.2 Key measurement principles
3.3 Common examples of Top Management
4. Statement 803 : Employment Equity for Qse's
4.1 The QSE Employment Equity scorecard
4.2 Key measurement principles
4.3 Calculating the Adjusted Recognition for Gender
5. Statement 804 : Skills Development For QSE's
5.1 The QSE Skills Development Scorecard
5.2 Key measurement principles
6. Statement 805 : Preferential Procurement for QSE's
6.1 The QSE Preferential Procurement Scorecard
6.2 Key Measurement Principles
7. Statement 806 : Enterprise Development for QSE's
7.1 The QSE Enterprise Development (ED) scorecard
7.2 Key Measurement Principles
8. Statement 807 : Socio-Economic Development Contributions for QSE's
8.1 The QSE Socio-economic Development (SED) Scorecard
8.2 Key Measurement Principles
Schedule 1
Interpretation and Definitions
Part 1 : Interpretation
Part 2 : Definitions
Amended Codes of Good Practice (2013)
Notice 1019 of 2013
Amended Code Series 000: Framework for Measuring Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Statement 000: General Principles and the Generic Scorecard
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Key principles
3. Application of the Codes
4. Eligibility as an Exempted Micro Enterprise
5. Eligibility as a Qualifying Small Enterprise
6. Start-up enterprises
7. The Element of B-BBEE in terms of Generic Scorecard
8. Generic Scorecard
9. Enhanced recognition for certain categories of Black People
10. Transitional Period
11. Adjustment of Threshold
12. Duration of the B-BBEE Codes
Amended Code Series 100: Measurement of the Ownership Element of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Statement 100: The General Principles for Measuring Ownership
1. Objectives of this statement
2. The Ownership Scorecard
3. Key measurement principles
3.1 General principles:
3.2 Sub-Minimum Requirements
3.3 Flow-Through Principle
3.4 Modified Flow-Through Principle
3.5 Exclusion of Specified Entities when Determining Ownership
3.6 B-BBEE Facilitator Status
3.7 Mandated Investments
3.8 Recognition of Ownership After the Sale or Loss of Shares by Black Participants
3.9 Broad-based ownership schemes and employee share ownership plans
3.10 Private equity funds
3.11 Section 21 companies and companies limited by guarantee
3.12 Trusts
3.13 Options and share warrants:
3.14 Equity Instruments carrying preference rights
Annexe 100 (A)
Annexe 100 (B)
1. Rules for Broad-Based Ownership Schemes
2. Additional Criteria Applicable to Broad-Based Ownership Schemes
Annexe 100 (C)
2.3 Rules for Employee Share Ownership Programmes
3. Additional Criteria Applicable to Employee Share Ownership Programmes
Annexe 100 (D)
4. Rules for Trusts
5. Rules for Family Trusts
6. Additional Criteria Applicable to Trusts
Annexe 100 (E)
1. Measurement of Voting Rights
2. Measurement of Economic Interest
3. Calculation of Deemed Value
4. Net Value
5. Calculation of the Recognition of Ownership after the Sale or Loss of Shares by Black Participants
Amended Code Series 200: Measurement of the Management Control Element of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Statement 200: The General Principles for Measuring Management Control
1. Objectives of this Statement
2. Management Control Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. Measurement of the Management Control Criteria
Annexe 200(A)
A: Measurement of Senior Management, Middle Management, and Junior Management
B: Measurement of Management Control Indicators Annexe 200A
C: Measurement of Employees with Disabilities
Amended Code Series 300: Measurement of the Skills Development Element of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Statement 300: The General Principles for Measuring Skills Development
1. Objectives of this Statement
2. The Skills Development Element Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. Subminimum and Discounting Principle
5. General Principles
6. Legitimate Recognisable Training Expenses
7. Measurement of Skills Development Indicators
8. Annexe 300(A)
9. Annexe 300(B)
A: Measurement of skills development indicators
B: Measurement of Skills Development Indicators
Amended Code Series 400: Measurement of the Enterprise and Supplier Development Element of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Statement 400: The General Principles for Measuring Enterprise and Supplier Development
1. Objectives of this Statement
2. Enterprise and Supplier Development Scorecard
Key Measurement Principles
3. Key Measurement Principles
3.2 Sub-Minimum and Discounting Principle
4. General Principles
Total Measured Procurement Spend
5. Total Measured Procurement Spend
5.4 Public sector procurement
Exclusions from Total Measured Procurement Spend
6. Exclusions from Total Measured Procurement Spend
6.4 Empowerment related procurement
6.5 Imports: the following imported goods and services
7. Measurement of B-BBEE Procurement Spend
8. The Calculation of Preferential Procurement Contributions to B-BBEE
9. Enterprise Development and Supplier Development Contributions
10. Monetary and Non-Monetary Contributions
11. Measurement of Enterprise Development and Supplier Development Contributions
Annexe 400(A)
Annexe 400(B)
Amended Code Series 500: Measurement of the Socio-Economic Development Elements of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Statement 500: The General Principles for Measuring the Socio-Economic Development Element
1. Objectives of this Statement
2. The SED Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. Measurement of Socio-Economic Development Contributions
5. The Benefit Factor Matrix
Annexe 500(A) - Benefit Factor Matrix
Annexe 500(B)
Schedule 1 - Interpretation and Definitions
Part 1: Interpretation
Part 2: Definitions
Amended Codes of Good Practice (2017): Construction Sector Code
Notice No. 931 of 2017
Amended Code Series CSC000: Framework for Measuring Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment in the Construction Sector
Statement CSC000: General Principles and the Large Enterprise Scoreboard
1. Preamble
1.1 The Legacy
1.2 Industry Commitment
1.3 Point of Departure
1.4 Strategic Objectives of the Amended Construction
1.5 Monitoring & Compliance
1.6 Objectives of this Amended Statement CSC000
2. Key Measurement Principles
3. Scope of Application of the Construction Sector Code
4. Eligibility to Qualify as an Exempted Micro Enterprise (EME)
