Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)Codes of Good Practice on Black Economic EmpowermentIntegrated Transport Sector CodesB-BBEE Sub-Sector Code for Public Sector - Transport2. Department of Transport Undertaking2.3 Indicators of Empowerment2.3.4 Skills Development | Guiding Principle | Our objective is to increase the economic value added (or productivity) of every employee in the Department through best-practice Human Resource Development (HRD), Employment Equity and Gender policies. A key element will be to identify the critical skills required to fulfil the Department's vision and mission and create a conducive environment for all employees to develop their talent to the fullest. This is congruent with ASGISA which seeks to raise the skill level in areas needed by the economy. | The Public Sector commits to: | Increase our intake of unemployed people to at least 10% of our staff complement and develop PEPs to provide them with the skills required to become productive employees within the economy as a whole. This will require the development of effective mentoring programmes to ensure that the new intakes obtain meaningful work experience and exposure. | | Within 3 years, invest at least 5% of the total leviable amount or payroll cost (whichever is applicable) on learning programmes identified in the Learning Programme Matrix contained in Code 400 of the B-BBEE Generic Codes of Good Practice. This includes the current 1% skills development levy as well as all associated training costs, but excludes the department's expenditure on Centres of Excellence. | | Invest a minimum of 0.50% of the leviable amount or payroll cost (whichever is applicable) on the training of black people with disabilities on Learning Programmes Contained in Code 400 of the B-BBEE Generic Codes of Good Practice. | | The training budget will be spent equitably to develop staff at all levels and strike a balance between specific job-related training and training for personal development. Training programmes will align PEPs with the strategic imperatives of the department. Efforts will be made to improve the quality of skills development expenditure to ensure that it adds real value to employees. | Criteria and targets:
The skills development element will comprise the following criteria and targets: | Expenditure on skills development for Black people as a percentage of total payroll, for which the target will be 3%. | | Skills Spend on Black Women employees as a percentage of total payroll, for which the target will be 3%. | | Skills Spend on Black disabled employees as a percentage of total payroll, for which the target will be 0.5%. | | Skills Spend on Black Women disabled employees as a percentage of total payroll, for which the target will be 0.25%. | | Black employees participating in category B, C & D Learning Programmes as a percentage of the total work force, for which the target will be 5%. | | Black Women employees participating in category B, C & D Learning Programmes as a percentage of the total work force, for which the target will be 3%. | Measurement Principles and Application of the Sub-Sector Code | Measurement principles associated with the skills development element, are contained in Statement 400 of Code 400 of the B-BBEE Generic Codes of Good Practice. | | The formulae required in the determination of the skills development score are contained in Annexure 400 (A)-B of Statement 400 of Code 400 of the B-BBEE Generic Codes of Good Practice. The formula for the determination of the Adjusted Recognition for Gender found in Annexure 400 (A)-A, will not apply. |