Gold Membership
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)Codes of Good Practice on Black Economic EmpowermentIntegrated Transport Sector CodesMaritime Transport & Services Industry Sub-Sector Code for B-BBEE2. Long-term Vision2.4 National Government Undertakings (to achieve the vision): |
2.4.1 | Over and above the above, Government is committed towards developing South Africa into a leading maritime nation by adopting a more active stance and increasing its advocacy around maritime matters and the proposed Ship South African Campaign. |
2.4.2. | Continue to create an environment that is conducive for the country to substantially increase its trade (exports and imports) with the rest of the world. Recognising that the level of trade is the main driver of growth and, therefore, job creation in our industry. Key elements of an enabling environment for trade include: trade promotion; enhancing feeder and inland transport connections; improving the quality of available maritime infrastructure & superstructure and restructuring to ensure reliability and cost effectiveness of port operations. |
2.4.3 | Resolve legislative and fiscal restrictions, which have a negative impact on the competitiveness of the South African Maritime Industry. |
2.4.4 | Use its leverage in the industry to incentivise all stakeholders to achieve the objectives of this Sub-Sector Code. |
2.4.5 | Set up structures that will ensure inter-governmental co-ordination between departments to align their programmes with the Transport sector wide and MT & SI B-BBEE Sub-Sector Code processes. Examples of cross-cutting issues that require interventions across government departments and agencies include: | | The Department of Trade & Industry's (DTI) Maritime Industry Strategy; | | Discussions with the National Treasury to address fiscal issues e.g. tonnage tax; | | Department of Foreign Affairs - Free Trade Agreements; | | The Department of Labour and the Transport Education and Training Authority to monitor compliance with the Employment Equity and Skills Development Act; | | The countrywide shortage of engineers and artisans across all disciplines; and | | Increasing awareness within the transport sector about available government investment incentives and grants; | | Monitoring of stakeholder achievements in terms of the indicators in the MT & SI Scorecard. |
2.4.6 | Convene a stakeholder forum to investigate the scale of B-BBEE opportunities in the MT & SI. The stakeholder forum will also: | | Engage public and private funding institutions to highlight opportunities in the sector; | | Make proposals on financing mechanisms; and | | Investigate, together with stakeholders in other Transport sub-sectors, the feasibility of setting up a Transport Sector Bank. |
2.4.7 | Engage public and private sector funding agencies to develop innovative funding mechanisms for B-BBEE compliant or black-owned enterprises seeking to invest in the sector. This will require a high-level workshop with these agencies and major black-owned and B-BBEE compliant companies to inform them about opportunities that will emerge in the MT & SI following the adoption of this Sub-Sector Code. |
2.4.8 | Increase awareness among B-BBEE companies in the transport sector about investment and matching grants, tax allowances and other incentives that are provided by the DTI and The Enterprise Organisation (TEO) and investigate the possibility of motivating for new products that take into account the unique nature of the maritime industry. |
2.4.9 | Ensure that the restructuring of Ports to effect new institutional arrangements and to increase the international competitiveness of ports, port operations and services must proceed in a manner that results in an increase in black participation at all levels - in ownership, management, employment and the procurement of services and goods and to increase the international competitiveness of the ports, port operations and services. The restructuring of port operations must not result in a reversal of B-BBEE gains made by the Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) and Transnet Port Terminals (TPT). Public sector contributions to B-BBEE will be measured against the Public Sector Sub-Sector Code. |
2.4.10 | Enforce and monitor compliance with existing legislation that may impact on B-BBEE such as the Employment Equity, Skills Development and Competition Acts. |
2.4.11 | Publish an annual report on B-BBEE within the MT & SI that consolidates various reports and information from all stakeholders. Stakeholders will use this report to review progress at an annual Transport Industry B-BBEE Forum. |