5. Eligibility for Measurement as a Qualifying Small Enterprise (QSE)
6. Start-Up Enterprises
7. The Measurement Elements of the Large Enterprise Scorecard
8. The B-BBEE Large Enterprise and QSE Scorecards
9. Enhanced Recognition for Certain Categories of Black People
10. Effective Date and Transitional Arrangements
11. Verification of Construction Enterprises
12. Adjustment of Thresholds
13. Duration of the Construction Sector Codes
Amended Code Series CSC100: Measurement of the Ownership Element of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment in the Construction Sector
Statement CSC100: The General Principles for Measuring Ownership
1. Objectives of this Statement
2. The Ownership Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
3.1 General Principles
3.2 Sub-Minimum Requirements
3.3 Flow-Through Principle
3.4 Modified Flow-Through Principle
3.5 Exclusion of Specified Entities when determining Ownership
3.6 B-BBEE Facilitator Status
3.7 Mandated Investments
3.8 Recognition of Ownership after the Sale or Loss of Shares by Black Participants
3.9 Broad-Based Ownership Schemes and Employee Share Ownership Programmes (ESOPS)
3.10 Private Equity Funds
3.11 Non-Profit Companies
3.12 Trusts
3.13 Options and Share Warrants
3.14 Equity Instruments carrying Preference Rights
Annexe CSC100 (A)
Annexe CSC100 (B)
1. Rules for Broad-Based Ownership Schemes
2. Additional Criteria applicable to Broad-Based Ownership Schemes
Annexe CSC100 (C)
1. Rules for Employee Share Ownership Programmes
2. Additional Criteria applicable to Employee Share Ownership Programmes
Annexe CSC100 (D)
1. Rules for Trusts (including Family Trusts)
2. Additional Criteria applicable to Trusts
3. Rules for Discretionary Juristic Persons
Annexe CSC100 (E)
1. Measurement of Voting Rights
2. Measurement of Economic Interest
3. Calculation of Deemed Value
4. Net Value
5. Calculation of the Recognition of Ownership after the Sale or Loss of Shares by Black Participants
6. Calculation of the Bonus Points
Amended Code Series CSC200: Measurement of the Management Control Element of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment in the Construction Sector
Statement CSC200: The General Principles for Measuring Management Control
1. Objectives of this Statement
2. Management Control Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
3.6 Defining other Executive Management
3.7 Remuneration Parity
4. Measurement of the Management Control Criteria
Annexe CSC200 (A)
Annexe CSC200 (B)
1. Measurement of the Black People Indicators of Senior Management, Middle Management, and Junior Management
2. Measurement of the Black Female Indicators of Senior Management, Middle Management, and Junior Management
3. Limitation of AM, CM, IM, AF, CF and IF
Annexe CSC200 (C)
Amended Code Series CSC300: Measurement of the Skills Development Element of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment in the Construction Sector
Statement CSC300: The General Principles for Measuring Skills Development
1. Objectives of this Statement
2. The Skills Development Element Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. Subminimum and Discounting Principle
5. General Principles
6. Legitimate Training Expenses
7. Measurement of Skills Development Indicators
Annexe CSC300 (A) : Learning Programme Matrix
Annexe CSC300 (B) : Measurement of Skills Development Indicators
Annexe CSC300 (C) : Measurement of Approved and Verified Mentorship Programmes
Annexe CSC300 (D) : Example for Determining Compliance Target
Amended Code Series CSC400: Measurement of the Preferential Procurement and Supplier Development Element of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment in the Construction Sector
Statement CSC400: The General Principles for Measuring Preferential Procurement and Supplier Development
1. Objectives of this Statement
2. Preferential Procurement and Supplier Development Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. General Principles
5. Total Measured Procurement Spend
6. Exclusions from Total Measured Procurement Spend
7. Measurement of B-BBEE Procurement Spend
8. The Calculation of Preferential Procurement Contributions to B-BBEE
9. Supplier Development Programmes
10. Supplier Development Contributions
11. Measurement of Supplier Development Contributions
Annexe CSC400 (A)
Annexe CSC400 (B)
Annexe CSC400 (C)
Annexe CSC400 (D)
Code Series CSC500: Measurement of the Socio-Economic Development Elements of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment in the Construction Sector
Statement CSC500: The General Principles for Measuring the Socio-Economic Development Element
1. Objectives of this Statement
2. The SED Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. Evidence to Support Structured SED Projects
5. Measurement of Socio-Economic Development Contributions
6. The Benefit Factor Matrix
Annexe CSC500 (A) : Benefit Factor Matrix
Annexe CSC500 (B)
Code Series CSC600: The Construction Sector Qualifying Small Enterprise Scorecard
Statement CSC601: Ownership for QSE
Statement CSC602: Management Control for QSE
Statement CSC603: Skills Development for QSE
Statement CSC604: Prerferential Procurement and Supplier Development for QSE
Statement CSC605: Socio-Economic Development for QSE
Schedule 1 : Interpretation and Definitions
Part 1 : Interpretation
Part 2 : Definitions
Amended AgriBEE Sector Code (2017)
Notice No. 1354 of 2017
1. Introduction
2. Scope of Application
3. Objectives
4. Determination of AgriBEE Status
5. Priority Elements, Subminimum and Discounting Principle
6. Determination of AgriBEE Status for Specialised Entities Scorecard
7. Elements of Empowerment
7.2 Ownership
7.3 Management Control
7.4 Skills Development
7.5 Enterprise and Supplier Development
7.6 Socio-Economic Development (SED)
8. Governance
9. Definitions
Amended Codes of Good Practice (2018): Youth Employment Service Initiative
Amended Code Series 000: Framework for Measuring Broad-Based Black Empowerment
Notice No. 502 of 2018
Statement 000: Youth Employment Service
1. Youth Employment Service Overview
2. Qualification for Registration for the Y.E.S. Initiative
3. The Y.E.S Targets
4. Eligible Employees
5. B-BBEE Recognition
6. Employment Conditions
7. Informal Skills Development Spend for the Y.E.S Initiative
Amended Code Series 000: Practice Note 1 of 2018
Notice No. 640 of 2018
