Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)Codes of Good Practice on Black Economic EmpowermentIntegrated Transport Sector CodesMaritime Transport & Services Industry Sub-Sector Code for B-BBEE3. Indicators of Empowerment3.5 Skills Development3.5.2 Private Industry undertakes to: | | Invest at least 5% of payroll or the leviable amount (whichever is applicable) on skills development initiatives within the next 5 years. The target is inclusive of all associated costs and the current 1% skills development levy. Fifty percent - 50% of the beneficiaries of these initiatives should be black women. | | Invest at least 0.5% of payroll on skills development initiatives for black people living with disabilities, over and above the 1% skills levy within the next 5 years. 50% of the beneficiaries of these initiatives should be black women living with disabilities. Black employees having participated in Learnerships or Category B, C or D programmes being 5% of the total employees 50% of the beneficiaries of these initiatives should be black women. | | Identify within and outside their companies a talent pool of black people for accelerated development through: | | International assignments that provide high-quality operational and managerial exposure, where appropriate; | | Mentorship programmes; | | Learnerships; | | Intra-industry exchange and internship programmes; and | | Higher education and training. | | Measured entities qualifying as QSEs to invest 2% of the leviable or payroll whichever is applicable on skills development expenditure on learning programmes for black employees. 50% of this amount to be spend on learning programmes for black women employees. |