Statement 000 : Youth Employment Service Initiative
1. General Principles
2. Registration Procedures for Participation
3. Calculation of Sub-Minimums
4. Calculation of Y.E.S Targets
5. B-BBEE Verification Requirements for the Y.E.S Initiative
Industry Charters
Agri-BEE Charter
Notice 1065 of 2012
1. Introduction
2. Scope of Application
3. Objectives
4. Determination of AgriBEE Status
5. Elements of Empowerment
5.1. Ownership
5.1.1 General Ownership
5.1.2 Agricultural Land Ownership
5.1.3 Note:
5.2. Management Control
5.3. Employment Equity
5.4. Skills Development
5.5. Preferential Procurement
5.6. Enterprise Development
5.7. Socio-Economic Development (SED)
6. Governance
7. Definitions
AgriBEE Scorecard
AgriBEE QSE Scorecard
Resolution - 12 September 2012
Chartered Accountancy Charter
Notice No. 277 of 2011
Section A : Background
1. Preamble
2. Vision
3. Scope
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The CA Profession
4. Why a Sector Code for specifically the CA Profession
5. Objectives
6. Sector Code Development Process
Section B : Framework
7. Application and Implementation of the Sector Code
8. Implementation
9. Risk Management
10. Regulatory Issues
Section C From Theory to Practice: The Scorecard
11. Guiding Principles for the Preparation of the Scorecard
11.1 Adoption of the Generic Scorecard
11.2 The Application of Two Scorecards
11.3 Element Weightings
11.4 Indicator Weightings
12. The Generic Scorecard for the CA Sector
12.1 The CA Sector Scorecard
Application of the CA Sector Scorecard
12.2 Application of the CA Sector Scorecard
The Ownership Scorecard
12.2.1 The Ownership Scorecard
Management Control Scorecard
12.2.2 Management Control Scorecard
The Employment Equity Scorecard
12.2.3 The Employment Equity Scorecard
Skills Development Scorecard
12.2.4 Skills Development Scorecard
Preferential Procurement Scorecard
12.2.5 Preferential Procurement Scorecard
Enterprise Development Scorecard
12.2.6 Enterprise Development Scorecard
The Socio-Economic Development (SED) Scorecard
12.2.7 The Socio-Economic Development (SED) Scorecard
13. The QSE Scorecard for the CA Sector
13.1 The CA Sector QSE Scorecard
Application of the CA Sector QSE Scorecard
13.2 Application of the CA Sector QSE Scorecard
The QSE Ownership Scorecard
13.2.1 The QSE Ownership Scorecard
The QSE Management Control Scorecard
13.2.2 The QSE Management Control Scorecard
The QSE Employment Equity Scorecard
13.2.3 The QSE Employment Equity Scorecard
The QSE Skills Development Scorecard
13.2.4 The QSE Skills Development Scorecard
The QSE Preferential Procurement Scorecard
13.2.5 The QSE Preferential Procurement Scorecard
The QSE Enterprise Development Scorecard
13.2.6 The QSE Enterprise Development Scorecard
The QSE Socio-Economic Development (SED) Scorecard
13.2.7 The QSE Socio-Economic Development (SED) Scorecard
14. Guiding Principles for SAICA
Section D : Challenges
15. Challenges Facing the CA Profession
15. Challenges Facing the CA Profession
Ownership and Management Control
15.1 Ownership and Management Control
Employment Equity
15.2 Employment Equity
Secondary Education Level
15.2.1 Secondary Education Level
Tertiary Education Level
15.2.2 Tertiary Education Level
Qualifying Examination Level
15.2.3 Qualifying Examination Level
Training Level
15.2.4 Training Level
Employment Level
15.2.5 Employment Level
15.3 Skills Development
15.4 Preferential Procurement
15.5 Enterprise Development
15.6 Socio-Economic Development
16. Assignment of Activities for Meeting the Challenges
16. Assignment of Activities for Meeting the Challenges
Ownership and Management Control
16.1 Ownership and Management Control
Employment Equity and Skills Development
16.2 Employment Equity and Skills Development
Preferential Procurement
16.3 Preferential Procurement
Enterprise Development
16.4 Enterprise Development
Socio-Economic Responsibility
16.5 Socio-Economic Responsibility
17. Present and Future Activities
17.1 SAICA's Transformation Strategy
17.2 The Role of Other Stakeholders
17.3 Funding
17.4 Challenges and Identified Strategies
17.4.1 Education
(a) School level
(b) Undergraduate level
(c) Postgraduate and QE level
17.4.2 Training
17.5 Black Enterprise Development
17.6 Socio-Economic Development
17.7 Sharing of Best Practice
17.8 Future Initiatives
Signatories to the Sector Code
Appendix 1
Appendix 1: Interpretations
Appendix 1: Interpretations (continued)
Appendix 1: Interpretations (continued 2)
Appendix 1: Interpretations (continued 3)
Appendix 1: Interpretations (continued 4)
Appendix 1: Interpretations (continued 5)
Appendix 1: Interpretations (continued 6)
Appendix 1: Interpretations (continued 7)
Appendix 1: Interpretations (continued 8)
Appendix 2: List of Abbreviations
Appendix 3: List of Major Stakeholders in the
BEE Negotiation Charter Forum
Appendix 4: Statistics and Pipeline Information
Summary of the Pipeline Statistics
Population Demographics
Membership Statistics
School Level Statistics
School Statistics and Trends
University Pipeline Statistics
First Year
Second Year
Third Year
CTA or Equivalent
QE Pipeline Statistics
Part 1 of the QE: All Candidates
Part 1 of the QE: First-Time Entrants
Public Practice Exam
Financial Management Exam
Trainee Statistics
New Annual registrations
TIPP new training contract registrations for 2004, 2005 and 2006
TOPP new training contract registrations for 2004, 2005 and 2006
Major reasons for TIPP/TOPP contract cancellations
TIPP major reasons for cancellation for 2004, 2005 and 2006 (consolidated)
Construction Sector Charter
Notice No. 862 of 2009
Code Series 2000
Code Series 2000 : Introduction
Code Series 2000 : Framework...
Statement 2000 : General Principles
Code Series 2100 : Ownership ...
Statement 2100 : General Principles ...
Code Series 2200 : Management Control
Statement 2200 : General Principles...
Code Series 2300 : Employment Equity
Statement 2300 : General Principles ...
Code Series 2400 : Skills Development
Statement 2400 : General Principle
Code Series 2500 : Preferential Procurement
Statement 2500 : General Principle ...
Code Series 2600 : Enterprise Development
Statement 2600 : General Principle ...
Code Series 2700 : Socio-Economic Development
Statement 2700 : General Principle
Code Series 2800 : Qualifying Small Enterprise
Statement 2800 : Framework
Statement 2801 : Ownership for QSE's
Statement 2802 : Management Control ...
Statement 2803 : Employment Equity ...
Statement 2804 : Skills Development ...
Statement 2805 : Preferential ...
Statement 2806 : Enterprise ...
Statement 2807 : Socio-Economic ...
Interpretations and Definitions
Part 1 : Interpretation
Part 2 : Definitions
Financial Sector Charter
Notice No. 110 of 2007
1. Preamble
2. Interpretation
Interpretation 2.1 to 2.29
Interpretation 2.30 to 2.35
3. The challenges facing the financial
4. Application of the financial sector charter
5. Human resource development
6. Procurement Policies
7. Enterprise development
8. Access to financial services
9. Empowerment financing
10. Ownership in the financial sector
11. Control in the financial sector
12. Shareholder activism
13. Corporate social investment
14. Regulatory issues
15. Implementation
16. The scorecard
1. Ratings
2. Thresholds
3. Interim Rating
4. Ownership and Control Scoring
Scorecard Charts
Section 1 - Human Resource Development
Section 2 - Procurement and Enterprise Development
Section 3 - Access to Financial Services
Section 4 - Empowerment Financing
Section 5 - Ownership & Control
Section 6 - Corporate Social Investment
Financial Services Charter
Notice 997 of 2012
Key aspects of the Sector Code
Scope of Application
Status of this Code
Index for the Financial Sector Code
Index of Code Series
Index for Statements
Code Series FS000: Framework for Measuring Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Statement 000: General Principles and the Scorecard
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Key principles
3. Application of the Financial Sector Code
4. Eligibility as an Exempted
5. Eligibility as a Qualifying ...
6. Start-up Enterprises
7. The Elements of B-BBEE in terms ...
8. The Financial Sector Scorecard
9. Enhanced recognition for ...
10. Framework for the Accreditation ...
11. Transitional period
12. Adjustment of Thresholds
13. Amendments and Duration ...
14. Interpretive Guides / ...
Code Series FS100: Measurement of the Ownership ...
Statement 100: The General Principles ...
1. Objectives of this statement
2. The Ownership Scorecard
3. Key measurement principles
3.1 General principles
3.2 The Flow-through Principle
3.3 Modified Flow-through Principle
3.4 Exclusion of specified ...
3.5 Recogniton of ownership ...
4. Broad-Based Ownership Scheme
5. Private Equity Funds
6. Special rules for certain companies
7. Trusts
8. Options and Share Warrants
9. Equity Instruments carrying preferential rights
10. Net Value
11. The Points for Direct or Indirect ...
12. The Bonus Points
Annexe 100(A): Examples of Mandated ...
Annexe 100(B): Rules on Certain Types ...
Annexe 100(C)
Statement 102: Recognition of the Sale of Assets
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Application
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. Measurement Principles
5. Recognition of Sale of Assets ...
Annexe 102(A)
Statement 103 : The Recognition of ...
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Key measurement principles
3. Recognition of Equity ...
4. Measurement of Equity ...
5. Examples of Equity ...
6. Special Rules on Entities ...
7. Specific Rules on Multinationals
8. Empowerment Financing and Access ...
Annexe 103(A)
Interpretation Note on Code FS100
1. The Ownership Scorecard
2. Illustrative example
2. Illustrative example: Ownership Scorecard of Bank A ...
2. Illustrative example: Ownership Scorecard of Bank A ...
Code Series FS200: Measurement of the ...
1. Objectives of this statement
2. The Management Control scorecard
3. The Board and Common Examples ...
4. Key measurement principles
5. Calculating Compliance
Annexe 200(A)
Code Series FS300: The Measurement of the Employment ...
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Employment Equity Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
Annexe 300(A)
Code Series FS400: The Measurement of Skills Development
1. Objectives of this statement
2. The Skills Development Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. The Learning Programme Matrix
Annexe 400(A)
Code Series FS500: The Measurement of the Procurement Element
1. Objectives of this statement
2. The Preferential Procurement Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. The Calculation of Preferential ...
Annexe 500(A)
Code Series FS600: Measurement of Enterprise Development ...
1. Introduction
Statement 601:
1. Objectives of this statement
2. The Enterprise Development Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. Measurement of Qualifying Contributions
5. The Benefit Factor Matrix
Annexe 600(B)
Annexe 600(C)
Statement 602:
1. Objectives of this statement
2. The Scorecards
3. Definitions, Key Measurement ...
3.1 Empowerment Financing
3.1.1 Targeted Investments (TI)
3.1.2 B-BBEE Transaction Financing
3.2 Enterprise Development for ...
Code Series FS700: Measurement of the Socio ...
1. Objectives of this statement
2. The Socio-Economic Development Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
3. Key Measurement ...
Annexure 700(A): Benefit Factor Matrix
Annexure 700(B)
Code Series FS800: Measurement ...
Statement 800: General Principles
Statement 801: Banking Association
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Scorecard for Access ...
3. Definitions, Standards, Target ...
3.1 Geographic Access
3.2 Banking ...
3.3 Product access
3.4 Loan Obligation ...
3.5 Consumer Education
Statement 802: Long-term Assurers
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Scorecard for Access to Financial ...
3. Products and Product standards
Statement 803: Collective Investment Schemes
Statement 804: Short-Term Insurers
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Scorecard for Access ...
3. Product related Access - ...
Code Series FS900: Framework for Measuring ...
Statement 900: General Principles ...
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Measurement Principles ...
3. The QSFI Scorecard
4. Scoring Methodology
Schedule 1 : Interpretation and ...
1. Interpretation
2. Definitions
Forest Sector Charter
Notice No. 873 of 2009
1. Preamble
2. Scope of application
3. Interpretations
4. Objectives
5. Key principles
5.1 B-BBEE is Broad-based
5.2 B-BBEE is an Inclusive Process
5.3 B-BBEE and Economic Growth
5.4 B-BBEE and Partnerships
5.5 B-BBEE and Good Governance
5.6 Shared Vision for the Industry
6. Sector Challenges
7. B-BBEE Scorecard for the Forest Sector
7.1 Application of the Scorecard
7.2 Instruments to Support B-BBEE Targets
8. Ownership
8.1 Sector Targets
8.2 Additional Instruments
8.2.1 Funding facility
8.2.2 Restructuring of ...
9. Management Control
9.1 Sector Targets
10. Employment Equity
10.1 Sector Targets
11. Skills Development
11.1 Sector Targets
11.2 Additional Instruments
11.2.1 Sector Skills Plan ...
12. Preferential Procurement
12.1 Sector Targets
12.2 Additional Instruments
12.2.1 Industry Codes
13. Enterprise Development
13.1 Sector Targets
13.2 Additional Instruments
13.2.1 Access to funds ...
13.2.2 Capacity building ...
13.2.3 Expedite the authorisation ...
13.2.4 Securing land rights ...
13.2.5 Small grower ...
13.2.6 Access to raw material
14. Socio-economic Development
14.1 Sector Targets
15. Industry Specific Initiatives
15.1 Sector Targets
15.2 Additional Instruments
15.2.1 Integrated planning...
15.2.2 Sawlog growing ...
15.2.3 Forest protection services
15.2.4 Transport infrastructure ...
15.2.5 Anti-dumping measures
15.2.6 Strategy and ...
15.2.7 Expediting restitution ...
15.2.8 Industry structures
15.2.9 Review of levying...
16. Institutional Arrangements
16.1 Charter Council
16.2 Progress Reports and Review
17. Signatories to the Charter
Table 1: Scorecard for Medium ...
1. Ownership
2. Management Control
3. Employment Equity
4. Skills Development
5. Preferential Procurement
6. Enterprise Development
7. Socio-economic Development
Table 2: Scorecard for Qualifying ...
1. Ownership
2. Management Control
3. Employment Equity
4. Skills Development
5. Preferential Procurement
6. Enterprise Development
7. Socio-economic Development
Annexure A:
Streamline and expedite ...
Sawlog growing strategy ...
Forest protection services
Charter Council
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Charter
ICT Sector Code for Black Economic Empowerment
Notice 485 of 2012
Index for the ICT Sector Code
Code Series 000: Framework for Measuring Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Statement 000: General Principles and the Scorecard
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Key principles
3. Application of the ICT Sector CODE
4. Eligibility as an Exempted Micro-Enterprise
5. Eligibility as a Qualifying Small Enterprise
6. Start-up enterprises
7. The Elements of B-BBEE in terms of the Scorecard
8. The ICT Sector Scorecard
9. Enhanced recognition for certain categories of black people
10. Framework for the Accreditation of BEE Verification Agencies
11. Transitional period
12. Adjustment of thresholds
13. Amendments and Duration of the ICT Codes
Statement 004: Scorecards for SPECIALISED Enterprises
1. Objective of this statement
2. General principles
3. The Adjusted Scorecard
4. The Adjusted Qualifying Small Enterprises Scorecard
5. Important Clarification
Code Series 100: Measurement of the Ownership Element of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Statement 100: The General Principles for Measuring Ownership
1. Objectives of this statement
2. The ownership scorecard
3. Key measurement principles
4. Broad-Based Ownership Scheme
5. Private Equity Funds
6. Section 21 companies, companies limited by guarantee
7. Trusts
8. Options and Share Warrants
9. Equity Instruments carrying preference rights
10. Realisation points
11. The bonus points
Statement 102: Recognition in the Sale of Assets
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Application
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. Measurement Principles
5. Recognition of Sale of Assets, Equity Instruments and Business
Statement 103: The Recognition of Equity Equivalents
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Key measurement principles
3. Recognition of Equity Equivalent Programmes
4. Measurement of Equity Equivalent Contributions on the Ownership Scorecard
5. Two Specific Examples of Equity Equivalent Programmes
6. Specific rules on Multinationals
Code Series 200: Measurement of the Management Control Element of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Statement 200: The General Principles for Measuring Management Control
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Management control scorecard
3. Common examples of Top Management
4. Key measurement principles
5. Calculating the Adjusted Recognition for Gender
6. Calculating compliance
Code Series 300: Measurement of the Employment Equity Element of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Statement 300: The General Principles for Measuring Employment Equity
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Employment Equity scorecard
3. Key measurement principles
4. Calculating the Adjusted Recognition for Gender
5. Measurement of the employment equity criteria
Code Series 400: Measurement of the Skills Development Element of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Statement 400: The General Principles for Measuring Skills Development
1. Objectives of this statement
2. The Skills Development Scorecard
3. Key measurement principles
4. Calculating the Adjusted Recognition for Gender
5. Measurement of skills development indicators
6. The Learning Programme Matrix
Code Series 500: Measurement of the Preferential Procurement Element of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Statement 500: The General Principles for Measuring Preferential Procurement
1. Objectives of this statement
2. Preferential Procurement Scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. Black Owned Professional Services Providers and Entrepreneurs
5. Total Measured Procurement Spend
6. Exclusions from Total Measured Procurement Spend
7. Measurement of B-BBEE Procurement Spend
8. The calculation of Preferential Procurement contributions to B-BBEE
Code Series 600: Measurement of Enterprise Development Element of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Statement 600: The General Principles for Measuring Enterprise Development Element
1. Objectives of this statement
2. The Enterprise Development scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. Measurement of Qualifying Contributions
5. The Benefit Factor Matrix
Code Series 700: Measurement of the Socioeconomic Development Elements of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Statement 700: The General Principles for Measuring the Socioeconomic Development Elem
1. Objectives of this statement
2. The SED scorecard
3. Key Measurement Principles
4. Measurement of Socio-Economic Development Contributions
5. The Benefit Factor Matrix
Code Series 800: ICT Codes of Good Practice for Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE's)
1. Statement 800: The Framework for QSEs
2. Statement 801: Ownership for QSEs
3. Statement 802: Management Control for QSEs
4. Statement 803: Employment Equity for QSEs
5. Statement 804: Skills Development for QSE's
6. Statement 805: Preferential Procurement for QSEs
7. Statement 806: Enterprise Development for QSEs
8. Statement 807: Socio-economic Development Contributions for QSE's
Schedule 1 : Interpretation and Definitions
Transport Sector Codes
Notice No. 1162 of 2009
Bus Commuter and Coach Services Sub-Sector Code
1. Introduction and Background
1.1 Scope of the Sub-sector code
1.2 Duration of the Bus ...
1.3 Challenges facing ...
1.4 The role of the Bus Commuter..
2. Vision to Develop a World Class ...
2.1 Vision of the Bus...
2.2 Signatories to this agree ..
2.3 Signatories further ...
2.4 Undertakings from bus ...
2.5 Government undertakings ...
2.6 Labour undertakings ...
2.7 TETA undertakings ...
3. Bus Commuter and Coach ...
3.1 Guiding principles
3.2 Indicators of empowerment
3.2.1 Ownership Guiding Principle Stakeholder ... Measurement Principles
3.2.2 Management Control Guiding Principle Management measures ... Measurement ...
3.2.3 Employment Equity Guiding Principle Employment Equity... Measurement ...
3.2.4 Skills Development Guiding Principle Skills Development Measurement Principles ...
3.2.5 Preferential Procurement Guiding Principle Preferential Procurement Measurement ...
3.2.6 Enterprise Development Guiding Principle Enterprise development... Measurement Principles
3.2.7 Socio-Economic .. Guiding Principle SEO measures ... Measurement Principles ...
4. Bus Broad-Based ...
Foreign Ownership
Employment Equity
Skills Development
Preferential Procurement
Enterprise Development
Socio-Economic Development
5. Qualifying Small Enterprises Scorecared
Management Control
Employment Equity
Skills Development
Preferential Procurement
Enterprise Development Spend
Socio-Economic Development
6. Appendix A: Commitment ...
Taxi Industry Sub-Sector Code
1. Scope of Application
2. Duration of this Sub-Sector Code
3. Vision
3.1 Taxi Industry Support ...
3.2 Guiding Principles
3.3 Government Undertakings
3.4 Labour Undertakings
3.5 TETA Undertakings
4. Current Government Initiatives ...
5. Indicators of Empowerment
6. Taxi Owners and/or Operators
6.1 Evaluation of Taxi Owners ..
6.2 Ownership
6.3 Management Control
6.4 Employment Equity
6.5 Skills Development
6.6 Preferential Procurement
6.7 Enterprise Development
6.8 Socio-Economic Development
7. Taxi Associations
7.1 Ownership
7.2 Management Control
7.3 Employment Equity
7.4 Skills Development
7.5 Preferential Procurement
7.6 Enterprise Development
7.7 Socio-economic Development
Annexure A:
Employment Equity
Skills Development
Preferential Procurement
Enterprise Development
Social-economic development
Annexure B:
Annexure C:
Road Freight Sub-Sector Code
1. Scope of Application
2. Vision
3. Indicators of Empowerment
3.1 Alignment to the Generic Codes
3.2 Ownership
3.3 Management Control
3.4 Employment Equity
3.5 Skills Development
3.6 Preferential Procurement
3.7 Enterprise Development
3.8 Socio-Economic Development
4. Road Freight Sub-Sector ...
Employment Equity
Skills Development
Preferential Procurement
Enterprise Development
Socio-economic Development
5. Qualifying Small Enterprises
Management Control
Employment Equity
Skills Development
Preferential Procurement
Enterprise Development Spend
Socio-Economic Development
Sub-Minimum Target Matrix
6. Appendix A:
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Key Elements of an Owner ...
6.3 Critical Success Factors
6.4 Criteria
6.5 Go Live
6.6 Owner-Driver Contract
6.7 New Legislation
6.8 Benefits
6.9 Problems ...
6.10 Conclusion
7. Appendix B:
Employment Equity
Skills Development
Preferential Procurement
Enterprise Development
Socio-economic Development
Public Sector Sub-Sector Code
1. Scope of Application
2. Department of Transport Undertaking
2.1 Guiding Principles
2.2 Three Pillars of the Scorecard
2.3 Indicators of Empowerment
2.3.1 Elements
2.3.2 Management Control
2.3.3 Employment Equity
2.3.4 Skills Development
2.3.5 Preferential Procurement
2.3.6 Enterprise Development
3. State Owned Enterprise
3.1 Guiding Principles
3.2 Indicators of Empowerment
3.2.1 Ownership
3.2.2 Management Control
3.2.3 Employment Equity
3.2.4 Skills Development
3.2.5 Preferential Procurement
3.2.6 Enterprise Development
3.2.7 Socio-Economic Development
4. Public Sector B-BBEE Scorecard
Employment Equity
Skills Development
Preferential Procurement
Enterprise Development
Socio-Economic Development
5. Appendix A: B-BBEE Status...
6. Appendix B: Enterprise ...
A. Preamble
B. Definitions
C. Categories
D. Formulation of enterprises
E. Enhanced Recognition Determination
F. Criteria for Compliance
G. Measurement Matrix (MM)
7. Appendix C: Learning Programme ...
8. Appendix D: Commitment Evaluation Matrices
Maritime Transport & Services
1. Scope of Application
1.1 Delineation of the Sector
1.2 Exclusions
2. Long-term Vision
2.1 Overarching long-term vision
2.2 Developing a World ...
2.3 Undertakings by all Stakeholders
2.4 National Government ...
2.5 Labour Undertakings
2.6 TETA Undertakings
3. Indicators of Empowerment
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Ownership
3.2.1 Guiding Principle
3.2.2 Foreign Ownership
3.2.3 Private Industry commits
3.2.4 Funding Mechanisms
3.2.5 Measuring Principles and the Application of the Charter
3.3 Management Control
3.3.1 Guiding Principle
3.3.2 Private Industry
3.3.3 Measurement Principles
3.4 Employment Equity
3.4.1 Guiding Principle
3.4.2 Private Industry
3.4.3 TETA commits to:
3.4.4 Labour Standards
3.4.5 All Stakeholders commit
3.4.6 Measurement Principles
3.5 Skills Development
3.5.1 Guiding Principles
3.5.2 Private Industry ...
3.5.3 TETA commits to:
3.5.4 Measurement Principles
3.6 Preferential Procurement
3.6.1 Guiding Principle
3.6.2 Private Industry ...
3.6.3 Measurement Principles
3.7 Enterprise Development
3.7.1 Guiding Principle
3.7.2 Private Industry
3.7.3 TETA commits to:
3.7.4 Measurement Principles
3.7.5 Sector Specific..
3.8 Socio-Economic Development
3.8.1 Guiding Principle
3.8.2 All Stakeholders commit to:
3.8.3 Maritime Awareness - Guiding Principle
3.8.4 Measurement Principles
4. Maritime Transport
Foreign Ownership
Employment Equity
Skills Development
Preferential Procurement
Enterprise Development
Socio-Economic Development
5. Qualifying Small Enter...
Management Control
Employment Equity
Skills Development
Preferential Procurement
Enterprise Development
Socio-Economic Development
Appendix A: Commitment
Forwarding and Clearing Sub-Sector Code
1. Scope of App...
2. Long Term Vision
2.1 Overarching long-term vision
2.2 Developing a World Class ...
2.3 Undertakings by all ...
2.4 National Government
2.5 Labour Undertakings
2.6 TETA undertakings ...
3. Indicators of Empowerment
3.1 Ownership
3.1.1 Vision
3.1.2 Guiding ...
3.1.3 Stakeholders Undertakings
3.1.4 Government Commits ...
3.1.5 Funding Mechanisms
3.1.6 Measurement Principles
3.2 Management Control
3.2.1 Guiding Principle
3.2.2 Stakeholder undertakings
3.2.3 Measurement Principles
3.3 Employment Equity
3.3.1 Guiding Principle
3.3.2 Private Industry ...
3.3.3 Measurement Principles ...
3.3.4 Government commits to:
3.4 Skills Development
3.4.1 Guiding Principle
3.4.2 Stakeholder Undertakings
3.4.3 Private Industry Commits to:
3.4.4 TETA Commits to:
3.4.5 Measurement Principles
3.5 Preferential Procurement
3.5.1 Guiding Principle
3.5.2 Stakeholder Undertakings
3.5.3 Measurement Principles
3.6 Enterprise Development
3.6.1 Guiding Principle
3.6.2 Stakeholder Undertakings
3.6.3 TETA Commits to:
3.6.4 Measurement Principles
3.7 SocioEconomic Development
3.7.1 Guiding Principle
3.7.2 All Stakeholders ...
3.7.3 Awareness Campaign
3.7.4 Labour Standards
3.7.5 Measurement Principles
4. Forwarding & Clearing Scorecard
Foreign Ownership
Local Based Operations
Employment Equity
Skills Development
Preferential Procurement
Enterprise Development
Socio-economic Development
5. Forwarding and Clearing Qualifying Small ...
6. Appendix B: Commitment Evaluation Matrices
Employment Equity
Skills Development
Preferential Procurement
Enterprise Development
Socio-economic Development
Rail Sub-Sector Code for BBBEE
1. Scope of Application
2. Vision
2.1 Overarching Vision
2.2 National Government Undertakings
2.3 Labour Undertakings
2.4 TETA Undertakings
3. Indicators of Empowerment
3.1 Rail Sub-sector Code and ...
3.2 Ownership
3.2.1 Guiding Principles
3.2.2 Private Industry Commits to:
3.2.3 Measurement Principles
3.3 Management Control
3.4 Employment Equity
3.4.1 Guiding Principle
3.4.2 Private Industry
3.4.3 TETA commits to:
3.4.4 Measurement Principles
3.5 Skills Development
3.5.1 Guiding ...
3.5.2 Private Industry ...
3.5.3 TETA Commits...
3.5.4 Measurement Principles and Application of the Charter
3.6 Preferential Procurement
3.6.1 Guiding Principle
3.6.2 Private Industry Commits to:
3.6.3 All Stakeholders commit to:
3.6.4 Measurement Principles
3.7 Enterprise Development
3.7.1 Guiding Principle
3.7.2 Private Industry ...
3.7.3 TETA commits to:
3.7.4 Measurement Principles
3.8 Social-economic Development
3.8.1 Guiding Principles
3.8.2 Stakeholders ...
3.8.3 Measurement Principles
4. Rail Sub-Sector B-BBEE Scorecard
Employment Equity
Skills Development
Preferential Procurement
Enterprise Development
Socio-economic Development
5. Qualifying Small Enterprises ...
6. Appendix A: Commitment Evaluation ...
Skills Development
Preferential Procurement
Enterprise Development
Domestic Aviation Sub-Sector
1. Scope
2. Vision
2.1 Overarching Vision
2.2 Government Undertakings
2.3 Labour Undertakings
3. Indicators of Empowerment
3.1 Duration of this Sub-Sector
3.2 Equity Ownership
3.2.1 Vision
3.2.2 Stakeholders Commit to:
3.2.3 Foreign Owned Entities
3.2.4 Government Under...
3.2.5 Private Sector ...
3.2.6 Measurement Principles
3.3 Management ...
3.4 Employment Equity
3.4.1 Vision
3.4.2 Government ...
3.4.3 Private Sector...
3.4.4 TETA/THETA commits to:
3.4.5 Measurement Principles...
3.5 Skills Development
3.5.1 Vision
3.5.2 Government ...
3.5.3 All Stakeholders commit to:
3.5.4 Private Sector Commits to:
3.5.5 TETA commits to:
3.5.6 Measurement Principles
3.6 Preferential Procurement
3.6.1 Vision
3.6.2 Private Sector commits to:
3.6.3 Measurement Principles ...
3.7 Enterprise Development
3.7.1 Vision
3.7.2 Government Commits to:
3.7.3 The Private Industry Commits to:
3.7.4 Measurement Principles ...
3.8 Socio-economic Development
3.8.1 All Stakeholders commit to:
3.8.2 Measurement Principles ...
4. Domestic Aviation BEE Scorecard
Employment Equity
Skills Development
Preferential Procurement
Enterprise Development
Socio-economic Development
5. Qualifying Small Enterprises ...
Annexure A: Procurement List:
Marketing, Advertising and Communication (MAC) Sector Charter
Notice No. 924 of 2008
1. Proposed MAC Transformation Charter
Values Statement
Annexure A : Stakeholder Transformation Charters
Annexure B : Proposed Mac Industry Scorecard
Part One : Generic Scorecard
1. Ownership
2. Management
3. Employment equity
4. Skills Development
5. Preferential ...
6. Enterprise ...
7. Socio-economic ...
Part Two : Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSEs) Scorecard
2. Constitution of the MAC SA
1. Preamble
2. Name
3. Objective
4. Composition
5. Accountability
6. Duration of Tenure
7. Meetings
8. Financial Management
9. Disqualification
10. Amendment to MAC SA's Constitution
11. Dissolution
12. Indemnity and Liability
3. Constitution of the MAC Charter Council
1. Preamble
2. Name
3. Objective
4. Functions
5. Composition
6. Accountability
7. Duration of Tenure
8. Meetings
9. Funding
10. Financial Management
11. Disqualification
12. Amendment to the MAC Transformation Charter's Constitution
13. Dissolution
14. Indemnity and Liability
Annexure C : Funding and Budget
Annexure D : Charter Council Members' Abridged CVs
Signatories to the Charter
Charter Pledge
Mining Sector Charter
Notice No. 838 of 2010
1. Objectives
2. Elements of the Mining Charter
2.1 Ownership
2.2 Procurement and Enterprise Development
2.3 Beneficiation
2.4 Employment Equity
2.5 Human Resource Development
2.6 Mine Community Development
2.7 Housing and Living Conditions
2.8 Sustainable Development and Growth of the Mining Industry
2.9 Reporting (Monitoring and Evaluation)
3. Non-Compliance
4. Amendments
Scorecard for the South African Mining Industry
Reporting Template
Category: Human Resource Development
Category: Employment Equity
Notice No. 1639 of 2004
Annexure A : Scorecard
1. Scope of Application
2. Interpretation
3. Objectives
4. Undertakings
4.1 Human Resource Development
4.2 Employment Equity
4.3 Migrant Labour
4.4 Mine Community and Rural Development
4.5 Housing and Living Conditions
4.6 Procurement
4.7 Ownership and Joint Ventures
4.8 Beneficiation
4.9 Exploration and Prospecting
4.10 State Assets
4.11 Licensing
4.12 Financing Mechanism
4.13 Regulatory Framework and Industry Agreement
4.14 Consultation, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting
Property Sector Charter
Notice 450 of 2012
1. Preamble
2. The Challenges Facing the Property Sector
3. Objectives of the Property Sector Charter
4. Scope of Application
5. Focus of Application
6. Role of Council
7. Monitoring and Reporting
8. Ownership
9. Management Control
10. Employment Equity
11. Learnerships
12. Preferential Procurement
13. Enterprise Development
14. Socio-Economic Development
15. Economic Development
16. Complex Structure
17. Gender Transformation
18. Regulatory Issues
19. The Scorecard
20. Members of the Property Charter Council Are:
21. Property Sector Charter Scorecard
22. Definitions
Complex Structure Calculation Matrix
Amended Property Sector Code
Notice No. 560 of 2017
1. Preamble
2. The Challenges Facing the Property Sector
3. Gender Transformation
4. Objectives of the Amended Property Sector Code
5. Regulatory Issues
6. Scope of Application
7. Focus of Application
8. Elegibility as an Exempted Micro Enterprise (EME)
9. Eligibility as a Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE)
10. The Amended Property Sector Code Scorecard
11. The B-BBEE Amended Property Sector Code QSE Scorecard
12. The B-BBEE Amended Property Sector Code Generic Scorecard
13. Role of Council
14. Monitoring and Reporting
Statement 000: General Principles and General Scorecard as applied to the Amended Property Sector Code
1. Objectives of this Statement
2. Key Principles
3. Application of the Codes
4. Start-up Enterprise
5. Duration of the B-BBEE Codes
6. Ownership
7. Management Control
8. Employment Equity
9. Skills Development
10. Enterprise and Supplier Development
11. Socio-Economic Development
12. Economic Development
13. Complex Structure
14. Complex Structure and Priority Elements
15. The Scorecard
16. Members of the Property Charter Council are:
17. Definitions
Tourism Sector Charter
Notice No. 583 of 2009
1. Preamble
2. Our Commitment
3. The Legacy
4. Sustainability
5. Objectives of the Tourism Sector Codes
6. Development of the Tourism Scorecard
7. Scope of Application
8. Generic Tourism Scorecard
9. Qualifying Small Enterprises Scorecard
Sector Codes
Defence Sector Code, 2018 [Replaced by Defence Sector Code, 2019]
Defence Sector Code, 2019
Notice No. 567 of 2019
1. Preamble
2. Vision
3. Mission
4. Interpretations and Definitions
5. Objectives
6. Challenges facing the SADI
7. Commitment
8. Application
9. Key Principles
10. Priority Elements, Sub-Minimum and Discounting Principle
11. Eligibility as an exempted Micro-Enterprise
12. Eligibility as a Qualifying Small Enterprise
13. Start-up Enterprises
14. The Defence Sector Scorecard
15. B-BBEE Recognition Levels
16. Elements of the Defence Sector Code: Large Entities Scorecard
16.1 Ownership
16.2 Management Control
16.3 Skills Development
16.4 Enterprise and Supplier Development
16.5 Localisation
16.6 Socio-Economic Development
17. Elements of the Defence Sector Code: Specialised Defence Sector Scorecard for Organs of State, Public Entities and not for Profit Companies
18. Elements of the Defence Sector Code: The Qualifying Small Enterprises Defence Scorecard
19. Defence Sector Charter Council
20. Monitoring and Evaluation
21. Review of the Sector Code
22. Effective Date
Verification Manual
Notice No. 776 of 2008
Verification of and Reporting B-BBEE in terms of the Codes of Good Practice
Authority, Application and Structure of the Verification Manual
1. Definitions
2. Scope of Application of this Manual
3. Purpose of Verification
4. Effective Date
5. Objective
6. Standards of Ethical Conduct & Requirements
7. Quality Control
8. Agreeing on Terms of Engagement
9. Outsourcing
10. Guidelines for Performing Verification
11. Professional Scepticism/ Due Diligence
12. Materiality and Verification Risk
13. Sampling
14. Evidence
15. Fronting
16. Documentation
17. Reporting Requirements
18. Appendices-Certificates
19. Other Reporting Responsibilities
20. Withdrawing from the Verification
21. Minimum Procedures
Memorandum of Understanding (2020)
Notice No. 1077 of 2020
Memorandum of Understanding
1. Preamble
2. Definitions
3. Purpose
4. Guidelines for Mutual Assistance
5. Principles of Co-operation
6. Guidelines for the Disclosure of Information
7. Training and Investigations
8. Commencement and Termination
9. Unsolicited Information
10. Permissible Uses and Confidentiality
11. Annexures to this MOU
12. Settlement of Disputes
13. Review and Amendment
14. Good Faith
15. Compliance with POPI
Interpretation and Definitions
Part 1 : Interpretation
Part 2 : Definitions
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